"Since no impact was detected for five minutes, the engine should have been restarted successfully, but normally as long as it can enter orbit, it will definitely not risk landing again."

Lin Ju watched the whole process silently, and also asked the base to conduct detection using its own satellites and explorer robots. There is no result yet.

Yun Hongjun: "Can you find a way to use radar to find it?"

Academician She shook his head: "The command module of Shuguang-3 and Wutu Space Station are now on the shady side, so the radar cannot be used. The radars on those satellites cannot detect this little thing. It will be at least an hour before the radar has a scanning window. ”

"Why did the engine stop? There are still some disadvantages to this single engine. Once it fails, it will be too dangerous."

"We can't use their experience to trick us. 'Lan Yue' is too anxious, and it will definitely be more complicated to adopt the integrated posture from the beginning... Xiaolin, what do you think?"

Lin Ju: "NACA hasn't resumed live broadcasts yet. I guess the situation is not good. Let's leave him alone for now. We can't disrupt our own plans. The possibility of an unexpected rescue is extremely low."

Academician She and Yun Hongjun both nodded. The former thought about it and finally did not rush the two astronauts.



The superior listened for a while, his face gradually becoming serious.

After thinking briefly, he whispered a few more instructions, then picked up his notebook and started writing a eulogy - there was not enough time, accidents could happen at any time, and you must be prepared.

Various participating representatives who were waiting for the highlight moment of their superiors also saw this scene. The two closest to them hurriedly came over to ask what happened.

The superior thought about it and realized that it was Ami's family's business anyway, so it didn't matter if he talked about it.

"14, hold me up."

Explorer 9, which was remotely controlled by 14, landed on all four legs and firmly grasped the bottom flagpole with a base in a standing posture.

Zhang Zhiguang connected the UPS mobile power supply to the drill rod sandwiched inside the flagpole, and then pressed the flagpole with the explorer. The drill rod inside immediately began to spiral downward, drilling into the lunar soil to a depth of about 1.4m and then began to drill the mechanical structure. Tightened under the influence, the hollow drill pipe twisted and deformed to both sides, and got stuck in the lunar soil.

This is actually an oversized self-entering expansion screw. Once it is nailed in, you can't move it.

The other five parts had already been moved out by Fang Lin. The two collaborated again and fixed the second flagpole in only seven or eight minutes.

Then I carefully took out the two bright cured flags from the aluminum foil paper. They were not wrinkled like the ones Ami had inserted back then. Instead, the surface was very smooth. The technology had obviously improved a lot.

Attach them to the wire on either side and snap them into the rails - perfect.

The Chinese audience who saw this scene through the camera facing the flagpole had to stand up based on muscle memory.

It is now 20:37, and it seems that the two of them are moving very quickly.

But there is one very important thing left.

Zhang Zhiguang and Fang Lin walked to the gangway together and worked together to pick up a large box that was about half a person tall, slightly narrower than they were wearing spacesuits, and wrapped in gold foil.

The two carefully grabbed the handle, chose to walk slowly instead of jumping up and down the flagpole, and gently put down the box.

The gold foil and disposable handles on the box were removed, revealing a square, milky white box that gave off a soft glow in the sunlight.

Fang Lin pulled out four support frames from under the box and gently pressed the pop-up metal rods above. The four support frames were fixed in place by ground nails.

He stood up, flipped the switch on the side of the box, and stepped back.

The metal cover on the box began to fold forward 240 degrees, displaying the inner layer to the outside world. A poem was engraved on it. The font was gold-plated and could be stored for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, a life-size bust rose from the box until it was fully exposed.

There are also folding sections inside the box, and when raised, the height reaches 2.2 meters, which makes it look very tall.

Zhang Zhiguang turned on the live audio and read aloud:

"You can go up to the nine heavens to catch the moon, you can go down to the five oceans to catch turtles, and you can return with laughter and triumphant songs."

Fang Lin continued:

"Nothing is difficult in this world, as long as you are willing to climb."

The sculpture is naturally hollow, but the surface on the moon looks as soft and shiny as jade on the earth. It can be seen how much effort the person who created it put in, but it is all worth it now.

The two of them stood under the statue respectively, facing the live camera more than ten meters away.

"Command center, Dawn is ready, requesting the next mission."

"Ground approved!"

Under the flagpole that just fills the height of the frame, two astronauts with golden filters pulled down stand closely together with the bust.

"On behalf of the Manned Space Office, the Space Development Commission, and the Space Administration, I officially announce that my country's long-term lunar scientific research station: the 'Guanghan Palace-1' lunar base has officially started construction. This is a brand new step for mankind to explore extraterrestrial objects. step.

This is the crystallization of the wisdom of thousands of workers in our country. We welcome and call on all mankind to join this process and accelerate the journey to the star sea in the 21st century...


Zhang Zhiguang, who had memorized the memorized script before the launch of the rocket, announced it to the whole world through television broadcasts with verbatim accuracy and a solemn tone.

In fact, if we really want to say it, the Shuguang 2 lander is already part of the Guanghan Palace No. 1 base, but it has to be truly meaningful if people go up there.

Zhang Zhiguang has finished reading the manuscript, and the following is the voice from the earth.

The superiors waited for a long time but did not receive news of the crash of Artemis 2. They thought it was probably out of danger, so there was no need to make a transoceanic call to express condolences.

Now his voice will be launched from Huayin into space and then forwarded to the moon. When the audience watching the live broadcast hears it, it will be 3 seconds later.

"Zhang Zhiguang, Fang Lin, I say hello to you from Huayin City."

After waiting for a few seconds, the two people on the moon waved and responded.

"You have achieved historical achievements that we have never had before. This is great and remarkable. It is of great significance to the whole world. The people of our country and the people of the world are proud of your achievements.

…………(omit a large paragraph)

Next, members of many countries who are here with me to bless you will also express their congratulations to you. "

The microphone was handed over to others in the Huayin venue.

"Dear Davarish..."

"Reliable friend of the East, I..."


One or a few sentences, but the time when it was finished has already reached 20.55 minutes. Anyway, so many people cheered for the first moon landing, and Dawn 3 had more cards than Apollo 11.

After two minutes, move on to the last item.

Zhang Zhiguang stood next to the lifter of the flagpole and shouted with all his strength:

"The flag-raising ceremony begins!"

Everyone at the Huayin venue stood up, everyone at the Qiongzhou launch site stood up, and countless people across the country and overseas also stood up in front of the big and small screens.

There was no accompaniment. The astronauts began to sing together after the beginning. There were only their voices in the live broadcast, but people knew that at least hundreds of millions of people were singing with them.

In the Presidential Palace, John subconsciously grabbed the chair and was about to stand up, but was caught in time by the sharp-eyed James.

When the astronaut's song ended, John took a moment to come to his senses.

Wait, today is Independence Day. Independence Day. Are there any Yankees singing along?

Just when he discovered the New World, he suddenly saw people from the Air Force Intelligence Room hurried in with ugly faces.

"Report from Houston, Artemis Two is in trouble."

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