"Troubled times, troubled times are coming again!"

On July 11, the day after John delivered his speech, the situation that had been slightly relaxed once again became more tense.

The boss flew over from Huayin and immediately summoned people to discuss the matter.

After sighing with emotion, he directly brought the opinions of his superiors:

“We have landed on the moon, and we will soon build it on a large scale, and our journey to Mars will not stop.

We want to land on Mars, and we are not simply letting astronauts go there, but we must do long-term construction and build a Mars base of a certain size by 2030. It is best to present it as a gift to the motherland's 80th birthday!

Moreover, next year's conference will also make a resolution to bring our national strength and technological level to the level of developed countries by around 2030. Landing on Mars is also a very important part! "

The boss's voice was sonorous and powerful, because he and his superiors had the same reaction to John's speech: take the initiative and overtake it.

The success of the Dawn Project and the weakness of NACA gave the country strong confidence. Through the moon landing, even the most pessimistic people have to admit that domestic aerospace has surpassed NACA.

Now that we have an advantage, of course we need to keep widening the gap while maintaining it, and go further and further away.

In addition, the Advance is about to be completed. Although it has not yet been documented, the opinions above are almost unified, and they are ready to actively promote the manned landing plan on Mars.

Everyone immediately applauded. These words were really powerful, and they rushed directly to the Mars base.

"It will take some time to determine the official program code name, but our Tianwen program has already marked the beginning of the first phase. I hope that all four unmanned detection missions can be launched on time."

Lin Ju: "Our private aerospace company will provide all the help we can. In addition, around the end of this year, we will launch a new type of recyclable rocket that can be used for Mars missions."

The boss was a little surprised by Lin Ju's positive statement. The Xinyuan-3 rocket alone is completely sufficient for the Mars mission. The space agency only has the Long March 9 that can surpass it. What new rockets are needed?

Lin Ju said nothing and made a "4" gesture, which was quickly understood by others.

Rocket No. 4, the target rocket that has always existed in the PPT on Xinyuan's official website, is it finally coming?

The core stage uses 39 high-performance hydrogen and oxygen machines and is bundled with four super-boost ultimate rockets. The data is so high that it is unbelievable.

Well, just having this kind of rocket solves half of the problems of landing on Mars. The super rocket is too buggy.

On the other side, Academician She, who presided over the confirmation of XH40 as the next generation reusable lander, immediately thought that if it were launched at the end of the year, it would be just enough to catch up with XH40. The crazy capacity of the No. 4 rocket could directly throw the fully loaded XH40 to the moon. It is estimated that this payload was used as an experimental product for the first launch.

However, the number of launches of this kind of rocket should be very few. The production and storage cost of liquid hydrogen alone is hundreds of millions. If it is not recycled, the price will be sky-high.

No, recycling is not possible. The value of four super solid thrusters is hundreds of millions. In terms of cost performance, it is actually not as cost-effective as the No. 3 and No. 2 rockets. Kerosene and methane are much cheaper.

If it weren't for the inevitable need to take a test shot, Lin Ju would probably be reluctant to do so.

The facts are almost the same. The base estimates that the total launch cost of the first Xinyuan-4 is as high as 2 billion yuan, and the fuel and booster part will cost 1 billion yuan. Every launch can make people feel heartbroken, but the full hydrogen and oxygen level 1 The design also achieved a carrying coefficient of up to 5.4%. The rocket design alone is extremely successful.

With Lin Ju's intervention, the originally serious atmosphere of the committee suddenly became more relaxed. Although what John said sounded nice, the advantage lies entirely with me.

The led meeting was chaotic for a few minutes before the boss calmed down the people and gave the task:

"Without affecting the original lunar plan, our next task is to ensure the completion and trial operation of the Advance as soon as possible, conduct long-term self-sustaining experiments, and prepare for Mars landing.

At the same time, the "Tianwen" plan can be expanded appropriately depending on the situation, but all launch missions will be finalized in November. Are there any problems? "

John expressed congratulations and announced the launch of the Mars project, and our own side naturally responded.

On the evening of the 11th, Xinwen Lianbo released a speech delivered by a superior standing outside the Huayin venue with the scenery of Huashan Mountain at his back:

“The initial success of the Dawn Project only marks the first step in realizing our millennium moon dream, and it is not a record of achievements that we can rest on and stand still.

Human civilization has moved from slash-and-burn farming to the Stone Age, and further through the bronze and iron tools, and finally produced an energy revolution and entered the steam age, internal combustion engine age, and electrical age. It has also entered the information age, but the purpose of all is to get out of the earth and become A true interstellar civilization.

As early as 54 years ago, our country established the Interstellar Navigation Committee for this goal. Under its leadership, we completed the first step of aerospace accumulation, laying a solid foundation for subsequent successes up to now.

We have never given up the dream of interstellar navigation, and this should also be the goal that the entire world strives for. China Aerospace will move forward step by step towards interstellar civilization and towards space, the moon and Mars, including The solar system advances and eventually flies to other galaxies outside the solar system to achieve the great goal of leading human civilization into the interstellar era! "

The two sides of the ocean are spitting at each other and almost choking on fire. Hawaii (crossed out) is sandwiched in the middle. The island country feels it especially clearly.

Two forces, one left and one right, were exerted on the narrow terrain, tearing the land apart in almost every sense of the word.

JAXA tried to find a third way in the cracks to achieve transcendence, but it didn't seem to be going well.

"What? You won't be able to launch the next ship until next year, so when can our combination be tested?"

In the JAXA headquarters, Shinichiro Sakai seemed to be fighting the visiting Samarkand, but the latter remained unmoved and looked indifferent.

Other JAXA employees also looked very unhappy, thinking that ISRO had let them off the hook:

The launch mission of the Gaganyan-2 spacecraft will be carried out in April next year, that is, nine months later, and this time it will still be an unmanned flight.

It is planned that the first flight of Chinese and Chinese astronauts together will be postponed to around the end of 2018, and the combined test of the Gaganyan command module and the island nation's service module will have to wait until 2019.

That's almost a full year behind schedule, but ISRO clearly has no plans to speed up.

The red and blue giants and gods on the earth are fighting. Moody has vaguely felt that the consequences for their national strength will definitely not be better than the failure of NACA. After thinking about it, he decided to put the priority of the Asia Star project a little bit.

Even though the Lucia experts went on strike to protest, ISRO has finally obtained feasible technical information. As long as they slowly work on it, they will definitely be able to master the manned spacecraft technology, which is enough for them.

After the initial feverishness, India has now woken up. Others went to the moon to prepare for large-scale development, but even if they risked their lives, they would only send a few people up there for a walk. Maintaining a normal stay is pure fantasy. GDP Not allowed either.

It is very satisfying to get the title of the fourth independently launched astronaut. There is no need to pursue the Asia Star project with uncertain prospects.

But this made Shinichiro Sakai extremely angry. JAXA had already diverted the development costs of the H3 rocket to the H-X project. If the Indians did not work on this project, the billion dollars would be almost in vain, and it would mark JAXA's final independence. The effort was ruined.

He knew that Kishimoto Tsu had always wanted to join Aramco's Artemis program. If Asia Star, an "independent" project, was abandoned, then JAXA would be completely reduced to a link in Aramco's aerospace supply chain and lose its independent research capabilities.

But it is impossible for him to influence ISRO's decision. Everything seems to be a foregone conclusion.

After watching Samarkand leave, Shinichiro Sakai locked himself in his room and grieved alone, but after a while he suddenly heard someone shouting in chaos outside.

It was getting louder and louder, and it was worth opening the door to see what was going on.

The colleague pointed in horror at the TV set in the corner of the headquarters, which was playing an urgent news:

"Kishimoto Tsu was assassinated."

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