With a black kitten falling from the sky, I descend on the deck of a trading ship.

"Witch, I'm home. What is it that has fallen?

"The kitten is falling."

"Cat, is it?

Teto peeks into the kitten in my arms wondering.

And with one flying away from the ship, my return, the leader of the escort comes.

"Totally amazing how many A-rank adventurers suddenly pop up in the storm."

"I'm sorry."

"Well, I don't want to say much to the most meritorious, but honestly, I don't want you to do anything unrelated to the request for escort"

Obviously you can't be a co-adventurer, such as the magic that crushed rockfall from floating islands into the magic that prevented storm rain and wind.

With all that results, and yet at risk of falling rocks, the floating island is leaving far and the storm is settling in.

Still, there was still a storm, and I wanted you to remain vigilant and jump out in the situation, the bitterness is the best.

"So, what did you find in that storm?

"I picked this kid up. Can I rest a little 'cause I'm wet and I want to take care of you? Because the magic of avoiding arrows will remain unchanged."

"The one who fell is a kitten. No, I'm having trouble showing you the kitten I picked up like that..."

If you can keep up the magic of avoiding arrows, you have plenty of room.

Then I'd like you to remain vigilant.


"Can't you? Teto works for the witch!

"Mi no."

"Ah, already! Even though you're an A-rank adventurer, the combination of a child's appearance and a small animal is cheating! You have to give me permission, or I'll be the bad guy!

In fact, other adventurers and sailors are staring at what decision the leader of the adventurer will make.

A merchant appeared on board to hide from ever being disturbed by the storm's calm against a leader who hesitated to make a warm decision in it.

"Wouldn't it be nice to give him a break for a little while? The ship did not sink thanks to them. And it didn't get too wet in the rain because of this magic."

"Ha, because it's instructions from my client. All right, get enough rest!


I take Teto into the cabin, magically pour warm water into the big tarai, and warm the wet and frozen kitten with rain.

And when it's warm and clean enough, wipe it with a towel, wrap it in a warm blanket and hold it.

"Well, what about food? This kid still looks like he was when he got out of the age he needed milk, so will he untie the boiled fish and chicken and give it to him... will he eat it?

Are you hungry, sweet bite my index finger and suck choo choo.

"Witch, witch. This child is sucking on the witch's magic. He eats magic just like Tet."

Teto tells me that when I turn my eyes to the black kitten on my chest, I look satisfied with how well I've sucked my magic.

And on its back, a feather appeared.

That's not a chicken-like feather either, a translucent fairy feather made up of magic.

I'm surprised it's waving phosphorescence, and softly ascertain its identity with appraisal magic.

"- Ketsey... phantom beast. Age is 12."

Me confused not to think I was a phantom beast also known as a fairy cat.

A phantom beast or holy beast is a highly intelligent creature that uses magic.

Unlike magical life forms like spirits and fairies, there are entities as organisms, but in order to feed on magic, they raise their children in natural places rich in magic.

If it grows, it seems that it will emit magic on its own and become less dependent on magic, but this ketsy, if it doesn't get enough magic, will be debilitated.

"Excuse me. How did the kitten you picked up look like a phantom beast?"

A client's trader guy who suggested we rest peeks into the kitten I'm holding on my chest and squeals like that.

I get a surprising look at a black cat with fairy feathers that shine so brilliantly that I can't hide them, but I'm immediately convinced.

"Did you know this kid was a phantom beast from the beginning?

"I was thinking as one of the possibilities. The Kingdom of Lobail has an ancient heritage involving phantom beasts. Can you listen to me for one thing?"

It is the floating island heritage that is passed down to the Lowbail kingdom.

We are talking about a country many generations ago than a country called Lobail was born.

Later, he said, there was a large peninsula where the King's Capital of the Kingdom of Lobail could be.

In a time when the continent was rough, he said, the peninsula was inhabited by mighty dragons, and various phantom beasts and holy beasts gathered in search of refuge for its dragons.

That was how the place called the sanctuary was born, but the greedy entered the land in search of phantom beasts and holy beasts and vandalized their dwellings.

And the dragon, the lord of the peninsula, raged and began to strike the foolish intruders.

It developed into further strife, sending out troops that the country would not crusade dragons.

The dragons and phantom beasts who were thus hunted down were able to escape by floating in the sky on their own residence, the peninsula.

The people who entered the land from which the dragons fled built cities and the country flourished.

For more than a thousand years since then, the floating island, inhabited by dragons and phantom beasts, has moved over the eastern coast of the continent.

Where there was once a peninsula, they said, the King's Capital of the Kingdom of Lobail was born, and from that King's Capital they could see floating islands every few to more than a decade.

"And here's the story"

"That's the kind of inheritance you have."

In my arms, a magically filled ketsy is starting to sleep with utouts, loosening my cheeks, teeth and tradesmen alike to the appearance of a cute little animal.

"Then this child will be the one who fell off the island in a storm."

"I think so"

After all, was it an accident that this kid fell?

If possible, I want to return you to your original place.

"Thanks for telling me so much"

"No, if you look it up, you'll soon find out. It's an extremely obvious story. Can I just ask you one favor?

That's what I'm asking. Me and Teto tip their necks at the trader's words.

"Would you mind letting me hold that Ketsey?

"Fine, but yes?

When I give Ketsey, wrapped in a towel and sleeping with Suyasuya, to a trader, I have the look of being polite and trembling with joy to hold even an important baby.

And he gently strokes under his chin with his fingertips.

The caressed Ketsey herself seems to feel good while sleeping.

"Oh ho... thank you. We had a good experience."

"Was it good? With this?

"Yes, because cats can also be an edge of commercial prosperity. If that's the scarce phantom beast, it's all the more so. Besides, when you're on a ship, you can't even make contact with animals."

A middle-aged trader who says so thinks how adorable his cheeky expression is with his eyes lowered.

Certainly, you won't bring animals into the ship, and even if there are, misguided rats and the like won't be the object you love for a food eating vicious beast.

"Now I'm going back to the deck. And one piece of advice. The phantom beast is still a rare creature, so I was wondering if I should hide my identity. How many A-rank adventurers are targeted by greedy and rare lovers?"

"Thanks for the advice"

We drop off the dealer heading to the deck and stare at Suyasuya and sleeping Ketsey.

"Indeed, rare creatures are targeted."

"Witch, what are you going to do? Do you live with cats all the time?

Teto asks, so I shake my head quietly.

"The phantom beast, because of its high magic and intelligence, is going to board the floating island and return it to the flock of ketsies when given the chance. Until then, we'll protect you."

"Aren't you with me all the time...... I'm sorry"

Tetto's expression stroking Ketsey wrapped in a bath towel with that said seems a little unfortunate.

"Well, Ketsey's intelligent, so when you return to the herd, ask him if he'll come back to the herd or follow us,"

"I see! I work hard teto!

Tet's expression restores his usual unyielding grin if he says to Tet's unfortunate face that it gives him uncertain hope.

I smile at such a change in Teto's expression.

"In the meantime, we need to figure out a way to keep them from getting targeted. Just make sure you don't find out it's Ketsey in disguise and phantom. Plus the effect of communicating contingency boundaries and location information - Creation!

I produce a red collar with a small bell in [creative magic].

The red leather collar is given the phantom effect of disguising the appraisal and concealing the fairy feathers, while the decorative bell is given the effect of protecting and communicating the whereabouts in the event of an emergency.

And when I put a collar around my sleeping Ketsey's neck, Chillin and the bell rang small.

"You're cute"

"Right. Well, we're tired of dealing with the storm, too, so let's go have some dinner."

I put sleeping Ketsey on a simple bunk filled with towels in a cage to prepare a meal in the dining room.

Then also cook meals for adventurers and sailors who are still on alert on deck.

The people who came back for a break after a change, even as they looked at this one in a frightened mood to see if they had taken a break, enjoy a meal after being tired.

And then I woke up. A kitten began walking freely in the cabin, curious, and the adventurers and sailors lowered their eyes and looked at the kitten with pleasure.

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