The robbery of the bandits has ended, and the search for abandoned mines is resumed.

Having said that, he was watching around the abandoned mine to see if any new monsters had sprung up, and went home temporarily from the [Transition Gate] to see the state of the Berettas.

And one week since the last full-scale search.

With all sorts of preparations, Tet and I headed for the deepest part of the abandoned mine and finally arrived.

"This is the source of the demon."

"Hey, it's muddy ..."

In the deepest hole of the abandoned mine, there was densely visible negative magic-miasma.

It is not the ratio of the evil miasma that the cursed sword contains.

At the center of the miasma was a giant insect monster.

He sits leaning against a wall, piercing something like a long tube deep underground, and sucking something up.

Then, various kinds of insect monster eggs are produced from the swollen belly of the monster, and laid down in the large hole.

And the myriad of monsters that hatched at the bottom of the hole kill each other, keep fighting, and some surviving animals crawl out of the hole.

"This is the identity of a large number of insect monsters that appeared in the abandoned mine.

"I went up from the bottom."

The insect monsters that have crawled out of the hole and have evolved to achieve the same kind of killings, immediately attack us, which seem to be soft food in front of them.

However, with the magic of my windblade and the magic sword of Tet, the insect monsters attacking are defeated and fall down.

And the mother's giant monster, which absorbs the relentless magical power released from the large hole where the monster was born and the body of the monster that grew by cannibalism, is trembling to rejoice.

"It's a very bad taste. It looks like Lariel has asked us to beat this."

"Defeat it immediately to make this ugly place clear!"

We aim our weapons at the mother of a giant insect monster-the mother.

"First, check your hands.-" Wind cutter "!"

"I'm going.

I shake the cane, create five oversized wind blades, and shoot them at the mother.

Tet creates countless gravel in his hands with earth magic, kneads the magical power of [body stiffening], and throws at full power.

A wind blade cuts through the body of the insect, and the gravel released like a shot pierces the mother's body, forming a beehive.

`` Kishaaaaa-- ''

"It works! It's again!"

Next, he creates a fist-sized stone with earth magic and throws it at full power.

The thrown stones prize the mother's abdomen, dig deep into the meat, pierce the inner wall behind it, and fall from the ceiling.

"Tet, overdo it. If you're bad, we'll be alive."

"I'm sorry."

"But it seems like it works ..."

From the mother's body that has been hurt by us, a venomous purple body fluid is blown out, and an evil miasma spreads around.

Then, the pipe protruding into the ground pulsates and sucks something, and the damaged body of the mother and mother regenerates.

"It's awkward. He's recovering by drawing magic from the terrain."

I look at the doss of black magic that clings to my mother, focusing my magic on my eyes.

Mother may have lived deep in this abandoned mine for many years, immersed in the power of the veins and the magic of poison.

In order to adapt to it, the magic dependence is high.

"Fortunately, it seems like a body that cannot live in the outside environment, so the damage did not spread without appearing on the ground, but it would be painful to beat it."

The mother who regenerates while I am analyzing, swings his arms down at us.

Just avoid a simple swing-down attack with flying magic, and Tet runs through the abandoned mine.

Then, I spit out a venom from my mouth toward Tet, but she was blocked by the barrier and fell to the ground.

"Huh, it's awkward. The opponent's attack hardly reaches here, but he doesn't die."

Consider the mother calmly while dealing with attacks.

The mother is a monster of a huge insect, but the magic attached to it is a miasma that has accumulated the negative magic that is emitted when many insect monsters die due to cannibalism and so on.

It has been transformed into a curse-like property due to the inhalation of the unclean magical power born from poison.

For this reason, the black magic power that lives with the mother's body has something like an independent will, and the magic magic bullet is released from the black magic power.

The danger of being a monster in an attack with a curse that kills one person at a time is far greater than that of the previously defeated Water Hydra.

In addition, even if you do damage by attacking, almost inexhaustible magical power drawn from the terrain heals the wound.

"After all, even if I increase my magical power to 300,000, it is still above."

Mothers have inexhaustible magic that is pumping from the terrain.

Although this cannot survive in the low magical environment of the outside world, if a rank exists, it will break through the A rank and be classified as the legendary evil class monster S rank.

Had the monster been able to survive outside the abandoned mine, it would have created an inexhaustible monster of insects, filled with countless demons of the earth, and destroyed the country.

Fortunately, he cannot live outside the abandoned mine.

"For now, you can only cut off the source of magic power.

Ten successive wind blades attacking from various angles aim at the pipe connected to the ground vein, but the mother knows that it is a weak point, so the huge body as a shield prevents the wind blade attack.


"Yes! ---- Huh, yeah!"

But it's woven.

Tet puts his hand on the ground and manipulates the ground in the abandoned mine.

The magic of Tet grabs the earth, and the inside of the abandoned mine shakes steadily.

The ground of the abandoned mine wriggles, and the mother's tube pierced into the veins jumps out of the ground like a root.

At that moment, green magic light overflows from the hole leading to the ground, but Tet immediately closes the hole in the ground with rock and closes tightly.

"I did it! I can't suck any magic from the earth!"

"Tet, nice. Let's go with this.-" Wind cutter "!"

Shake the cane once, and 10 wind blades will fall, and if you shake more, 20 blades will fall down diagonally onto the mother's body.

The source of magical power to regenerate is cut off, and the wounds are regenerated using the power stored by poison, but it is too late.

`` Kishaaaaa-- ''

An evil magical body, half body, jumps out of the mother's body and is trying to escape from us.

"I'm going to throw away my body and run away!"

The remaining body is squashed and scattered by body weight due to the wound made by the wind blade and the weight of the enlarged body, probably because the enlarged body was strengthened by magic.

The evil mother's magical body trying to escape from this underground space runs around this large space and attacks Tet.

"It's all together, yes!

Tet, who possesses a high-density magic power in the magic sword that has swung down, swings at a stretch toward the magical body.

The magical body like a black haze scatters immediately with the pressure of Tet's sword, but regroups and regenerates.

"Tet! @ These are the same magical creatures as the Great Devil.

"Well, what do you do?"

Frustrated, repeatedly hitting the sword's wind pressure into the regenerating magic body, but each time it gathers and regenerates.

But from my point of view, it's a terrible but very fragile being.

"It has not completely materialized like the Great Devil, and has lost its mother's body. It should gradually dissipate."

In addition, the core of the demon, the magic stone, has been left behind toward the mother's body, making the body's components unstable.

The magical life form created by the enchantment of the magic of poison is a being that is rampant by instinct.

"If you reach this point-<< Purification >>!"


I will expand the wave of purification with all my power so that it will spread throughout the abandoned mine space.

It becomes white and strong light, and the evil magical body is purified of its magical power, and even a piece of it is erased.

"Well, it's over."

I thought that it would be like this without the magic of the inexhaustible veins, but took a step back, but was supported by Tet in the tilting view.

"Witch, thank you."

"Well, I ... yes, it looks a bit tired."

He used purification magic to defeat such a deadly monstrous monster, but that was not all.

He was purifying even the materialized negative magical power that accumulates in the large hole that was eating the mother's corpse and the monsters created.

It is a stratum where ordinary wizards gather with dozens of people and spend tens of days and time performing rituals and purifying them.

At the bottom of the large hole, where the monsters that created it for many years cannibalized each other, the body fluids of various poisonous insects were mixed, and the remaining magic might have been used unknowingly to wipe out the infiltrated strata.

"Well, I guess I'm calm down. It would have been hard if I left it and this contamination leaked out for some reason."

If the venom of the filthy spills out, the people who will suffer the most damage will be the people who live near here.

When I think about it, I feel the green magic light leaking from the ground gathering in front of me and Tet.

Did you cleanse your mother's magic body? While thinking so and guarding, the green magical power creates the shape of a person, and an opponent who I knew appears.

"No way-Lariel?"

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