"there they are!"

Sixty minutes after Dawn-3 landed, on the "Gateway" space station, Jeremy had already found the location of the Qom impact crater.

If they had arrived an hour earlier, they would have even been able to see the guidance light emitted by the Shuguang-2 lander.

Wiseman is staying in the HALO cabin at this time-actually, it is more suitable to be called a node cabin, there is almost no space here.

Victor and Koch had entered the Blue Moon half an hour ago and had just closed the hatch.

He was overseeing the vacuuming of Blue Moon's interior, a necessary step before landing.

It is indeed relatively simple to fill the lander with air in advance, but if it encounters severe vibrations or other accidents during descent, causing the hatch to deform and leak gas, it may lead to serious danger.

The moon has no atmosphere, and the air pressure close to 1 standard atmosphere is extremely powerful and unimaginably destructive.

The internal space of "Blue Moon" is larger than that of "Full Moon", but because it is equipped with a more powerful vacuum machine, it can drain all the air in as fast as 8 minutes.

Soon, the interior of "Blue Moon" entered a vacuum state.

Wiseman looked at the time and it was almost time.

"are you ready?"


Victor and Koch are both ready, and "Blue Moon" has already entered the state.

"HLS Disconnect!"

Since Dawn 3 has not yet left the cabin, there are quite a few people watching the Artemis 2 mission, and many people are watching at the same time.

This scene of two lunar landing missions being carried out almost simultaneously will definitely become a scene worth recording in human history.

"Blue Moon" detached from HALO's side interface, and the nitrogen propulsion system automatically started, allowing it to slowly float toward the orbit.

Cheers already erupted in the command center in Houston.

Even though it was a little late, it was still worth making everyone happy when the official landing started.

Due to its running direction, "Blue Moon" needed to turn around and then start decelerating. It was equipped with quite sufficient fuel and completed this process smoothly.

After finding the precise direction, the BE-7 engine at the tail began to start at full power. The unique light blue tail flame of the methane fuel engine stayed in the "Portal" camera for more than ten seconds, and then quickly disappeared.

At 19:34 Beijing time, Zhang Zhiguang, who had rested in the lander for 100 minutes, felt almost ready.

He and Fang Lin took a nap for half an hour after eating. Miraculously, at such an exciting moment, they not only fell asleep quickly, but the quality of their sleep was also extremely high. After waking up, their bodies felt full of energy.

The ground just watched them quietly. The entire lander was silent except for the sound of the electrical system operating. It was impossible for any factors to interfere with them on the moon.

"Command center, I am Dong Yao. We are in good health now and apply to leave the cabin for walking."

"The command center understands and approves the action; please prepare supplies and vacuum the cabin before leaving the cabin, and handle it according to the actual situation. Complete."

"Dongyao understands."

While Zhang Zhiguang was communicating with the ground, Fang Lin was taking down various materials and equipment that were to be moved out of the cabin. 14 was also unchained, but now it is sitting obediently in the corner, with three "people" "It's too crowded here, so he just needs to be the talkative one.

[Commander, I will stay here to farm. Can you bring me some pepper seeds when you come next time? I want to use them as snacks]

[Actually, I am not lonely at all on the moon. I have many small animal friends, such as a rabbit that looks like a spider. Although it is a spider, it is actually a rabbit. 】

[I can modify the lunar rover and find the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission in about a month and then find Neil's footprints. This will give mankind a shock. 】



Fang Lin finally couldn't help but look at Zhang Zhiguang. After landing, 14 had nothing to do, so he offered to turn on the companion mode and tell some jokes to relieve loneliness, and they were all new jokes automatically generated by AI, so they agreed.

I don’t know if it alleviates loneliness, but it’s really cold, and the AI ​​jokes always feel a bit weird.

"14. Exit companion mode."

[Okay, one last thing, you can apply to Xinyuan Company to remotely update the voice package and personality settings. I can also provide better services. 】

Without the robot telling funny jokes, the cabin suddenly became much quieter.

The two of them worked for more than ten minutes and confirmed that there was nothing they needed to take out.

At 19:50, the two put on their helmets, pulled down their masks, and confirmed to each other that the seal was intact.

Zhang Zhiguang pulled the exhaust switch and reported to the ground on the radio:

"Command center, we will conduct extravehicular activities in 10 to 15 minutes.

Repeat, we will conduct EVA in 10 to 15 minutes. "

In the ground command center, Academician She stood up again.

"Dong Yao, Dong Liang, please pay attention to safety. If you encounter any situation, you can cancel the mission."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Ju and found that the latter had sneakily hid in a corner.

Why are you sitting so far away?

Academician She muttered in his mind, then picked up the red old-fashioned telephone on the table, and the call was connected within a few seconds.


It was the authoritative voice of a superior.

"This is Qiongzhou. The extravehicular walking mission of the Shuguang-3 lunar landing mission has been confirmed. Please confirm whether the call quality is good."

"Very good, I heard you very clearly. Please continue to perform the EVA mission. I am waiting for your good news with many people in Huashan."

"Qiongzhou understands!"

Academician She put down the phone and gently clenched his fists without moving. The final tasks could only be completed by the two astronauts on the moon. All the ground could do was monitor.


"Koch, Koch, what happened?"

Fifty-five minutes after "Blue Moon" began to descend, Victor heard the buzzer in the headset, and the lights on the control panel flashed rapidly.

Christina, who was getting closer, opened her eyes wide and discovered the source of the alarm.

"The sensor is a pressure sensor!"


Victor didn't understand for a moment. If the flight attitude was not still normal, he should have started the escape procedure.

The escape procedure of "Blue Moon" is very simple. It is to increase the thrust of the engine to break away from the descent process and re-enter orbit, and then actively find or search for the spacecraft to dock. As long as it does not explode on the spot, you can basically escape.

Koch: "It's the canister that's leaking, and its sensor is now detecting a loss of pressure and is sending an alarm."

Victor came to his senses. The leaking liquid oxygen tank had puzzled Wiseman for a long time. Even though there was no gas at all, it still showed pressure. Now it finally became normal.

That's good, this can only be regarded as a small shock, just ignore the sensor.

Victor used the calmness of a pilot to refocus his attention on the control panel and continued the landing procedure.

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