"Nine top scientists have entered space, the oldest is over 95 years old."

"Frank Young becomes the oldest astronaut and his wife supports his decision."

"Foreign media commented: This is the mission with the most serious consequences of failure in history."

"She Xingjie, chief engineer of the First Aerospace Academy, flew into space on an aerospace plane and said in a live broadcast that civilian space is expected to become popular around 2020."

"Hawking stood up in space."

"The Royal Society of Physics congratulates many physicists on their entry into space and hopes to strengthen cooperation."

"Former NACA Director: Artemis III mission may be carried out in the near future."


"I am She Xingjie, chief designer of launch vehicles of the First Academy of China Space Administration. I am sending my greetings to aerospace industry practitioners around the world from space!"

Robert looked at Academician She, who was smiling with wrinkles on his face in the tiktok live broadcast room, and his eyebrows were tightly knitted.

There are several passengers floating around behind the camera. They are all well-known physicists with high prestige on earth. They are currently busy experiencing space and have no intention of joining the live broadcast.

Hawking, who found it difficult to change postures on Earth, managed to "stand up" straight with the help of others, and put on a crisp suit. After getting used to the appearance of him sitting in a wheelchair, he looked surprisingly slender.

Of the people in the live broadcast room, Robert only saw a series of nines connected together. This was also the first time people saw the internal structure of the aerospace plane.

It seems to be not much different from ordinary passenger planes, except that there are fewer and more spacious seats. To the naked eye, it looks much more "people-friendly" and seems to be affordable.

Robert thought about the SSTO plan that had just been approved. Now the plan has just been finalized and entered the airframe design stage. Lockheed's Skunk Works is looking for liquid hydrogen storage technology from the 1950s, and Pratt \u0026 Whitney is trying to find a way to resume production of the J58 engine - Improved models must not be able to produce products half a century ago after so many years.

This huge gap makes it difficult for the entire NACA to accept, not to mention the Progress, which was completed a week ago. It has become an object pursued by space enthusiasts at night. The shape of the ring-shaped space station taken from the ground can often be seen on social networking sites. .

That is a creation of more than 1,600 tons. The combined mass of other spacecraft in orbit may not be that much.

In the past two months, NACA staff have worked frantically under this silent pressure, and it has produced very good results.

The first SL-X rocket has been assembled in Florida and completed overall testing, eight days earlier than expected. This is a shock to NACA, which is used to non-stop ticket delays.

This is even true for the last SLS rocket. Perhaps in order to free up space to develop the Saturn 7, which can compete with Starship, Boeing has also continued to increase the manpower of SLS, promising to launch the third Orion spacecraft before Thanksgiving, and Absolutely guaranteed to be reliable.

Although the Mars plan for the coming year is also important, all of NACA's energy now is on how to complete a successful manned moon landing before the end of 2017. Otherwise, Congress will be very embarrassed when it summarizes in the new year.

In addition to this is the "Gravity Dragon" spacecraft. Since it needs to cooperate with the service module, it makes little sense for the "Gravity Dragon" command module to separate and return to Earth, so NACA decided to let it stay there.

The second Dragon spacecraft is about to enter launch status. This time it will bring two crew members and plan to carry out human experiments. It is also planned to be completed before 2018.

However, this is mainly to seize the title of the first operating artificial gravity device before Advance, which will definitely take some time.

Robert wrote down all the launch missions that were squeezed into the last forty days of this year in his notebook. He was thinking about how to adjust the schedule of each plan when he saw Deputy Director Jim walking in with a sigh.

"What happened, Jim?"

"Extremely bad."

Jim faced him and spread his hands:

"You must know that Teng Yun just carried out another flight mission."

"of course."

Robert pointed to his mobile phone where tiktok live broadcast was still playing.

“At that time, the Pacific Fleet’s radar station in Luzon first detected a signal of over Mach 10, and then again more than an hour later, both of which were hypersonic aircraft with speeds above Mach 10.

The second one is Tengyun. The first one has only sound and light characteristics but is almost invisible to radar. Hexagon believes that it is the ‘thunderstorm’ in August, and it appears again.

This time they flew a full circle around the entire island country, and then flew across most of the Pacific Ocean, approaching Luzon and Annan before returning. The military was going crazy.

They are urging the SR91 again and have raised the speed requirements, which must not be less than Mach 8, and the range must not be less than 20,000 kilometers. "

Robert is embarrassed, NACA is in charge of both aerospace and aerospace, whether it is SSTO or the SR91 project that competes with Snow Hu, but the correlation between the two is not small.

The demand for SR91 is much more urgent than that of SSTO. This kind of substantial military threat will only drive Congress crazy, and it will never be able to tolerate and encourage it like aerospace.

"But we lack the ramjet technology... Damn it, we still need to push Pratt \u0026 Whitney and General Electric."

Jim nodded, but something suddenly occurred to him when he heard General Electric:

"By the way, a Chinese airline has approached Boeing and General Motors. It is said that it plans to promote supersonic passenger aircraft again, hoping to establish a transoceanic supersonic route."

Robert: "Boeing will not agree. This is not a technical issue."

Boeing had a plan for a supersonic passenger plane in the late 1960s, codenamed Boeing 2707, which could cruise at Mach 2.7. It received strong support from the Meitingzong, who declared that "we each donated $1 to realize this plan."

However, at that time, a large number of people strongly protested against the sonic boom of supersonic flight, and the opposition advocated that the budget should be transferred from supersonic flight to improving people's livelihood. As a result, Congress voted 215 against and 204 in favor when voting on whether to continue the supersonic passenger aircraft project. The ratio was rejected, resulting in the cancellation of the 2707 passenger aircraft, and Boeing had to lay off 60,000 people.

Therefore, in Robert's view, the current situation is more favorable to the opposition than it was then, and Boeing will definitely not repeat the same mistakes.

However, Jim shook his head slightly and said something that surprised him:

"But Boeing seems to attach great importance to them. That airline is said to be a wholly-owned subsidiary of XAP, and they have spun off the aviation business.

I heard some rumors that the airline said that if they could open up the Pacific and Atlantic routes, their domestic airlines would be willing to order at least 200 aircraft, and the revenue per flight would be more than 300% higher than now. It is very tempting for today's civil aviation. "

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