"Moses Moses..."

Nakayama Kyuji was dealing with the schedule for his visit to Ami in the next few days, especially the Artemis project, which was the focus, when suddenly a rapid ringing sounded.

The Ministry of Defense was on the other end of the phone. Before the other party could speak, another phone rang, this one from the Ryukyu naval base.

But before he could make a decision between the two calls, the wooden door was suddenly knocked open by three special service personnel, and then they rushed over fiercely and lifted Nakayama Jiuji up, heading all the way to the underground shelter. Run wildly.

After he was forcefully pushed into the underground passage without understanding anything and his mind was blank, a special agent forcefully closed the heavy three-proof isolation door with a dull bang.

Still being pushed through the layers of isolation passages, Nakayama Jiuji firmly grasped the special agent's shoulders and made sure of one thing first: I am still alive and no one has betrayed me.

After all, the aftermath of the assassination incident had just been completed. Nakayama Kouji's first thought was that someone was going to assassinate him, but he immediately rejected this possibility, and then began to speculate: Are the rebels crazy enough to rush into the mansion here? But will so many secret service security guards make no sound at all? It doesn't seem right either.

It wasn't until the secret agents who were running all the way sent him to the deepest darkroom that Nakayama Jiuji saw an unexpected person.

"Your Highness Haogong, why are you here!"

The latter seemed to have just been sent here, and his clothes looked messy, but Hao Gong obviously knew more than him.

I saw him shaking all over, as if he had encountered something extremely terrifying:

"Nuke... East... Missile... Missile is about to... Edo... die, all..."

Zhongshan Dove was confused, but it may be too irritating. At this time, Gong Gong will only "ah, right".

On the other hand, the special agent on the side was relatively calm. Although he was panting from exhaustion, he still tried hard to piece together a complete sentence:

"The missile was about to reach Edo, and the Ami people did not stop it."


Two minutes ago.

The DDG-76 "Higgins" is trying to get closer to the territorial waters for observation in the Whale Sea. This is a very interesting task in their opinion.

"Cat-and-mouse game" is what they call this kind of reconnaissance activity. They know that the intercepted ship is already on its way when they approach here, and there will be a lot of entanglement before the two sides stare at each other and leave.

As the third ship of the "Arleigh Burke II" type, although the Higgins is also a serious Aegis ship, that is, an air defense ship, in reality it basically performs land support tasks, and anti-aircraft missiles are only used in I fought some during the exercise.

The Higgins took advantage of the fact that no one was jamming the radar and turned it on at full power, trying to find some signals of interest, but the radar operation room suddenly issued a strong warning.

The operator here suddenly saw a target flying over Mach 10 emerging from the inland, and it was rapidly approaching itself.

The radar operator immediately tried to obtain more information, but the light spot suddenly disappeared and when it reappeared, it was close to the center line of the Whale Sea!

The entire warship was immediately buzzing with alarms and chaos. Captain William Rice saw the "extremely low" altitude of the unknown aircraft at a glance. He first thought it was a space shuttle or spaceship. After all, when Shuguang-3 landed some time ago, They've seen it before.

But he immediately discovered something was wrong. Although the radar signal was very unstable and difficult to capture, it could still be seen that the unknown aircraft was climbing, very much like the warhead was using parabolic kinetic energy to accelerate during its final maneuver to enhance its penetration capabilities.

During the time he hesitated, the "Snowbird" had already flown over the Higgins, and what William saw at this time was a route across Edo.

When he thought about its obvious radar stealth characteristics and consciously controlled trajectory, he was almost certain that it was definitely not a civilian spacecraft or space shuttle. Those radar signals were completely different.

Shoot it down?

The "Standard III" equipped by the Higgins has undergone the latest round of upgrades. Its maximum firing height can reach 500 kilometers. It has shot down satellites in exercises, but that was more of a show.

Moreover, the signal of the unknown target on the radar is weak and unstable, and it is absolutely impossible to quickly lock on it.

After comprehensive consideration, William chose to enter the highest combat readiness state of the entire ship and use satellites to send back "sub-top" warnings to bases around the world.

The meaning of this warning is to confirm that a ballistic missile has been launched from a "high concern" target, but it cannot be clear whether it is a nuclear strike directed at a certain party. After receiving the warning, our own side immediately enters the highest combat readiness state and prepares for the worst.

No matter what the truth is, William feels that the warning conditions have been met, and the recent situation is not peaceful.

When the Ryukyu base received the warning from the Higgins, the officer on duty happened to see the bright spot outside the window. His scalp went numb for a moment and he pressed the nuclear bomb warning button without hesitation.

It was already off-duty time for the military base. Except for the crew who still had the evening shift as planned, everyone else was either out or in the camp. When the warning sounded, they were stunned for a moment before hearing the hoarse roar of the commander.

Groups of ground crews added enough fuel to the fighter jets in accordance with emergency procedures. All fuselage inspections, weapon mounting confirmations, and cockpit inspections were not carried out. They were only required to send the aircraft and pilots to the sky in the shortest possible time, and strive to be destroyed at the airport. Preserve as much counterattack power as possible before leveling.

The pilot, who was holding up his flight suit and trousers, was put on the plane in a hurry. Then he looked at the ground staff who was about to tear out his eyes and buttoned up the canopy. He left the words "for May" and jumped off the boarding ladder to clear away the debris. Then they taxied one after another to the runway through the indicator sticks that were almost broken by force.

The F16s were the first to complete preparations. After lining up in a row, they turned on the afterburner and climbed to the maximum elevation angle. In just a few hundred meters, they pulled up and fled to the outside without looking back.

The remaining F15, F18 and other reconnaissance aircraft, early warning aircraft and tanker aircraft that needed more time to prepare were also preparing to take off at the fastest speed. In just a few minutes, the airport was covered by the sound of the engines of hundreds of aircraft, but You can still hear the sirens that haven't stopped.

The soldiers who were on vacation outside all received the text messages on their mobile phones. A few of them had already seen the bright spots on the horizon that were more conspicuous due to the darkness, and immediately searched desperately for any basement where they could hide.

The owner of a nearby izakaya that was often troubled saw two soldiers directly lifting the cover of the sewer pipe on the ground and jumping in without even drinking a glass of brandy.

But then these citizens who came out to watch the excitement also discovered the imagery in the sky. Someone said "nuclear war!" and the streets immediately fell into chaos, running for their lives like headless flies.

The Ministry of Defense, which received two warnings from the Higgins and the Ryukyu base, took a while to react and issue a warning to Chiyoda, but before they did, the air defense base stationed in Edo Bay had already responded, firing twelve "Patriot" missiles. 3" just roughly confirmed the target and then decisively launched it in an attempt to intercept.

In just a few minutes, the entire island nation boiled like a pool of red-hot iron thrown into it, and Hawaii, which was the closest and had more military stations, could not avoid it. The nuclear war warning from the Ryukyu base was directly forwarded here, and everyone Nuclear attack warnings popped up on residents' televisions and mobile phones.

Pete, who was driving an old Chevrolet car back from the beach with his sister, looked at the text messages on his phone in confusion and frowned:

"Whose prank is this again? It's so abominable."

"Don't look at this, watch the traffic lights Pete,...oh my God!"

Sister Jennifer suddenly saw that the advertising screen next to the traffic light also changed to a warning, and then the same was also seen on the road guidance screen and weather forecast screen below, and then a harsh warning sounded on the street.

Peter, who was shocked by this turn of events, almost hit the car in front of him, swung the steering wheel and rushed into the control on the side of the road. After he stopped, he saw the chaotic street and the constant sound of car collisions before he realized what had happened. Time actually lost the ability to speak.

run? Where can I run on this island? A tsunami in the aftermath of an explosion can destroy this place!

Jennifer also quickly understood that the two of them had no way to escape. She gritted her teeth and turned Peter's shoulder:

"We're all going to die anyway, why not do it *once*?"

Peter was shocked, and then said in a trembling voice:

"I love you, sister."

My feet hurt so much

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