"Welcome to today's news. Due to the increase in news content, this program will be extended by 30 minutes. Today's main news content is:

…The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Mariano, held a press conference in Edo and announced the preliminary results of cleaning up the out-of-control core of Tomishima Nuclear Power Plant.

Rafael said: Some unexpected difficulties were encountered during the clean-up process, but through the coordination of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the chemical defense emergency support and rescue team adjusted countermeasures in a timely manner, which effectively resolved the risk of incomplete clean-up and saved the people of the island country. In water and fire.

At the same time, he sternly advised anyone who attempted to approach the controlled area privately. It is extremely dangerous to approach the nuclear controlled area. Ten ordinary citizens have died as a result. We express our regret for this.

This has exposed some problems in the IAEA's blockade measures in the controlled area. In order to increase security, the last cleanup operation will be postponed to December 20.

Finally, our representative from the International Atomic Energy Agency proposed in the aftermath meeting: personnel safety must be given top priority and must never be allowed to..."

"Why aren't you here yet?"

The host's voice on the TV continued, but Shen Zuozhou was already scratching his head in anxiety and grabbed Xiao Gangtian's arm:

"Didn't you say that the evening news would show a video of a nuclear explosion? You've been saying this for a long time and the host is still there!"

"Uh...ah, I was the one who saw the reporter filming there and heard about it. Wait, wait."

Xiao Gangtian was in a trance. He experienced two nuclear explosions on a plane in one day, which greatly consumed his energy. He already regretted coming to the capital instead of flying directly back to the base to sleep.

The clear video of the nuclear explosion has been suppressed, which made the vast majority of people in the country who could not be at the scene extremely anxious. The official media released a few photos, but everyone still wants to see the real footage!

Therefore, today's news ratings are extremely high, and everyone hopes to see the most realistic nuclear explosion scene from here.

"...After the first clean-up operation, reporter Zheng Tao and the explosion cloud sample collection crew took the H-6H bomber deep into the explosion cloud. Now let's take a look at the scene."


Shen Zuozhou immediately sat up straight and then saw a young man wearing soundproof headphones and a yellow jumpsuit.

"I am reporter Zheng Tao. We are now on a sample collection machine, less than 20 kilometers away from the center of the blast!"

The picture was close to the porthole, and indeed one could see a hilly terrain scattered with large and small forests. In the distance, one could also see the seaside reflecting sunlight.

"Where is the nuclear power plant?"

Xiao Okada was pulled in front of the TV. He frowned and looked at it, then pointed to a coast on the left side of the screen.

"It should be right here. The nuclear power plant construction area is a square area beyond the coast. Look...oh, it's switched."

At this time, the picture changed to Zheng Tao again. He raised his left wrist and looked at his watch. He shouted as hard as he could to drown out the noisy noise in the cabin.

"... Now the first rocket has flown over the Sea of ​​Whales and arrived over Honshu Island. It is falling at more than 5 times the speed of sound. If we look outside, we will be able to (voiceover: Missile!) see a meteor... Let's see Look at what’s going on outside!”

Zheng Tao's voice couldn't help but be excited. Shen Zuozhou was even more affected by the recorded atmosphere in the picture and was engrossed in it, watching the movement of the picture without blinking.

What he saw outside the porthole was a blue sky above a sea of ​​clouds, and an intermittently bright meteor streaked across the sky, falling from the sky at an angle.

This kind of picture is not unfamiliar to Shen Zuozhou. It is also the same when a spacecraft re-enters and returns to the atmosphere. The violently rubbed atmosphere generates plasma that surrounds the object, but now there is a monster in the plasma that can destroy the world. .

He immediately thought of the doomsday scenes that have become very popular on Douyin these days. Those self-media bloggers have edited and spread the images of nuclear bombs annihilating the world from science fiction movies.

Shen Zuozhou dismissed these movie scenes, but when he saw the real doomsday threat, he only felt a suffocating fear that made people's hair stand on end.

There was originally Zheng Tao's voice outside the screen, but when he was stunned, the voice disappeared, leaving only the noise in the cabin.

The meteor passed through the clouds and disappeared into the ground in less than a second. Then the whole world was silent for an extremely brief moment, blooming with a bright light that overshadowed the sun.

This is the real world-destroying light, which directly turns the entire picture completely blank.

There was a total of 6 seconds of blank time, CCTV did not edit a second, and the Central News relaxed the full screen blank for a full 6 seconds.

When the white light finally dissipated, there was only an astonishingly spectacular fireball left outside, dozens of times larger than the setting sun, as if it had really reached the surface of the sun.

Shen Zuozhou was absorbed in watching the TV and was unmoved. Xiao Gangtian next to him seemed to have returned to a few hours ago. At that time, he was lying in front of the porthole and doing the same thing.

But at this moment, Zheng Tao’s voice finally sounded outside the screen:

"I...the hydrogen bomb we launched successfully exploded and accurately hit the Tomishima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant!

I am reporter Zheng Tao, bringing you reports from the scene! "

There has been great controversy over how to deal with public opinion.

Some people say that the impact should be minimized as much as possible, and that just like the previous nuclear tests, it will mainly focus on text and release a very small amount of pictures and videos;

Some people think that this is a good opportunity to declare national power. It is not an attack on the city anyway. It should be vigorously publicized to enhance national self-confidence.

The two parties were evenly matched, and no one had an overwhelming advantage.

The final resolution of this problem was also very dramatic. When the TASS reporter took the lead in boarding the Tu-142 patrol plane, he was already destined to have no choice.

Lucia, who had a slight recovery momentum, couldn't wait to let the world see that her fangs were still there, so she immediately announced that she would let TASS release the entire process.

The other parties had to follow suit, so Zheng Tao boarded the plane.

Anyway, the material shot by others outside will be published, and there is no need to make meaningless demonstrations. However, the public response to the actual broadcast still worries the senior management.

At that time, Xiao Gangtian and Zheng Tao had a good chat about this. The two of them couldn't make up their minds and could only wait and see what happens.

He is now carefully observing Shen Zuozhou's expression. The main scenes of the two nuclear explosions have been fully broadcast. He is looking forward to how Shen Zuozhou will react.

Shen Zuozhou breathed out a sigh of relief under his gaze, his face a little serious:

"The hydrogen bomb... although we all looked forward to it in advance, I was not as happy as I imagined when it actually happened."

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