"If you use these drugs and some patents to set up a pharmaceutical company, attract investors and then go public, you will definitely make a lot of stock money. It should be no problem to make billions of dollars as an emergency."

"It's a solution."

The earning power of medicine and the reliability of systematic research still gave Lin Ju a lot of confidence. He looked at the others:

"Any more?"

Guo Shen raised his hand:

“Speaking of stocks, can we get United Mining listed on Nasdaq?

As long as United Mining is listed on the market, space mining concept stocks will definitely skyrocket, and it will not be difficult to make money by operating it.

Even if we can't, we should still find ways to use the power of finance or investors. There are many rich people in the world. "

As someone who has lived in Aramco for more than ten years, Guo Shen still has a keen sense of the financial market.

"It is impossible for United Mining to list on Aramco." Ye Changsi shook his head in the negative, but then nodded quickly:

"It's a good idea to pay rich people. We have carried out almost 16 space tourism missions this year and have made several billions here and there. This is not enough. This market can be further explored.

We need to create selling points and link space with business as much as possible, and we can no longer desperately suck blood from subsidiaries.

Next, chips, new energy vehicles, smart driving, and satellite communications are the general directions, and they also need money. "

"Then contact the IAU first, and at the same time, the biological laboratory will speed up as much as possible."

Lin Ju made the final decision, his tired eyes full of bloodshot eyes, but still glaring:

"Although it may be a bit wrong to say that we are the chosen ones, what we are about to face and do are matters related to the entire human civilization. In the next 96 months, every day will be precious."

"This is unprecedented. We shoulder the mission of the entire human civilization. We protect the safety of the world. Only the great United States can withstand this crisis!"

In the thirteenth office on the fourth underground floor of the Hexagon Building, John stood up and waved his fists, feeling as if he was about to die.

Office 13 may not sound big, but it actually occupies half of the fourth underground floor. Next to it is the strategic duty room. It has become the lowest level secret of the federal government.

However, the main body of Office Thirteen is actually in the underground fortress in Cheyenne Mountain, where a more professional team is being formed.

All this is not alarmist fuss. In fact, the atmosphere at the top of the Hexagon has reached an extremely serious level, and only the crisis of 1962 can compare with it.

Because after several days of continuous demonstration by multiple expert groups, and another signal was briefly captured on December 23, although not as many as the first time, the judgment of extraterrestrial signals was still completely confirmed.

If the media continues to follow up, they will know that most of the top officials of the federal government have not appeared in public.

Apart from them, there are only two or three actual controllers of the super consortium who know about it. Now they are here listening to David Usnow's report and John's blood injection.

"According to the information provided by NACA, we can reach Mars within two to three years at the earliest, but this requires even greater support than now, a lot of money, a lot of money, and the full cooperation of several large enterprises."

"Money and resources are not a problem."

“We should be thinking about what the limits are for humanity, not what the limits are for the Fed’s accounts.”

Two voices sounded from among the four mysterious council members, and the other two obviously acquiesced in this attitude.

For these elites who have almost transcended the world, money is no longer a measure of wealth.

This attitude made John feel relieved. Their support also represented the support of the military-industrial complex and the consent of the vast majority of members of Congress. Future decisions will be implemented effortlessly. In fact, it is also strengthening Overall authority and public standing.

Of course, his re-election in the next term will inevitably be included in this, which is a guarantee for maintaining policy continuity.

"Then we will complete the landing plan as early as 2022. I applied to be the first batch of landing personnel. Since it is based on aliens, it must involve the intervention of sociologists and linguists. Any accidents will happen. It may lead to unimaginable errors, so caution must be exercised.”

David took the opportunity to make a small request of his, which was approved without any surprise.


Robert, the current Director of Astronautics, stood up and looked around, then faced the Stars and Stripes on the wall and solemnly said:

"From now on, we enter the interstellar age."

Moon, Qom Crater.

On the plain outside the northwest of the impact crater, four searchlights on the outer surface of the columnar "Origin" lander illuminated the surrounding camp. Flagpoles, equipment, lunar rovers and other debris are now piled everywhere, but it is very eye-catching. It is a very obvious circular mark within about 20 meters of the lander.

This was accomplished by Wiseman after riding the "Black Mamba" several times. According to his words, "This is the territory of Artemis III."

The purpose of dividing the territory is of course to prevent strangers from approaching, and the specific targets are obvious.

There was no communication between the two lunar landing teams on the first day. Artemis 3 and Chapter 9 were very busy, especially since the latter only had four astronauts working on it. All four robots were brought to the cave for confidentiality. .

Wiseman and Victor, who had tighter schedules, went to rest earlier than Deng Lei and were spending Christmas Eve on the moon on the upper stage of the lander.

They successively called their family members on earth and recorded the blessing food to be released to the public, and then carefully opened the gift box specially prepared by NACA. Inside was an apple and a greeting card submitted by a randomly selected middle school student from a certain place.

Victor read the greeting card carefully, then wrote a reply and put it in an envelope and fixed it in a convenient place. He decided to put some lunar soil in it when he went back, and then he would send it to the lucky person to brag about for several years. capital.

After completing all of this, he could safely take a bite of the apple.

"Bless you, Reed."

"Bless you, Victor."

A white man and a black man huddled in the lander cabin next to the moon's South Pole crater, celebrating the holiday together.

But before the two could enjoy a moment of peace, Houston sent a communication request to them.

"Hey Jim, you must have forgotten that you wished us happy holidays an hour ago, right?"

Victor's tone didn't sound good, and he obviously knew that he had something to do again.

"Uh... I'm sorry. I don't want to disturb you. I just need your help with a small matter."

"Wow, dear Deputy Chief, your loyal sailors will perfect your orders."

Jim ignored Victor's weird tone and said seriously:

"The call I am having with you is confidential and will not be recorded. Please listen carefully:

According to the president's order, you need to add one more item to your mission, to investigate the clues about the fifth person of Artemis 2, but the premise is that the purpose will never be revealed, and you can have limited contact with the Chinese.

Don't question it, you are currently performing a top secret mission. Victor, Reed, please swear an oath to me as a soldier. "

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