"Log name: system

Source: DistributedCOM

Level: Warning

User: Artemis II HLS F1

Operation code: 000 # 38F

... "

In the B-level base, a group of system engineers are analyzing the reasons for the crash of "Blue Moon".

Of course, this is not a random guess, but a restoration of the fault conditions at that time through the "Blue Moon" black box and other storage devices.

Everyone was very interested in the cause of the Blue Moon accident. 14 spent half a day with Explorer 9 to dismantle the lander wreckage, find other electronic components including the black box, and conduct cracking analysis.

Probably because NACA did not believe that there would be aliens competing for the black box, the information was barely encrypted and was quickly read.

This behavior made Academician She feel a little disdainful, and then he asked that a copy of the results be given to the space agency.

A lot of information was still pried out from Victor and Koch, including the malfunction of "Blue Moon" before landing and the performance during landing:

Leaking the liquid oxygen storage tank pipeline aside, a large-area subsystem power outage and engine shutdown during landing are definitely extremely serious accidents, but the possibility of problems occurring at the same time is very low, so it is most likely that a serious failure caused a chain reaction.

Through the lander data sent by NACA, the base followed the instructions of the black box to investigate one by one, and soon made a discovery.

While Congress was still discussing how to retrieve the black box, the base took the lead and thoroughly understood the cause of the accident.

"The source of everything is indeed the leakage of this pipeline."

Academician She sat with the space agency experts who were still at the base and listened to Guo Shen’s summary of the accident findings:

"The Artemis 2 astronauts said they plugged the leaking valve, but that actually only fixed one leak, and we think there was a leak somewhere where it was connected to the tank.

So why would an empty can that has leaked cause a serious accident? Then I have to say that in fact, a lot of liquid oxygen was not lost and is still in the lander. "

Guo Shen retrieved the lander data sent by NACA and has now made a cross-sectional view for easy understanding:

"We all know that the purpose of Blue Moon is to be reusable many times, so they used an inner and outer double-layer structure when designing the crew cabin. There are two modules between the part where the crew lives and the lander. This design is both It can reduce vibration during use and ensure that the personnel cabin is extremely strong, so it remains intact during an emergency landing, has good air tightness, and the cabin door can be opened independently."

The experts in the audience all nodded. This design is indeed very clever and reduces the risk of external damage to the entire lander causing damage to the internal cabin.

"The problem lies in this compartment. A large part of the leaked liquid oxygen was poured into the compartment. It took at least ten hours to slowly leak out. And we know that there must be quite a lot of leakage between the inner and outer modules. Wire harness and pipe connections.”

Academician She: “Are you saying that liquid oxygen damaged these pipelines?”

"Yes, because they are internal and sealed, and to save volume, these pipelines are made into integrated plugs without strong protection. The structure was damaged by the pervasive erosion of liquid oxygen at minus 200 degrees. and is exacerbated by the shudder when the engine starts.

So in fact, there was a problem with the connection between the two internal and external modules, which led to the internal gradual loss of the ability to control the electrical system. Except for the specially strengthened manual control part, the electrical system was almost completely destroyed, and the instructions received by the external computer were lost. Or confusion, which leads to problems everywhere. "

This set of guesses is basically correct with the logs, and especially explains why the pressure sensor keeps showing pressure. This is because the liquid oxygen stored in the compartment after the pipeline is blocked is still affecting the sensor, causing misjudgments, and during the descent process The inside gradually leaked out.

So in fact, there is also a problem with the installation position of the pressure sensor of "Blue Moon", and there is also a problem with the detection redundancy. More importantly, it is letting the astronauts carry out the mission with the problem. This is the root of everything.

Generally speaking, the technical complexity of Blue Moon is higher than that of Shuguang-3, but the development time is shorter. It is not mature in itself. The entire landing mission is also rushed. Overall, it reflects the changes in the entire Aramco's aerospace strength.

Academician She overturned the estimate of NACA's strength before the launch of SLS: It turns out that they are already so reluctant.

Although it is also fast in China, every procedure is completed step by step, fast but not rushed, but this level has already made NACA fight for its life.

Lin Ju: "Should we tell them that we found the black box? If there is no such thing, it will take at least a year for NACA to find out the cause of the accident. It might as well just abandon the design of the Blue Moon."

Academician She: “Now that we all know the information, it can also be used as a bargaining chip. With this, they must make more concessions.

Alas, NACA, who was so majestic at the time, has now become an old man in his twilight years. He has committed many aerospace taboos, many of which were first raised by them. "

"Yamamoto Kazuki, if you continue to carry out dangerous activities like before, we will monitor you and conduct regular searches on you."

The special police officer of the National Police Agency opened the handcuffs on Yamamoto, but the latter showed no fear at all and strode out with his head held high.

There were a dozen people outside who were being released one after another like him, and they all came to pick up Yamamoto.

"Hey, you guys can't gather here, leave now!"

Inoue Junji kindly put his arm around Yamamoto Kazuki's shoulders and entered the car, ignoring the police department's threats.

"Thank you for your hard work, Yamamoto-kun. Among the dozen demonstrations we organized, only your team was the most vocal, so they targeted you like this.

But look, like I promised, not one of you is going to jail. "

Kazuki Yamamoto: "I'm not afraid of this. I just want to know if our efforts are effective?"

"Of course, you see, the weakness of the rice beasts has been seen by the whole world, and they almost killed two astronauts.

The power of the Zhongshan legislators is growing stronger and stronger, and there is hope that the situation will soon turn into a stalemate. "

But then Junji Inoue lost his happy expression and sighed:

"But I just recently learned something that could be very serious."

Yamamoto Kazuki saw this and asked, but Inoue Junji was unwilling to say it several times. After a long time, he said with a sad face:

"According to our people at the Edo Electric Power Company, the sewage has actually been secretly discharged two or three times, but the scale was very small and was not discovered. The power company has received instructions from Kishimoto and is preparing to forcibly discharge the water into the sea."


Kazuki Yamamoto clenched his fists angrily: "These bastards will directly ruin all our efforts. They all deserve to be punished by heaven, punished by heaven!"

"Yes, and what's even more shameful is that Kishimoto Tsu plans to give a speech on the streets of Chiba Prefecture to promote harmlessness. It's really shameful."

As Inoue Junji spoke, he sighed and slapped his thigh hard:

"It's a pity, it's a pity that this great situation is about to be ruined!"

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