I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 516 We are witnessing the future

"You mean, I can enter here?"

The CBS interview vehicle was parked outside the valley entering the Xinyuan Base, and there was also a checkpoint here.

Susanna stuck her head out and looked at Sen's alert guards, asking curiously.

The guard checked their invitation letter, confirmed it was correct, called an off-road vehicle, pointed and said:

"Follow this car. You cannot enter the production area. He will take you to the airport. There is a separate area where electricity, water and food can be provided. Please be sure to stay within the designated area. This is a sensitive controlled area. , acting randomly may lead to arrest as a spy.”

"Of course, we must obey!"

Susanna raised her hands and cheered, exposing her large breasts without a care.

Yesterday, she was still following up on the accelerator project in Beijing, but suddenly she received an invitation from Xinyuan to serve as a CBS invited reporter to live broadcast the first flight of a new spacecraft the next day.

This was truly unexpected. Susanna immediately inquired around secretly and found that none of the foreign media around her had been invited. She immediately sensed an opportunity for big news.

She flew to Chengdu with the camera crew overnight and managed to rent an interview vehicle. She came here with her ID and invitation letter, knowing that 99% of people would be stopped here at the checkpoint.

Even if she doesn't enter the production area, she can completely accept being a "wall-climbing party" outside the airport. She is probably the foreigner closest to China's most mysterious space company.

The interview car followed the guided car through the forest, and finally arrived at an open area. The barbed wire fence surrounding the base runway immediately came into view.

A high ground next to the isolation net was circled and a sign was erected. She saw a large number of colleagues at a glance, but they were basically Chinese media. At a glance, there were probably less than a hundred people.

There was also a SWAT riot vehicle parked aside, and a dozen heavily armed elite SWAT policemen were watching the movements of others with vigilance, their hands always on the weapons on their chests.


The two photographers immediately parked the car and started moving equipment to set up. Although they didn't know why they were the only ones invited, just entering here was worth bragging about.

Looking at the tall factories in the base, they can be regarded as a powerful industrial park alone.

Susanna urged the equipment to be prepared, and immediately took out her ZTE X20YE (lunar commemorative appearance, satellite direct connection baseband), and began to search for links to the "Longitude and Latitude" satellite network.

Although the traffic of direct satellite connection is extremely expensive, and the satellite version of mobile phones also sells for more than 10,000 yuan, countless media people have proven that direct satellite connection + Jingwei satellite network can provide high-speed Internet services around the world, and there is no need to worry about slow network response in hot spots. The problem.

So Susanna reluctantly bought the 50G extra-large satellite data package for $499 after discount, just in case of emergency.

The live broadcast forwarding uses a much more cost-effective Internet antenna, which is also connected to the Jingwei satellite network, but the receiver is not as convenient as the mobile terminal.

The CBS team led by Susanna actually arrived the last. She communicated with other Chinese colleagues for a while, but did not get any effective information.

She pointed the camera at the crowded airport in the base and started the live broadcast.

CBS's influence is so great that even the live broadcast room without any notice quickly attracted people, and they immediately became interested in staying because of the location in the live broadcast title. The number of viewers stabilized at about 50,000.

The reporters then kept waiting. No official from Xinyuan came out to contact them, but no one left. After waiting for about forty minutes, they finally saw something strange.

The door of the huge final assembly hangar at one end of the runway slowly opened. The camera immediately focused in that direction and zoomed to the maximum. However, the final assembly hangar was a kilometer away from here. It was not clear even after zooming in. Moreover, there seemed to be no lights inside. It was even darker under the sunlight outside.

Ten minutes passed after the hangar door opened, and a pointed white nose protruded from the shadows.

Next exposed to the sun were two trailers connected in series, with flashing warning lights reminding people around them not to get close.

The 55-meter-long gray-white Tengyun aerospace aircraft was gradually moved out of the hangar, and then its side wings, delta wings, and vertical tail were fully displayed. With a wingspan of 24 meters, you can tell that it is for Born at high speed.

But the most attractive thing is the oversized rectangular air inlet under the wing, which actually accounts for nearly half of the width, making its front look quite thick.

This is of course because it needs to be equipped with as many as 10 engines at the tail. In order to save fuel in the atmospheric flight segment, it is necessary to increase the air intake volume and reduce liquid oxygen consumption as much as possible.

Although the atmospheric part core machine of TP-25 is also derived from WCR09, because it uses low-temperature fuel and self-sustaining oxidizer, it can support a maximum altitude of 70 to 80 kilometers, which is very close to space and can touch the edge of the Karman line. .

But during the actual flight, it will still switch to the air tip working mode at 60 kilometers until it flies into space.

When this aircraft, which looked very rough due to its huge air intake design, appeared, reporters immediately knew who the protagonist was today and kept making guesses.

A reporter from a professional magazine believed that it was a high-speed aircraft that had flown over the island country before. It was quickly recognized by some people, but there was also a lot of opposition. They felt that it was a military aircraft that was highly confidential, and there was no need to invite them again after it had flown over.

Just as they were arguing, the base itself gave the answer, running to the side and erecting a huge banner above the crowd:

"The first prototype No. 001 of the 'Tengyun Project', the first flight ceremony of the single-stage orbital vehicle"

The media who could be invited here had some knowledge of aerospace and quickly understood the meaning of single-stage orbit.

The magazine reporter who initially guessed that he was the protagonist of 8.12 immediately screamed regardless of the image. He couldn't believe the words he saw. Only professionals can understand what it means.

Susanna, who had also gained a lot of knowledge about aerospace, covered her mouth and lost her voice. The photographer closest to her was still confused. He could only say that he had a little understanding of aerospace and didn't understand why they had such a big reaction.

"Haider...have you seen Wang Li's Space Army?"

"Oh, of course, I've watched the whole series."

Susanna shook her head in disbelief and looked at the Tengyun Skyplane inside the airport:

"Then you must remember that there is a scene in which they piloted a space shuttle to glide off the ground and take off into space, right?"

Haider: "Of course I remember that...the fuel and thrust are not enough, right? I know that the space shuttle is just an empty shell. Even if it is filled with fuel, it cannot reach space."

"But Tengyun can do it. It has achieved this impossible. It can take off completely from the ground without the help of other rockets and directly enter space.

This is the future, this is something that can only happen in the future and in science fiction movies! We are witnessing the future and witnessing miracles! "

I have been very busy all day today, and I only have one chapter saved...

The next update will be postponed to noon tomorrow (maybe in the afternoon). There may be less updates on Sunday and Monday due to the move.

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