About six months after the [Witch's Forest of Creation] received the migrants, it had settled down considerably.

One night, I fell asleep with Teto, and I was summoned to the space of my dreams.

Where are Lilliel and Lilliel?

Me and Tete, who were called here, looked around, and there were two goddesses.

Lilliel, who reincarnated me and appointed me an Apostle, and Lilliel, the Sky God who informed me of the crisis on the continent.

Chise, thank you for your hard work. It looks like you've finally reached the end of the line.

"Thank you, Lilli. I didn't do anything.Thanks to everyone. "

I'm sure you've been watching me for a long time.

The operation of the [Witch's Forest of Creation] village is carried out by representatives of each race, and the details are thrown at the Berettas.

I'm just letting you spend your time with Teto as you always have.

"So, what's the matter?" Was there a problem again? "

"Did a strong monster appear again?"Then we'll leave it to Tete! ”

Saying that, Tete bends his arm and shows the pungent force of his arm.

I don't know where the power is in such a soft arm, but for now, when you touch Tete's arm, it's tickling you.

No, this time, I want to thank you from Relier.

I'm sorry I'm late. For the time being, I brought you a thank you for appeasing Stampede. "

"It's okay, but..."

Lariel gave me the floating stones and rare magic metal from the back of the abandoned pit, and Luriel sent me to emigrate the floating island and the illusion beasts that lived there.

I was a little scared of what Reliel would give me this time.

What I'm giving you is a dungeon.

"It's a dungeon..."

It was a goddess-like gift that ruled time and space, but it murmured even with distant eyes.

Previously, I discussed with Beretta the possibility of artificially building a dungeon by intentionally concentrating the magic power of the ground vein in one place using the ground vein control magic tool.

However, at that time, we discussed and rejected the risks of stampede afterwards.

”Ahh, I don't need that face.However, the dungeon for releasing magic from the accumulated veins and the dungeon I called it were fundamentally different in the first place! ”

That's the difference between the old dungeon and the current dungeon.

The current world dungeon acts like a magic spraying device and a training ground to train humans after the introduction of stats, in order to radiate too much magic power to the world in one place.

Convert the stored magic power into monsters and treasures, and transport the dropped magic stones and treasures from the defeated monsters to consume magic power.

Fish people with such bait, defeat monsters and increase their level to increase their magic power and adaptability to the current environment.

And if you accumulate too much magic power, the stampede will force the monsters to expel it.

People dive into the dungeons to release their magic so they don't wake up Stampede.

This is the current world dungeon, but it looks different.

The dungeon I'm giving away is an old type of dungeon, but the creators of the dungeon can use their magic to customize the dungeon at will!

I miss you, don't I? That we were still born gods and made dungeons for the practice of world management. "

That said, Lilliel and Lilliel start to miss the old dungeon.

Back then, you used a lot of magic power, so you made various dungeons and gave humans a test.The people we took home with us in the dungeon were called heroes...... "

I've brought up some of the most talented humans in the dungeon to be angels and spirits.

I wonder if it's more ancient than the ancient magic civilization.

Although the aspect of training humans remained the same, it also seemed to be an operational simulation tool of the world of the gods.

At that time, in addition to the gods, the ancient dragons, phantom beasts, spirits, demons, and wizards with a certain amount of magic power were also free to build dungeons.

Some of the remaining ruins still contained old dungeons that had lost their dungeon masters.

At first glance, the old type of dungeon is a kind of small biotope aimed at learning how to operate the world, so no stampede occurs.If you prepare the environment inside the dungeon and produce monsters, you can continue to maintain the dungeon with the magical power emitted by the monsters. "

The knowledge I gave Chise in the past to regenerate the wilderness can be applied to the operation of the dungeon.

Reriel added that the Dungeon could do more by creating more magic power, although it could only do it within the range of other magic power stored up and the magic power pumped up from the land.

If you think about how to put it together, I think you can create various dungeons.

Witch, you're looking forward to it!

When I hear that, I get a lot of thoughts.

For example, if you place a monster that is easy to defeat, it will be in demand as a training facility for the residents of [Witch's Forest of Creation].

In addition, a world tree with high magic production power can be planted throughout the hierarchy to create a dungeon specializing only in magic production.

Or if you can get a Magic Stone from the defeated monster, you can also satisfy the Demon Stone demand of the demons who take in the Magic Stone.

Moreover, if you create a coast and sea in the dungeon hierarchy, you can be self-sufficient in salt, seaweed, and seafood that are difficult to obtain in this inland area.

No, if you make the hierarchy itself a tropical environment in the first place, you can grow plants such as sugar cane, coffee, and cocoa.

As I inflate my imagination about the dungeon, Lillie calls out in a daze.

Chisse. It's a gift for Chisse, but it's for the inhabitants to think about it.

"Ugh... of course, I'll think of a hierarchy for ourselves."But, are you sure you want it? "

Absolutely! I've added a hierarchy of dungeons to the Great Forest for the Ernea who solved the stampede.Because that country has been running dungeons and enjoying various resources for a long time. "

Ernea's dungeons seem to have grown over 2000 years to reach all 15 levels of dungeons because they helped Reliel and continued to believe.

There are only three levels of dungeons that we can build, but they can grow in the same way.

"What should I do... there are too many things I want to make just three tiers"

Witch! Tete wants to eat something delicious!

There are only three tiers.

Lilliel and Lilliel smiled as they wondered what they were going to make.

Now, Chise, it's time to wake up.

When we are urged to do so, our consciousness naturally falls farther apart.




When I wake up from my dreams, I wake up in bed with Tete and wake up to each other.

Then, just as the two of them were getting out of bed and changing their clothes, Beretta came to the room.

"Master, this is an urgent call.A dungeon has appeared in the [Witch's Forest of Creation]!

“Yeah, I know. It's a gift from Reliel!"

We're going to build a dungeon!

Tet and I head straight to where the dungeon is.

The location was near the center west of the [Witch's Forest of Creation].

On the other side of the mansion, between the huge world tree in the middle, if you fly on your staff, the ancient dragon grandfather who sensed the appearance of the dungeon would stay overhead.

Good morning, Grandpa!

Good morning!

"Oh, the Witch, the Guardian?"Feel the signs of nostalgia, and you'll see an old dungeon. ”

That said, a white building was built ahead of the ancient dragon grandfather.

The dungeons I've seen so far had a temple-like divinity, as opposed to a portal in the boulders that emerged.

"It's a gift from the goddess!"We'll make a bunch of delicious magic stones and food over there! ”

As Tete shouted out loud, the ancient dragon grandfather laughed happily.

[Hahaha! I see, I'm looking forward to it.If you have any problems, you can ask me.I can give you various advice on how to make a dungeon with the rods I took in the past. ”

Did Grandpa ever make a dungeon?

”Hmm. Perhaps when I was younger, I used it as a nest to store up my treasures, and to crush those who challenged me in my spare time.”

Even Grandpa, who is calm now, thinks he was having a lot of fun when he was young.

Also, I couldn't imagine when Grandpa was young, who lived nearly 10,000 years.

I was shown something nostalgic.Then I will go home. ”

"Yeah, we'll try to play a lot of dungeons."If you have any problems, I'll ask. ”

“I want you to look forward to completing it!”

Then, the ancient dragon grandfather returned to the cave of the floating island where the dragon demons were, and Tete and I landed in front of the dungeon building and went inside.

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