The second mission to land on the moon was given 48 months, but the time of the Saturn mission, which was orders of magnitude more difficult, only doubled.

During this period, I had to find time to land on Mars and reveal the true face of Plain Zero, so the schedule suddenly became tight.

And what is the relationship between Mars and Titan? Do the unnatural things in both places come from the same place?

The influx of huge amounts of information made Lin Ju's brain confused. As for the Chiren space elevator materials, they were nothing. Nothing was more important than aliens.

"Tuk Tuk"

A sudden knock on the door made Lin Ju wake up suddenly. Then he felt that his whole body was sticky and his underwear had been soaked in cold sweat.

He breathed heavily, feeling the long-lost air as if he had just been saved from drowning.

"Please come in."

The person who pushed open the door was Xiao Wang, who had just sent him over. The latter immediately saw the beads of sweat condensed on the back of Lin Ju's neck and his wet hair, and was instantly shocked.

This is not uncomfortable at all. He is clearly sweating all over his body, and maybe he is having a fever.

Before he could hear the news, he directly picked up Lin Ju and ran to the infirmary. He didn't even hear what the person on his back said, and just sent him to the doctor as quickly as possible.

A few minutes later, Zhong Cheng, who stood up and stretched, was about to take a break and take a look at Lin Ju, when he saw Xiao Wang running over without any image, and said intermittently regardless of his rapid breathing:

"Commissioner Lin... Lin fainted. I applied for a helicopter... to send, to send..."

"Lead the way quickly!"

After hearing the first few words, Zhong Cheng lost his composure and pushed Xiao Wang out together, leaving more than a hundred staff members in the command center who didn't understand what was going on.

"Shet, this is the romance of men!"

Victor kicked hard on the fixed pile of the flagpole, and after confirming that it was firm, he couldn't wait to run to the lander, and together with Wiseman, he began to dismantle the lunar rover fixed in the external cargo bay.

This time "Origin" is equipped with two lunar rovers, one is an upgraded version of the lunar rover that looks almost the same as the Apollo era, and the other is obviously much smaller - a two-wheeled motorcycle.

As for what kind of transportation astronauts will use on the moon, many plans have been produced as early as the Apollo program, including but not limited to:

Four-wheeled lunar rover, electric motorcycle, four-wheeled pedal bicycle, two-wheeled bicycle, scooter (the kind with a faucet), two-wheeled trolley (?), etc., there are all kinds of things.

Among them, the motorcycle, bicycle, and trolley programs are the ones that have invested resources in formal research, and have produced physical objects for testing.

The main reasons for the final elimination of the motorcycle plan were the heat dissipation problem due to its small size and poor performance due to the battery technology at the time. Therefore, the most reliable four-wheeled lunar rover was finally selected.

But the motorcycle solution also has its own advantages: lightweight, simple, strong passing ability, and can be used as a bicycle.

The last point is very important. The low gravity environment of the moon will greatly reduce the difficulty of pedaling. If the battery runs out, you can easily ride for a long time with physical strength, unlike the four-wheeled lunar rover that has to be abandoned if it runs out of battery.

Maybe it was for the purpose of expanding the scope of the operation, or maybe it was just to give it a try. In short, NACA also sent a motorcycle this time.

But in fact, it is more appropriate to call it an electric bicycle. After all, it is not only electric, but also uses the frame design of an old bicycle for the convenience of pedaling. It is very similar to the old-fashioned "load king" electric bicycles that were popular in China in the early days. , just the suspension is stretched longer.

Victor liked this ugly design very much, and he affectionately named it "Black Mamba", just like his favorite idol.

Victor assembled the "Black Mamba" easily. He rode on it and turned the switch and ran briskly around the flagpole and lander, making a rough howl on the radio.

The first two hours were broadcast live on TV. They needed to complete the task of planting the flag and cooperate with John's speech. Now they can finally let themselves go.

Wiseman looked at Victor, who was wearing a bloated spacesuit, riding a motorcycle, and it was like seeing a brown bear performing a bicycle show in a circus. It was indescribably funny.

"Victor, save some power and help me drag out the lunar rover."

"Oh... no problem. This little power is no problem. Look, I can pedal even faster!"

Victor pedaled hard, only to find that NACA had deliberately designed the pressure plate to be very small, and the pedaling speed was only twenty or thirty. Then he curled his lips and got off the motorcycle to help Wiseman continue to install and debug the equipment.

After everything was settled, more than three hours had passed since the launch, and there were only 30 minutes left before the expected four-hour launch.

The mission on the first day was very simple, mainly because NACA considered that they planned to stay on the moon for 7 days and needed to fully rest.

But at this time, Victor was full of energy and looked in one direction from time to time.

He finally couldn't help but said to Wiseman:

"Hey, do you think we should go over and see if they've landed?

Has the Nine Chapters landed? Are you still at shuguang3? "

He said the latter sentence to Houston. After he finished speaking, he waited for about a minute before hearing the sound from the ground.

"I am Keynes. According to the information we have, the Nine Chapters successfully landed at the Yugui Base more than an hour ago. All four advance team members are on board. No further information has been released for the time being.

Victor, your EVA time is coming soon. Meeting... NACA has arrangements in this regard. Please do not act without authorization. Repeat, please do not act without authorization. "

"Okay, okay, I know."

Victor couldn't hide his disappointment and muttered a few words, which made Keynes on duty relax. He thought that he was an astronaut with excellent quality, and he should still have basic obedience.

But before he could speak again, he heard Victor screaming in surprise:

"Ouchette! What the hell is that!"

After a few seconds, Wiseman's voice also sounded:

"Houston, we saw an unknown light, a white light, very bright! Really bright! And it was flashing!

Houston, please give us the exact direction of the Chinese camp, we need confirmation! "

"Hey, now I can work for the capitalists at night."

Deng Lei stepped on the newly added lunar soil near the thick metal pole. When he looked up, he could see the dazzling white light above his head, illuminating a large area from top to bottom. Even on a moonlit night, it could provide lighting comparable to moonlight.

This is a street light, which can also be called a lighthouse. It is more than 80 meters high. An LED light group with a total power of more than 10 kilowatts is installed on the top. Under the action of the reflector, the brightness is amazing. If it were not filtered by the mask, looking directly at it would definitely cause temporary blindness.

This light also serves as a guide. Although the range affected by the curvature of the moon is smaller than that of the earth, it is still no problem within ten or twenty kilometers.

The reflector on the top can also adjust the focus, and it also has the function of a searchlight, which can be said to be very diverse.

"Turn off the lights quickly, the heat sink is not fully deployed!"

Liu Ming suddenly shouted on the radio. Just ten seconds after turning on the lights, the controller beeped a high temperature alarm. It was probably because the heat sink on the ground was not installed properly.

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