We will guide Serene and the Uncle Rebel's mission to the Vain Wilderness.

Introduce the inhabitants of the Angels and Dragon Demons, and tell them how their lives are no different from ordinary people.

"The demons are recognized in the Isthmus kingdom, but they are no different from the others."

Some of the people accompanying the mission nod in Serene's words as they watch the children of the Angels and Dragon Demons play.

It may have a low threshold for accepting angel tribes with a loving and divine appearance and dragon demons who are subordinates to the dragon people's [dragonization] appearance.

"There are many demons in one word."

The werewolves who were defeated by the demonic possessors of the Demons who attacked Selene, mutated from humans to demonic tribes, or were asked to crush them in Gardo Wesen, were both extremely dangerous demonic tribes that harmed people.

On the other hand, people who are defined as demonic tribes have slight differences with the physical characteristics of subraces, but some are not very different from ordinary subraces.

Generally, only the insane demons who have been contaminated with moxibustion and contaminated magic are targeted, but in areas where racial discrimination is strong, monsters and demons are viewed in the same way or targeted for persecution.

Especially in the western part of the continent, it seems that certain species of demons have been designated for slaughter without questioning.

"Mother, teto sister. I'll be back."

"Yeah, I'll be waiting."

"I'm coming to see you again ~"

Bring the guards' knights and adventurers and escort Serene back to the realm of the Rebel border of the Isthmus Kingdom.

In the future, arrangements were made with the Mission regarding the transaction of goods.

In addition, the following year, a mission from Gardo Wesen came to ask for the same deal as the Uncle Libel family.

In Gard Beast Country, the royal family is the point of contact, and the second prince, the king's son, is assisted by Lord Günton as representative of the mission. And Diplomats from the Kingdom of Lobayr, to the east of the Gard Beast kingdom, came with them.

"This is compensation for the acts committed against the Witch Hall decided by the National Assembly of Japan. Please, take it. And I apologize deeply for my ancestors' foolishness."

In addition to the money, the luggage that appeared to have been brought from the Kingdom of Robbie behind him was given to art items such as a dishwashing shop, glass shop, and paintings that I liked to buy.

Confused by the actions of Robert's diplomats, I turn to Lord Günton for help.

"I can confirm your survival. I'm here to make an apology. What do we do?"

"I don't care what they say..."

You look pathetic to a diplomat with a deep head down.

"Ha, I don't care so much about the past."

"Thank you very much. Thank you in the future!

I wonder if the diplomat's speed of transformation has sent someone to cry and threaten to look pathetic.

"Witch, it's so sweet!

"Ha, I think so myself. Teto"

Teto is cute and angry, so I can only breathe deeply.

However, you may give me some feedback.

"Of course, I don't have any land with Lobail, but please continue to pass through Gardo Beast Country in the future."

"Ha, yes... of course."

When I say that clearly, the diplomat who threatens to cry drops his shoulders.

Pinch is often said to be a chance, but I thought I'd come closer in the name of apology and finally be able to negotiate directly with [Vain Wilderness].

They rejected it outright and told Gard to pass through the Beast kingdom.

Lord Günton shook his shoulders and laughed at what he expected.

The Gardo Beast kingdom has taken a slightly more advantageous position vis-à-vis the Kingdom of Lowell in this matter.

And I met Prince Legington, the second prince of the Gard Beast kingdom.

"The famous [flying carpets] in Japan! I'd love to make a deal!

"Lord Günton....."

"I'm sorry. Lord Legington is a martyr."

Lord Günton, the Tiger Beast, lay down his ear in an unfortunate manner.

Why did you make such a person a representative of the mission… No, I'm sure Lord Günton is the nominal representative to get the Second Prince to make achievements, and his practice and negotiation are central.

"Then Teto will take it!

"Oh, the famous swordsman Teto! Come on, let's go!

However, Prince Legington's samurai temperament, or bitter brain style, was not good as a negotiator, but Teto and Yahado were very compatible with the Dragon Demons.

Shake everything around each other, roll on the ground until you are satisfied, and then drink and swallow.

We were no match for Teto and Yahad, but we fought more than each other with the Dragon Demon warriors.

There was not much magic, so it could not be activated for a long time, but the skillful battle using Beast and Body Rigidity had comparable strength to A-Rank Adventurers.

"Prince Legington is amazing...."

"Mm-hmm. That character makes me look rough, but I'm a fighter. It's a bit less magical for the Beast royal family, but if you're a general who leads people, I'll make it up to you."

In general, because every country and magic amount are included in marital conditions, the higher the rank of aristocracy and royalty, the higher the tendency to have children with more magic amount.

However, the Gardo Wesen Nation is a collective state of multiple tribes and races of Wesen.

In the past, veterinarians were married by tribe and race, but an active mixed blood policy is being carried out mainly by the veterinarian royal family.

That's why they wanted unity by blood rather than magic supremacy.

Incidentally, if a beast race is basically born between the parents of a different beast, such as a canine beast or a cat beast, the child of one of the beast races is born.

In Prince Legington's case, he was born between the same Lionbeast as his father and the Blutbad mother.

Once in a while, the blood of a different ancestor, the Beast, bled out because he continued to mix blood.

Lord Günton, a relative of the Tiger Beast, was born as a Tiger Beast in such a return.

And Prince Legington, who played a big weapon meeting, drank and made a friendship,

"My lord, you're doing well inside! Won't you serve me?

"I'm sorry, I can't serve the prince because I have the great-great-great-great-grandfather and witch."

"Oh, I'm sorry! If you change your mind, come to me!

And Prince Legington is scouting the Dragon Demon people under his command.

High courage and friendliness are a kind of charisma.

The mission with Gardo Beast Country was waiting for the inhabitants to come again.

Therefore, there are some things that need to be decided now that the transaction with the two countries is scheduled.

"Until now, I have relied on my Creative Magic to switch to external transactions. To do that, we need a department that specializes in business."

"More than ever before, we have selected highly qualified members of the maid team for intelligent labor. Let's set up a chamber of commerce with them."

In the wilderness of nothingness, self-sufficiency lives, and basically bargaining is the mainstream.

However, once a deal with the outside world begins, it will require an exchange via money.

To this end, we intend to set up a chamber of commerce that is very close to the state and conduct transactions through it.

"In the meantime, let's use the Chamber of Commerce funds because we have compensation from the Kingdom of Robbie."

From here, I will select items that can be used for trading.

"Please, Beretta. For the time being, there are things that are better to not spill out considering external influences, or things that are better restricted. And the selection of things that shouldn't be drawn into the [Vain Wilderness]. And we need to stick to the Chamber of Commerce philosophy."

There are many things to think about from now on, but it would be safer to throw a round at Beletta and the others.

Appropriate material... but since the mecanoids are likely to increase their labor, it would be better to increase the number of additional service dolls by about 50.

Or I thought about looking for someone from among the demons who could work.

Thus, the predecessor of the Witch Chamber of Commerce, a directly managed commercial association, was born.

Either way, if the magic concentration is good enough in this world, it may be good to create a shop like a tenant shop for children who want to leave the [Vain Wilderness].

I am very excited about the future.

SIDE: The Witch Chamber of Commerce of the Future

A branch of the Witch Chamber of Commerce that has branches in various countries and conducts various businesses.

Reflecting the founder's philosophy, we have launched innovative products while conducting solid business.

In addition, it makes social contributions such as selling at fair prices and rescuing the weak against unfair purchases caused by wars and disasters.

A country that wants to connect with its founder, the Witch of Creation, strongly wants to open a store in its own country, but if it is judged that it cannot open a store without building strong trust, and if it is judged that trust cannot be maintained, it will immediately withdraw from the country.

Master, this is our monthly dividend.

"Thank you, Beretta... as always, your forehead is amazing."

"Oops, the numbers are full!

As I spend the day relaxing, I only get a fraction of the dividends of the Witch Chamber of Commerce by saying that I paid for the initial investment.

Still, it says the amount that can be called a tremendous fortune.

"Honestly, I can't help but notice how much money I get every month...."

But it is your husband's legitimate right. Especially the main products are many that have been developed by your husband. "

We developed skin care products and cosmetics using Formulation skills for women close to us.

Originally it was supposed to be a medical cream to remove burns and scars, but when it was sold at the Chamber of Commerce, it hit wealthy women and became a long-selling product that lasted 200 years.

After that, she developed cosmetics and other products while being begged by her family members, and became the main product of the Chamber of Commerce.

Also, the material is very high in relation to the magic concentration because it mainly uses the material obtained in the [Wilderness of Nothingness] - No, it is currently used in the [Forest of Witches of Creation].

Huge sums of money were spent as developers' profits because other magic equipment developed was being disseminated to the world through the Witch Chamber of Commerce.

Ha, I guess I shouldn't have told the world.

By rooting in each country through the Witch Chamber of Commerce and contributing to society, I only tried to create a situation that was difficult to interfere with [the Forest of Witches of Creation], but I soon became one of the world's richest men.

But to be honest, I don't need so much money.

"Even if you have so much money to spend, you don't need it in the first place."

"Besides, witches have Creative Magic !

The materials and tools you use for your research and hobbies can be arranged under [Creative Magic].

Compared to the dividends from the Chamber of Commerce, they are small, but they also have salaries because they work on other matters.

Basically, what I want is books, antiques, delicious food, food walks and travel.

It doesn't suit my height to receive such a huge sum of money.

"Well, I'll transfer one big gold coin to my account and the rest, as usual."

I was afraid.

I receive only one large gold coin every month, minus the salaries and maintenance of the Mansion for the maids who serve me.

And the rest is left to the foundation division of the Witch Chamber of Commerce to distribute the money wherever it is needed.

It is the operation of orphanages, donations to churches, scholarships for students, researchers' research expenses, medical expenses for patients with difficult diseases, protection of phantom beasts and conservation of nature to increase magic concentration.

No matter how strong I get, my reach and reach are not so wide.

But 80% of the world's problems can be solved with money.

The money I have collected cannot be spent on my own and is not enough to save all the poor, but if I reach out through the Witch Chamber of Commerce, I can reach more people than I can.

It may be a cliché, but I want everyone to have a happy life.

Hopefully, I will invest the Chamber's money in the future of the world.

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