The expansion of "Wutu" is very simple, which is to add similar cabin sections of the same level to the original core module. By then, the permanent personnel of the space station will be increased to about 10 people, and the operating quality will jump to more than 200 tons.

As for the construction of the lunar surface habitat, there was a debate over 3D printing or on-site manufacturing. However, in the early stage, it is most convenient to directly build the ready-made cabin sections.

Eight general-purpose cabin sections of about 20 tons, all of which are limited in size to 14*7*5 meters. The interior is transformed into various functional cabins through different layouts. It is divided into 4 living cabins, 1 service cabin, and 1 planting cabin. , 2 transition/equipment bays.

The four residential modules will be connected in a cross layout through node modules, providing a total of 300 square meters of living area and 12 rooms, enough to accommodate 20 astronauts.

The other four functional cabins are also connected to the node cabin, and are completely in the shape of a "meter". This is the main structure of the Yushu No. 1 base, all of which are composed of prefabricated cabins.

The location of the Yushu base is right around the Qom impact crater, so even future hydrogen bomb blasts will not have an impact.

These were originally on the agenda of the Aviation Development Committee. Serev’s proposal was larger than what Academician She thought, but it was not much different.

Academician She: "How much do you plan to use in your budget?"

Serev: "The cabin segment is manufactured within 3 billion yuan, and there are 3 giant launch missions and 8 heavy launch missions, and the total does not exceed 6 billion yuan."

Academician She: "Then... the space agency will invest 6 billion. There is still a little left in this year's budget, so I will put it on this project.

Let us manufacture four functional cabins. In addition, Wutu’s expansion plan will add a scientific cabin, with a total investment of 8 billion yuan. "

Academician She didn't even have any emotional fluctuations when he spoke. The basic budget of the space agency next year is about 160 billion, of which about 50 billion can be allocated to new projects.

This is about $23.5 billion, less than half of what NACA had in 2016, but it can definitely do more.

Tomioka Town.

Tian Zhan was still wearing the formal attire he had been wearing when he arrived. He was currently standing on the second-floor balcony of the IAEA station on the street, watching the crowd holding high banners gathering noisily outside, and then being blocked by soldiers... members of the emergency support and rescue team. outside.

The IAEA plans to equip the emergency support and rescue teams with orange uniforms that have not yet been produced, and the teams from the other four countries are also still being prepared. Therefore, the current situation looks a bit like Aramco soldiers suppressing the people of Panzi.

However, Colonel Bailey, who was standing next to Tian Station, was not nervous at all. Instead, he couldn't hide his laughter.

In contrast, Tian Zhan had a dark face, and the other three military personnel also had strange expressions on their faces.

The reason for all this is also very puzzling - the protest team's demand is to only accept hydrogen bombs from Aramco and oppose those from other countries, especially those from next door.

So you can imagine Tian Zhan's expression after learning the reason for their demonstration. He personally didn't even know how to complain other than reporting it.

The IAEA's decision to violently resolve the Fukushima nuclear accident caused a huge shock on the island. A large number of official personnel claimed illness or resigned in order to avoid causing trouble. On the surface, they even no longer had enough prestige to speak out. Even Haogong He announced that he was "not feeling well and has left full authority to the cabinet."

Passive treatment itself is an attitude of resistance, and the opposition from the public is even greater, but all of them have been suppressed, and the work of the IAEA is still moving forward steadily.

Seeing that the IAEA has been authorized by the United Nations and cannot stop it, the public has also lowered its demands, and then changed from "opposing all nuclear weapons" to "at least you don't take turns to bomb me, especially the two next door!"

Tian Zhan just gave this a cold look. The domestic survey team has arrived for a few days. They brought specially modified helicopters and probe vehicles and are continuing to accurately measure the assigned No. 1 core before modifying the missile. Built-in coordinates.

Bailey, Dai Ying, and Fa Ji, who were preparing to make soy sauce, were of course eager to watch the excitement, and they kept fighting against the field:

"These people don't understand the IAEA's painstaking efforts at all. They should be forcibly deported."

"Yes, this place is less than 10 kilometers away from the nuclear power plant. More than a thousand people came here in cars to protest. There must be a conspiracy, and we must take a heavy blow!"

"How about you give up? Give the funds to Santis National Laboratory. We also have earth-penetrating warheads."

Tian Zhan ignored all these taunts and encouragements, but Officer Lucia on the side couldn't bear it anymore and said viciously:

"Tomorrow the Tu-95 will pass by here during its cruise, and our opinions will only be expressed in bombers!"

Then he poked Tian Zhan aside.

"Tian, ​​how about we go on a joint cruise together?"

"Sergey...this is our domestic arrangement. I don't know. I will retire soon."


Sergey immediately turned around and left without the interest to watch any more, followed closely by Tian Zhan. As soon as he turned around, he saw the adjutant gesturing not far away, which meant that there was a response from the country.

He quickly returned to his room and answered the call from the chief. His frown suddenly relaxed in the middle of the call, and he smiled involuntarily.

"Yes! Make sure to complete the guidance mission!"

Desert base.

In the early morning in the northwest, the sun has shined on the earth through the cloudless blue sky, and people who are not familiar with it can't tell the specific time at all.

The "Snowbird", which had made a name for itself during its first test two months ago, once again appeared at the starting point of the runway, but its appearance had changed slightly compared to the first flight.

First of all, the color has changed from a slightly dirty off-white to pure gray. The test aircraft number on the nose has also disappeared, replaced by the white number "55101" sprayed on the tail, which means that it has entered a certain area as the first H-10 bomber. Served in the Navy.

In the past two months or so, this Snow Falcon has made many improvements. Not only has it been thoroughly inspected and repaired its previous defects, but a set of experimental radar and optoelectronic systems have also been transplanted onto it, giving it a certain combat effectiveness. With stealth coating.

The test aircraft that flew last time had neither radar nor stealth coating. The pilot relied entirely on ground guidance and was blinded as soon as he crossed the border.

A week ago, the superiors decided to let this prototype enter active service first, but it will only be under the name of Hainan Airlines and still under the command of Northwest China. It will be improved while it is in service and any problems will be solved first.

The main reason is that the snow swans make too much noise, and the frequency of their activities has increased suddenly recently. Instead of carefully hiding it, it is better to take it out to scare people first, or even expose it.

Although it currently has less than a quarter of the combat effectiveness of the mass-produced version, it is still enough to complete cruise missions alone.

Lei Qing is still the pilot for this flight mission, and the co-pilot and weapons operator is Huang Sheng, a test pilot who has just transferred. They will complete this flight mission together.

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