Huayin City.

On July 18, 12 countries reached a final cooperation agreement on aerospace and near-Earth defense here in advance. The public content is as follows:

First, within the next five years, a 'Guanghangong-1' lunar scientific research station that can accommodate a total of 15 people, including 5 international astronauts, will be built for long-term survival. China will bear 30% of the capital investment, and the remaining 11 countries will jointly Bear 70% of the funds, with an estimated first budget of 60 billion yuan;

Second, the scale of the scientific research station includes resource exploration system, necessary material production system, personnel living cabin, animal and plant cultivation garden, comprehensive power facilities, scientific experiment facilities, fast travel system, lunar space station and other parts, including Lucia, Italy and China are responsible for comprehensive power facilities, some scientific experiment facilities and some resource exploration systems; they have included HVE rockets and 'Hurricane' rockets in their launch vehicles, and received the first round of US$300 million from four Middle Eastern countries and Siam. Long-term financial support totaling US$600 million;

Third, establish a comprehensive Eurasian ground observation system spanning multiple countries, and launch the first batch of 10 synchronous orbit observation satellites to establish an asteroid and meteorite detection and early warning system;

Fourth, the "Atomic" 50-ton ultra-large comprehensive scientific experiment module, jointly developed and funded by Hualu Yifa, will be launched by an HVE rocket and docked with the "Tiangong" space station before 2020, with a total investment of approximately 10 billion yuan. Provide space observation equipment for cutting-edge physics on the origin of the universe and black holes;

Fifth, strengthen economic and trade exchanges based on the Silk Trade Road Economic Belt, integrate the southeastern region into the Eurasian railway network, reduce trade barriers and tariffs, and strengthen currency swaps.

When a row of representatives completed the signing and stood together to shake hands and take a group photo, the Huayin Treaty Organization was also officially declared established.

The total amount involved in the announced five-year cooperation plan alone is close to 80 billion yuan. Overall, China has undertaken nearly half of the funds and launch missions, but it has not suffered a loss.

These total funds also include the fixed assets invested in the early stage of the Dawn Project, such as Dawn 1 to 3 and the 'Black Rabbit' and 'Tiangong' space stations. Although it seems exaggerated, in fact the money required is not much. , and even rely on other members’ capital injections to recoup costs and start making a small profit.

This is only in the area of ​​aerospace, and other economic and trade cooperation has taken a lot of advantage.

Of course, other members of the organization do not feel that they are at a loss. Members without launch capabilities have provided financial support for Luyifa’s international missions, and they will all send astronauts to work rotations at scientific research stations in the future, at least compared to Artemis. The countries participating in the plan are much more real, and the number of participants is written in the treaty.

The reason why the agreement was reached in advance is because of the recent changes in the sensitive situation. The success of the Shuguang-3 mission has brought a huge shock to the whole world, especially the understanding of China's national power.

In the past, most people only knew that there was such a country, and their understanding was either incomplete or extremely biased. But now almost everyone knows that "two Chinese people landed on the moon and Ami failed." Since they can both land on the moon, it is natural. The earth will think that it is almost the same as Ami or even better.

The principle of being poor in a busy city and having distant relatives is eternal. The willingness of all countries to seek cooperation became much stronger in an instant, which indirectly promoted the speed of reaching a consensus on the Huayin Treaty.

In particular, many countries with good industrial strength but far from being able to land on the moon alone are actively engaged in such activities.

presidential palace.

"Let's welcome our hero Victor Glover and his equally fearless woman who used her wits to miraculously survive, Christina Koch!"

Under the auspices of NACA officials, the two astronauts walked forward side by side, and then John presented them each with a Congressional Space Medal of Honor and the NASA Meritorious Achievement Medal in the presence of the media.

These are extremely valuable honors. Among them, most of the Congressional Space Medal of Honor are awarded posthumously to astronauts who died, and very few people can receive it alive.

According to the accident investigation report issued by NACA, when the lander's center of gravity changed due to instability, there were two external explosions, almost all automated components were down, and the engine suffered a serious failure, Victor's control was harder than that of a T34 tank. , and the more sensitive joystick took 21 minutes to land on the lunar surface in a thrilling pass over two mountain peaks.

If it hadn't been so unlucky that it crashed into the cave, maybe the lander's attitude could have stabilized, and Xiu Xiu could even take off again.

It can be said that Victor may really be the luckiest and best astronaut in history. Coupled with the specialness of him and his companion Koch, they were immediately promoted as heroes after returning home.

From when Victor was 3 years old, he helped his neighbor repair water pipes (?) to several times when he made a thrilling emergency landing on an aircraft carrier with a carrier-based aircraft (doubtful), whether it was his elementary school teacher or the aircraft carrier captain who had served, they were not stingy. Praise him.

Koch, who also pieced together a radio transmitter from scattered parts, was also considered a "heroic and wise scientist." These days, he and Victor continuously occupied the headlines, and almost no one mentioned the setback in his return.

The media, which has always been "free and objective," pinched its nose and publicized the definition of "90% success" everywhere. The officials even acquiesced in this result, or at least refused to admit that the operation was a complete failure.

After praising the Artemis 2 crew again, John announced the execution time of the Artemis 3 mission before concluding the press conference:

"The third SLS rocket will be launched in February 2018. This time we will send three astronauts to the lunar surface and return safely. In the next year, Aramco will carry out two lunar landing missions!"

"Finally, the aftermath of the mission to Artemis 2 is almost complete."

Back in his office, John felt a little lighter.

During the impeachment process in Congress, Clare admitted that her mistakes were caused by her utilitarianism and poor management, and she happily resigned.

His cooperation gained Congress’ support for Robert’s succession, and at the same time, Blue Origin was spared.

The responsibility for the "Blue Moon" lander was divided among NACA, Blue Origin, and Lockheed. The latter two calmly dealt with a few derelict engineers and settled the matter.

Based on the black box accident records, they summarized a 1,500-page defect investigation report and identified 73 areas that needed modification and 110 links to strengthen quality inspection. It is expected that the new and improved "Blue Moon" will be released before December. It is still the main lander of the Artemis program.

At the same time, NACA started the "Orbital support system", requiring the construction of OSS aircraft to perform reusable fuel refueling for the new blue moon, and began bidding.

What OSS requires is that the lander docked from the Earth to the Gateway space station be refueled, with no less than 100 tons each time, and it also has the potential to be used as an interstellar spacecraft.

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