Ye Changsi stared at the big screen and alarm panel in front of him with bated breath. He was far less reassured than his boss.

Although Androv's drawings with the help of the system are absolutely correct, the manufacturing and use processes cannot be guaranteed, and there are still uncertainties.

Fortunately, however, no unsecured items were thrown away to trigger the alarm, and no fragile connection points were torn to cause structural damage. In the data returned by the Advance flight computer, everything was as perfect as the simulation. The center of gravity The deviation is 3%, which is completely within the adjustment range of the balance system.

He clicked on the estimated route provided by the flight computer. The current rotation of the Advance would still have a certain offset, which would deflect the original "8" up and down trajectory, but it was harmless.

As for the current gravity, there is only 0.27% standard gravity at only one-tenth of the rotation speed, which is less than one percent of the full value, and the effect is very weak.

But this was completely enough. Ye Changsi continued to order calmly:

"Keep the current gravity for 24 hours and choose an opportunity to conduct the next phase of testing!"

Lin Ju, who was behind him, was no longer sleepy and stared at the status of the Forward without blinking.

Mild rotation is just a simple start, and the control center at the base will be responsible for the main dynamic testing tasks.

The six Life Butlers will conduct activity tests under each gravity gradient. The main content is to move vigorously in the space station and imitate various actions that humans may perform to change the center of gravity of the Advance.

Over the next at least two months, six humanoid robots will test all functions. Many of them can only be activated under gravity and have never been tested before.

According to the previous plan, the Advance will be officially delivered before July and will play more roles after that, such as conducting short-term voyages between the earth and the moon.

Thinking of this, he asked Zhong Cheng:

"Is the date for the first hydrogen bomb test really set in April?"

"No, postponed."

Zhong Cheng looked calm:

"You know we still have to conduct some other small tests. Ami and Lucia are similar. They are probably doing something similar to us. These preparations will take time."

Lin Ju: "It doesn't matter if it's delayed by a month, but if the nuclear explosion test is delayed, the progress of United Mining will be too slow. Every minute the astronauts spend on the moon is wasting money."

"But these things are one of the conditions for United Mining to use a hydrogen bomb on the moon. You know, those people are planning to make a yield of this level!"

Zhong Cheng raised two fingers and shook them. He felt uncomfortable even saying the number.

"Well, Director Zhong, you said that Xinyuan is already the highest-level defense contractor. Is it possible to contract this to us? We also have nuclear experts."


Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.

On April 20, 2017, the Gaganyan-1 spacecraft was launched into space by the GSLV MK3 rocket.

It was an imperfect test. Although there was no problem with the main body of the spacecraft and it returned successfully, the test process was not smooth because the solar panels could not be fully deployed.

The next Jaganyan project suffered many external impacts. First, Lucia gradually lost interest in tormenting ISRO after joining the Huayin organization, so her enthusiasm for assistance was greatly reduced.

Then Kishimoto Tsu was assassinated, JAXA withdrew from the Asia Star plan, and later NACA wanted to intervene in the Gaganyan plan.

However, the Jaganyan plan survived with stumbling blocks, because no matter how many great ideas the third brother had boasted about before, he was very honest and only held on to Jaganyan when doing things, and he did get the first prize from Lucia. Construction technology of second-generation spacecraft.

In a period of 10 months, ISRO improved and built two Gaganyan spacecraft and the corresponding GSLV MK3 rocket.

The launch of the Gaganyan-2 spacecraft originally planned for April was moved forward to March 1, and the next Gaganyan-3 spacecraft will be launched one month later on April 1.

At this point, ISRO has learned from what Teacher Lucia once did: as long as there are no problems with the unmanned launch of Jaganyan 2, Indian astronauts will fly to space on Jaganyan 3 immediately, making India one of the countries that can independently carry out manned launches. National ranks.

Sivan Samarkand was not conspicuous in the crowd of enthusiastic young spectators. At this time, he was praying to Lord Shiva with his hands folded.

After the failure of the Jaganyan-1 spacecraft, the Lucia expert team was "confessed" again. In fact, according to their opinion, the last launch was entirely due to lax quality control. As long as there is a serious and responsible employee in the quality inspection and final assembly process, There won't be such low-level errors.

The quality inspection work of Gaganyan 2 and 3 spacecraft was all completed by Lucia experts, and the entire process from the workshop to the rocket was strictly supervised.

But after that, Nadiradze, the leader of the expert team, stopped intervening and chatted with Xiwen about recent events with great interest:

"...You should really join the Huayin organization. Really, you have more funds than us, and the Chinese people will accept you.

Have you seen their Advance? It just had its first rotation test yesterday and will be running at full speed in a week. That is the real gravity device. NACA and our things are like a crude washing machine in front of it.

RKA is trying to obtain some Advance test data from the Aerospace Development Commission, and we will gradually build such a space station in the future. "

Sivan Samarkand:

"Dear advisor, we have no right to make decisions on our own. The conditions for joining the Huayin organization are too stringent and far beyond the capabilities of ISRO. We cannot command the Ministry of Defense.

I would rather talk to you about the ISS. There is very good news. Montal told us privately that he is willing to include the Gaganyan spacecraft as the designated transport vehicle of the ISS. In the future, India will also become an important partner of the International Space Station.

We also need to launch our own launch module to transport our astronauts. From now on, the ISS will be jointly composed and maintained by the three major countries: the United States, Russia, and India. "


Nadiradze resisted the urge to roll his eyes. NACA had dug such an obvious hole, but ISRO still wanted to jump in without blinking.

However, he didn't mean to give any advice. He just nodded casually and changed the topic:

"That may be the case. The closed training of your two astronauts has been completed. Although there are 1:1 teaching aids there, they should be back now."

"Of course, the people of India are looking forward to their heroes."

The innocent light shining in Xiwen's eyes happened to reflect the ignition and launch of the GSLV MK3 rocket. The latter rose rapidly under the action of solid propellers and flew into space with their manned space flight dream.

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