Me and Tet have our routine.

Deliver potions to the guild or digest unpopular requests that are easily left in the guild to cool down trades, artwork, etc. that are brought in on the market or by sea at the end of the job.

Sometimes there are requests outside of town, but with [flying carpets], you can accomplish them on a day trip.

Yussia, who is enrolled in the Magic Gate, has a Yussia routine.

Wake up in the morning and learn or study magic under the guidance of other wizards at Magic Gate.

Well, it was originally a downfall, so basically I was forced to do chores and other things, or take jobs that other wizards didn't like and live in dorms at low wages.

As a result of living in the same house and less financial burdens, he said, as a person, he could use his time for magic training.

Because I routed the magic blocked by ancient wounds, the magic circulation would be better, so that was the only basement where simple attack magic could be used.

"Mr. Chise, Mr. Teto! Look at that! It's magic! -" Breeze ""

Yuicia, who happily reports to me and Teto, uses the magic of Breeze, the magic of breezy life.

You're still slightly windy, it's magical enough, and you can't convert it to an attack.

Still, I am happy to report that I have been able to use the magic of the Magic Gate to which I belong.

"Congratulations, Yuicia"


"Ugh, uh-huh!

Me and Teto in that report are smiling and blessing, but don't brag about it with that degree of magic, Cro slapping Yuisia on the foot with Tessi Tessi and Tail.

"Ouch, it hurts, Mr. Crowe! What's the matter with you?


From the order in which I've come to this house, or Ketsey's Crow, it's a little hard to hit whether you're treating Yussia like a child.

It's just because the pretty clo with the wool is cute, or the cute thing lover Yussia strokes the back and neck of the clo to get in the mood while holding her niggling face and giving her a troubled look.

Occasionally, Crowe sneaks up on Yussia's outing to see how she is doing, or at night she is seen diving into Yussia's futon.

"Mr. Crowe, you're cute, aren't you? And you're a cat, but you're smart. It's like you know what I'm saying."

"Really, Crowe and Yussia, we're not getting along"

"Teto is close to the witch."


So casually whining to me, Crowe, out of Yussia's presence, rubs his body to sweeten me and Teto too, absorbing plenty of magic from my hand stroking him.

That doesn't seem to go well with Crowe and Yussia, even though they think it's neat.

Instead, there is something about Crowe preferring Yussia's leaking magic to Yussia......

"Yuisia looks like she's got a magic basement, and I think it's time to teach her magic in earnest. Well, that being said, it feels practical to teach an Alliance wizard or something."

"Is it true!? Recently, you've gained [Magic Control] skills with better magic patrols, and thanks to that, you're gaining more magic!

Until now, because of each routine, I have lived together and seen simple basic training, but when it comes to authentic magic, it is dangerous, unless it is a vast outdoor place.

That and the increased amount of Yuician magic, because they are sneaking [strange nuts] out to the meal.

Is the condition of [immortality] skills like mine to have factors that make you immortal and increase a certain amount of magic on it, or are there other factors as well?

In the meantime, I'm going to increase my magic power, like I did when I was in Serene, until I developed [belated] skills in my status.

It also adds to the magic that will eventually be released into the world.

"Well, let's go for a walk on the sandy beach out of town."

"We're going!


Thus, me and Teto walk along the coast out of the King's Capital of the Kingdom of Lobail with Yussia.

"Witch ~, there was a good stone for a souvenir for everyone!

"Right. The coast around here is rolling with jade stones, so you might be able to find gemstones or something."

Hit each other with river streams and sea waves, walking along the coast of pebbles, not sand, while I also pick up driftwood and so on that have been thrown off the coast.

When I wonder if it will be an object of the house or something, my voice will hang from behind me.

"Hino... Chise... Teto... How can you be so physically fit..."

I've walked from Wang du to the sandy beach outside Wang du, but as a wizard eucia who usually exercises less, it seems pretty hard.

Like telling you to work hard on such a yuicia, a clo on your shoulder pushes a meatball against Yuicia's cheek.

If you go down from your shoulder, it will be a little easier, and when you turn your gaze, Khlo smiles bitterly because he looks at you like he doesn't know you.

"Yuicia, it's an application of magic manipulation. Focus your magic on your eyes."

"It's [physical strengthening]!

"What, yes!

It's still about 1,500 if you say you've got more magic.

To this end, I can't [physical enhancement] for long periods of time, but I teach in my daily life as much as enhancement for some.

"Ah, Mr. Chise and Mr. Teto, they're covering their bodies with magic."

"Correct. Me and Tetto are harder to fatigue than Yussia because she's getting better."

"But building your body properly doesn't cost you anything!

As well as strengthening multipliers due to [physical strengthening], the upcoming Yussia is able to increase [physical strengthening] efficiently by building up her basic health.

Well, in my case, since I'm 12 years old and my body is immortal and my growth is stagnant, no matter how much load I train, I don't have any growth or decline in my body's basic functions, so on the contrary, if I don't constantly [strengthen my body], I quickly get tired.

"Phew... [physical strengthening]..."

Stopped on his feet, Yussia focuses her consciousness on restoring strength by wrapping her own magic around her body as she bites our words.

After a while, his breathing settled, but on the other hand, he takes the mana potion out of his magic bag, bitterly laughing at the fact that Yussia's magic powers are halved.

"We're losing magic in health recovery, so drink it and talk about magic."

"Yes... sorry for everything..."

We have all these potions for the living quarters, books on magic I've finished reading, groceries, etc.

I smile against Yussia, who is afraid of a lot of money if converted into an amount.

Teto can't teach Yussia magic, so she picks up and collects things on the beach all by herself.

"Thank you, thank you"

"Well, about the magic review, but what's magic?

When I ask Yuisia, who is drinking mana potion, she stops drinking and answers seriously.

"Magic is a phenomenon caused by magic. It can be a natural phenomenon or a reproduction of an individual's fantasy."

"Correct. So, what are the magical attributes and their constituent elements?

"Yes. Magic is the six attributes of fire, water, wind, earth, light and darkness and unclassified to them! Their basic attributes combine multiple and are assumed to be attributes such as ice and thunder. The elements on which magic is built can be divided into enhancements, changes, releases, manipulations, embodies, and more!

Yuicia talks about magic in one breath.

It's a public magic theory, and it's an important thing in building magic.


"Right. You remember me well. But forget about that magic theory."

"Yeah... you forget"

It's an important foundation in learning magic, and I'm learning it in depth, so magically activated magic consumption and control capabilities have improved significantly over the past.

It's just...

"The first person in this world to use magic, you know what kind of magic he used?

"Yes? What is it, suddenly..."

You should forget about magic theory, suddenly I'm surprised by the Zen-like question hanging, but it breathes in my serious expression and takes me seriously.

"The great men who appear in the Bible were given magic by the gods, so isn't that magic? The magic that rains, the magic that grows food, the magic that punishes bad people..."

"Hmm. I wonder if it's a little different"

The anecdotes written in the Bible of the Church of the Great Gods and in the Magic Book of the Church are imitations of the miracles exercised by the Goddesses.

In other words, it is a reinforcement of our fantasy to identify ourselves with the goddesses Lilliels.

Other magic given by the gods, to say the least, is the result of people mimicking the magic that Lilliels gods showed to guide people.

But it's not.

Even before the collapse of magical civilization, the original times when people were created by the Creating God and the distance between man and God was close.

It's the first magic that people find on their own before they teach the concept of magic from the gods.

"What was the first magic used in this world? Magic that produces a glass of water. Just like this."

In front of Yussia, let her use the magical Water of Life, which gathers moisture from the air.

"Mr. Chise, it's a difficult thought experiment. Surely, you want to say that the first wizard is not a great wizard! To encourage me to be a fallen out!

That's what I said, Yuisia laughing off my story, but I shake my neck sideways with a smile on my face.

"I don't mean to, but that's the next question. That first magic was born with what wish, you know?

"What... what... wish?

Thinking into my question, Yussia looks around to explore the answers, meditates her eyes and tries to find answers from her own memory and knowledge.


"Because I'm thirsty?

"Correct. The first magic came from a thirsty desire for drinking water. Magically important is the reproduction of the fantasy held by the first said individual. But I think the thoughts that come with it are more important to me."


When I say the original world - the world that God the Creator has just created - is no different than it is now.

Some dry areas, some unusual weather and famine, mythical terrestrial paradise, etc., did not exist.

In this way, the first magic is the form of wish that was born after a man who was dying of hunger and hunger wandered for drinking water.

Only a glass of water kept the man alive.

The man, who understood that drinking water would be produced if he wished, produced drinking water in the settlement and gave it to his dry companions.

This is a story I heard directly from the Liliels, goddesses who were watching the state of it, in a dream shrine.

"Magic is. I think it's important to make it with what you think. It's not just a reproduction of a phenomenon. I want you to think about what you're doing and who you're swinging for."

"Ugh, it's a difficult philosophical story. Isn't that the answer..."

"Right. But when I really teach magic, I tell this story first."

When you teach magic to your righteous daughter, Serene, or the wizards of the Alliance's training center, you tell this story first.

Speak for what, and for whom, because each and every one wants you to think about it.

"And the other thing - magic is really just a phenomenon. Depending on how you use it, this water polo alone can kill people."

"What... you're kidding me like that"

With her gaze toward the water polo she created in the story, Yussia stares at the water and her expression is strong.

Saying that even common life magic can kill people, I seem to have been accompanied by a strong sense of reality in order to mount a slight magical intimidation on words.

In fact, if you block your mouth or nose with a glass of water, you can suffocate people easily, and if you erupt at high speeds, you can also cut and tear the rocks.

"Magic is like a good blade. We have to figure out how to use it and what it's for."

Magic is a tool that can easily kill others and oneself.

It's easy for the user to change his appearance with one thought.


"Come on, I'm glad you feel like you're afraid of magic. Then let's practice."


Then I unleash my magic towards the sea with a little less than Yussia.

As a practitioner wizard, I try to show some basic magic and make Yussia do it over and over again.

When magic doesn't work, I advise you to break down the magic I showed in an elementary way to reinforce the image of what elements to use consciously, while being able to maximize power at the fastest possible time.

"Something completely different from the magic teaching of a magic gate."

"Well, I'm a practitioner, because I do it almost with my senses. In theory, even if you understand it, it's a practice, and that theory falls out, so I guess you're clearly aware of the phenomenon you want to happen anyway."

Magic Gate has a researcher aspect, one way or the other.

There are different ways and paths to get to the same phenomenon and results, and it is a way to explore them.

Practitioner wizards like adventurers, on the other hand, are expected to destroy their enemies with the fastest and greatest power.

It's different in nature in the first place.

"Ugh, you can't use powerful attack magic if it's my magic power,"

"I wonder if that's where we're going to grow. And if you analyze the elements that make up magic and keep them in your memory, they'll complement the magic image unconsciously, so you'll consume less magic for that matter. And you should narrow down the number of magic you really use in action."

"Are you in action..."

"We don't need to fight right now. But if you crusade against demons and level them up, you can increase the amount of magic and increase the range of magic you can use."

If you don't have the strength to say what you do with magic or the strength that goes with it, you can't make it happen, but you don't have to rush it.

You just need to get used to it one by one and be strong.

"Yes, I'll do my best!

"With some strength, it's not my dream to make three silver coins a day as an adventurer either. Well, I can teach you other things about potions and other conditioning in your hands. I can't crusade the demons, but I'll make sure you live."

"Well, with that said, that was your goal. but I'll do my best."

That's how I repeated my fire magic exercises to the sea today.

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