At 2:10 p.m., the two rocket segments, which had been delayed for several hours, were slowly transported by trailer from the entrance of the base where a large section of the wall and access control had been dismantled.

The trees on both sides of the road it passed were also deliberately cut down, and bare tree stumps could be seen everywhere.

Academician She and Lin Ju followed the convoy for more than two hours before arriving at the floating dock. Although it is a temporary construction, it is not small in scale. Two 1,500-ton crawler cranes have been waiting here for several days.

Watching the busy workers begin to tie slings to the two rocket bodies under supervision, Academician She still found it hard to believe that such a huge thing was actually a rocket.

Lin Ju: "In more than ten days, the 'Nine Chapters' spaceship will be offline, and it will have to be shipped out from here. The timeliness of waterways is too poor after getting used to air transportation. One month is even enough for us to build It’s a No. 3 rocket.”

Academician She: "If you choose to launch at the seaport of Shanghai, it will definitely be much faster."

Lin Ju: "For the No. 4 rocket, the impact of latitude on the transportation capacity cannot be ignored. Even if it is only two thousandths, it will have a transportation capacity of 30 tons. It can send 10 tons more payload to the moon, which is more than what a Long March 7 can send. There are many things that have happened in the past.”


Academician She was a little speechless about the fact that the most powerful rocket currently in service of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was reduced to a unit of measurement, but he quickly adjusted and asked:

"I heard that you produced 100 H280s? One No. 4 rocket only uses 39. You don't seem to have any plans to produce a second rocket, right?"

Lin Ju shook his head. One Xinyuan No. 4 is enough, but its scope of application is still very limited.

"Indeed, not really. The main reason is that we calculated the cost. After deducting R\u0026D and production line adjustment costs, the total cost of producing 39 units is almost the same as that of 100 units. We simply produced a larger batch and stockpiled it."

"Is this a last-stock item? Can I get a discount if I sell it?"


Beijing, Great Hall, October 27.

Wu Yunfeng stood at the front and addressed the packed audience.

"The first World Frontier Physics Promotion and Exchange Conference has been successfully concluded. Thank you to all the scientific workers from 26 countries. Thank you for traveling thousands of miles to come here. Thank you for your efforts in the advancement of human science!"

Applause immediately broke out in the venue, and then everyone looked expectantly at the dean who walked onto the stage with a smile.

Although there have been rumors that TEPA has been approved since the middle and late stages of the meeting, there is no specific information, and now the director's appearance must be with this answer.

The gray-haired dean looked around at the luxurious auditorium below and said to tens of thousands of expectant eyes:

“Based on the current development status of high-energy physics and the objective fact that my country’s basic science was insufficient in the early stage, and with the opinions of the Academy of Sciences and the Institute of High Energy Physics, we believe that it is necessary for our country to further build large-scale basic scientific research facilities.

Based on various factors, we have decided to launch a construction plan for a new generation of 300 trillion electron volt energy-level super large cyclotron proton accelerator. It is expected to start in 2018, be completed by 2030, and be put into use no later than 2035.

The total plan costs about 157 billion yuan. After completion, it will become the world's largest proton accelerator and make an important contribution to the progress of basic human science.

Now, we sincerely invite scientific people, organizations, and institutions from all over the world to join the accelerator construction plan and work together for the progress of civilization! "

The speech was unexpectedly short. After the dean finished speaking, he put down the manuscript and looked calmly ahead, and then heard the thunderous applause of tens of thousands of people.

In particular, the many Nobel Prize winners and famous physicists standing in the front row stood up and cheered.

Although Stephen Hawking failed to stand up, he still typed a series of "Great" on the computer screen.

After several minutes, the applause at the scene slowly subsided, but the atmosphere became unprecedentedly warm.

Rolf Hull looked at Penrose excitedly and sighed:

"157 billion yuan! Just 20 billion euros, which is 1 billion euros less than the LHC. Maybe we should have built an accelerator in China long ago. The cost here is much lower.

It costs less than the LHC, but the energy level is at least 20 times higher! "

Penrose: “Infrastructure is their strength, and they may build more underground railways in a year than the entire new railways in Europe.

But this is a lot of money. I have seen their investment in scientific research funds last year. Aerospace accounted for about 3.4%. Calculated over 10 years, TEPA will occupy about 1% every year. This is a very exaggerated figure. "

Hull: "We have to join in. The LHC can only last for three years before it reaches its limit. It's such a pity. I hope my mind is still clear at that time!"

But as soon as he finished saying this, he realized something was wrong, because Hawking next to him had been diagnosed and had only a few years left, and ten years was too long for him.

But Hawking himself obviously didn't care much, and even managed a smile:

"Roger, you said that life never ends and the universe is always in a cycle. Then I can still see the truth of the universe. Death is just a brief separation."

The three of them did not chat for a few words, because order had been restored in the venue, and now it was the turn of the selected participating scholars to take the stage to give speeches, and they still had to show respect.

Because of the official announcement of TEPA, the atmosphere in the last two hours of the World Science Fair was very lively, and the Academy of Sciences’ proposal to hold it every year was unanimously approved.

At the end of the day, the first three rows of participants gathered on the stage to take a group photo, and Hull and Penrose also pushed Hawking up.

After taking a group photo full of scientific content in the 21st century, people in the audience began to disperse gradually, but more than a hundred people on the stage stayed at the request of the organizer.

It wasn't until the people below were almost gone that Wu Yunfeng and Ye Changsi walked to the front of the crowd.

"Everyone, this is Ye Changsi. As an applied physicist, he is also a practitioner in the aerospace field. He was also involved in the development of the aerospace plane."

Ye Changsi said hello to the crowd, which was mostly foreigners, and went straight to the topic without any nonsense:

“Everyone, the Aerospace Development Committee hopes to establish a permanent scientific institution for academic exchanges and related consulting services for scientists from all over the world.

In addition to regular stipends, we are also committed to providing each participating member with the opportunity to enter space for scientific experiments once a year. "

Domestic scientists were the first to react and opened their eyes wide. Others from many countries needed help from translators. They quickly expressed their shock in various languages ​​and communicated with their companions in disbelief.

Hawking, who was in the C position at the front, controlled the wheelchair to move half a meter forward and typed a line of characters on the computer:

"I join you."

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