I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 510 Fighting Fire with Fire

In the Edo TV studio, Jonson was telling the camera the seriousness of the problem with a serious face:

"...According to our survey, more than 30,000 square kilometers of area are within the scope of radiation dust, of which the land area accounts for nearly 50%, and nearly 200,000 people live there. These 200,000 people have been exposed to radiation damage. middle.

From the air they breathe to drinking water, local vegetables, snacks, etc., they have been polluted to varying degrees. Marine pollution is even more serious. Marine fish with radioactive substances in their bodies will also spread pollutants after entering the human body.

According to the direction of the ocean currents, Edo, with a population of 37 million, is also within the scope of influence, and the surrounding offshore waters have been polluted by radiation water bodies in the past few years! "

The female host next to him was dumbfounded. Before the show started, the TV station only said that IAEA experts would take a little time to say a few words. She didn't expect that it would be such an exciting content - there was no such thing in the dialogue script given in advance!

The key now is live television, and countless people are watching the program in front of the TV, which means that the entire island country knows it!

But Jonson had no intention of stopping yet, and continued with a serious face:

“The pollution problem of Fudao Island is no longer limited to a local ecological disaster. It affects more than 4 billion people in the entire Western Pacific and has truly become a global problem.

The International Atomic Energy Agency will decide to list the Fudao pollution problem as the highest-level project and mobilize the power of international organizations to solve it. It is responsible not only for the people of the island country, but also for all mankind. We will definitely be responsible to the end! "

In a sushi restaurant on the street, Academician Zhou and Tomarsov were eating while watching the TV in the restaurant and observing the reactions of the diners.

This is not a high-end restaurant, so it has a large flow of people and is quite chaotic. As early as when the keyword "nuclear pollution" appeared, many people came over and listened to Jones's terrifying analysis results in full.

Many people subconsciously put down the rice balls in their hands when they heard this. After all, the seaweed in it was fished from Edo Bay.

After the news broadcast ended, the female anchor on the TV stuttered a little when she spoke, and the microscopic people dispersed as if they were just waking up from a dream, and flocked to one place in unison.

Tomarsov finished off the remaining sushi in one gulp and looked at Academician Zhou doubtfully:

"Davarisi, where are they going?"

"This... I think I might be stocking up on drinking water or rice or something."

Academician Zhou is very familiar with this scene. His mother-in-law went to the supermarket to carry more than a hundred bags of salt and nearly half a ton of rice a few years ago. These stocks are still at home.

Wait, Jonson’s news will definitely spread to the country soon, so we won’t have to stock up on another batch!

After hearing this explanation, Tomarsov just shrugged and asked the boss to continue adding food. As people from the extremely cold northern land, they are used to storing large amounts of food.

The citizens of Edo were worried that there was something wrong with the sushi, but they knew the inside story.

Edo Bay must have had an impact, but the sewage brought by the ocean currents was not that exaggerated. Besides, he still had a Geiger meter in his pocket. It didn't sound and was edible.

While waiting for the stingy island cook to serve the food, Tomarsov stopped talking and started talking about the nuclear power plant.

"Zhou, what do you think should be done with the core? The yield of the earth-penetrating warhead is a bit difficult to control."

Academician Zhou shook his head. He was now considering whether to call home to stop his mother-in-law from hoarding supplies.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Tomarsov simply lowered his head and started recording in the memo on his cell phone, thinking about formulating a specific plan.

The so-called 15 million tons equivalent air explosion mentioned yesterday was of course to scare Kobayakawa. This matter is now being tightly sealed and not leaked out. They also decided to cover it up before letting it go.

The accident in Fukushima is not that simple. First, we must understand the whole story of the accident:

In 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake that occurred in the sea destroyed the transmission tower of the Tomishima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing the reactor cooling circuit to disconnect and fail.

This nuclear power plant uses second-generation boiling water reactor technology. There is only one cooling circuit for the six reactors. Units 1-3 were running at that time, and units 4-6 were shut down for maintenance. After the cooling was lost, the temperature inside the reactor rose rapidly.

If not stopped, the increasingly hot core will burn the surrounding environment and sink underground, with the possibility of explosion.

This is similar to the problem of the Chernobyl accident. The fuel rods need to be taken out immediately to stop the reaction, and a large amount of sand and gravel should be used to fill and seal the reactor. After confirming that there is no problem, the surface radiation problem can be dealt with.

At that time, the electric power company's engineers suggested injecting a large amount of boron-containing seawater into the reactor to cool down, but the Edo Electric Power Company hesitated for more than 20 hours, and this hesitation led to problems.

Reactors 1, 2, and 3 exploded one after another over the next three days, and Reactor 4 was exposed to the air and emitted a huge amount of pollution to the surface.

What was outrageous was that Edo Electric Power Company hesitated again and waited for more than a month until all unit pressure vessels were scrapped before making the decision to seal the reactor, which greatly increased the level of pollution due to human factors.

Until now, cores No. 1 and No. 2 are still reacting, constantly producing heat and pollution. It is expected that they will stop in 30 years.

The nuclear wastewater behind is on the one hand the seawater that was originally injected into the reactor core, and the other part is the contaminated groundwater. In fact, a lot of the latter has seeped out, and there is no way to deal with it.

So the question is, why is Edo Electric Power Company hesitant?

This has to mention a product of uranium fission: plutonium, the fission raw material of "Fat Man".

Jiangdian Electric Co., Ltd. is reluctant to part with this plutonium. In the past, they went out of the world to buy nuclear waste. Of course, they were not trying to be good people, just to obtain this material.

The closure of the pile will not only cost money, but more importantly, it will lose a large source of plutonium.

For some hidden purposes, this led to the pollution eventually developing to the point where it was uncontrollable. Otherwise, there would have been so many problems if we had acted decisively at that time.

After the on-site inspection, the expert team discovered that the problem was much more serious than they had advertised. Although it was not as exaggerated as Jones said, air blasting to eliminate radiation was absolutely necessary.

Three-phase bombs cannot be used, and "clean" hydrogen bombs with a fusion power of more than 3 million tons must be used. However, it is not too powerful. The limit is 10 million tons, so the requirements for the hydrogen bomb itself are really not low. The yield of the implosion core must be Control it well, otherwise it will aggravate pollution.

The second is the two cores that are still burning. The best way is still to use earth-penetrating nuclear warheads to destroy them, mainly hydrogen bombs.

But this is troublesome. If the ground-penetrating bomb is too powerful, it will affect the surrounding environment. If it is too small, it will not have a neutralizing effect. Moreover, after the experts communicated, they generally understood that no one has ready-made specifications.

The actual "nuclear-to-nuclear" program may consume one air-burst bomb with a yield of nearly 10 million tons and 2 to 3 earth-penetrating bombs. The cost of re-production and development of nuclear modifications is really not low, and the manpower and material resources consumed are absolutely It’s not a small number. Edo Electric Power Company should really thank the IAEA for taking the initiative.

Belt experts also recommend first testing the effectiveness of a 500,000-ton equivalent, which is readily available.

Tomarsov felt heavy pressure when he thought about having to participate in the two arduous tasks of lunar blasting and ground pollution control at the same time.

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