Excuse me, Master, good morning.

"Good morning, Beretta."

"Mmm, it's good morning ~"

Waking up to the knock before entering, I greet Beretta as she enters the room and gets out of bed.

As I stepped out of Tete's arm, Tete wakes up and greets me as I wipe her sleeping eyes.

Then, Tete, who had been spending a short time indistinctly, opened his eyes wide and shouted out loud.

"Hah, that's right!" We're having a festival! "

Teto-sama, is it a festival?

"Today, Loriel, the god of the underworld, gave me a gift."He wants us to open the Winter Solstice Festival. "

I explain to Beretta the story of my dreams while changing clothes.

Master Liushi. Once again, the goddess gave me a divine gift... I was afraid.Our team of maids will help you prepare for the Winter Solstice Festival. ”

"Um... I heard the story, so I'll help you too."

“Tete will help you too!”

The days leading up to the Winter Solstice Festival had to be advanced on a quick pitch because there were only about two months left, and although Tete and I offered to help, Beretta quietly shook her head to the side.

In this [Witch's Forest of Creation], there was some annual cherry blossom viewing and festivals in each village, and there was no festival for the whole area, so I think it was just right.Contact the representatives of each village to consider establishing a new festival. ”

Starting from the permission for the use of the [Transfer Gate], the significance of the festival, the choice of the venue for the festival, the preparation of the venue, the selection of the festival's cuisine, the preparation of ingredients, and the selection of the event... There are many things to decide, but most of them are likely to be thrown round by the Berettas.

“Can we help you with anything?”

I hope your mistresses will still be able to stand up for you right now.

"I'm sorry... but I want you to taste the food."

I'm terrified. Now, please let Master and Teto have a taste of the food.

I see. Now, as an advance request, can I have a pumpkin dish for the Winter Solstice?

Pumpkin...? Can I ask why?

"I see. I wonder if it's a remnant of the customs of my previous life..."

Yellow has the connotation of amulets, and there is a custom in previous generations that eats pumpkins rich in nutrients during the winter solstice, hoping for a disease-free exodus.

In addition, since this Winter Solstice Festival is a festival to guide wandering souls, I can also think of the Halloween pumpkin lantern with the same connotation of a talisman.

'I don't know about such customs, but maybe there are such customs in some areas.But Master wanted to eat pumpkins in the winter for a reason. "

Tete loves the witch's pumpkin cream stew and stew!

I've been with Beretta for decades, but it seems that I was wondering if I could request a pumpkin dish near the winter solstice, and the question is solved with a refreshing expression on my face.

For the time being, it was decided to use pumpkins for the menu of the Winter Solstice Festival, but it was left to the Berettas to prepare for the festival and gather representatives of each village.

We just conveyed the contents of the divine consignment, and if we are told as usual because it has not yet started in earnest, we will have trouble on the contrary.

"That's why I came to talk to the ancient dragon grandfather."

Thank you!

Even though I was told to do as usual, I came to talk to Grandpa of the Ancient Dragon.

Hmm, the Winter Solstice Festival to guide wandering souls. In addition, the goddess also wished for the old festival custom. "

Old festival?

"Was there a similar festival in the past?"

When Tete and I asked the ancient dragon grandfather, the ancient dragon grandfather replied with pleasure.

Hmm. In the old Winter Solstice Festival, the day when the sun weakened the most was the day when we celebrated the reincarnation of the sun, and the day when we wished for the reincarnation of the circle of the dead, the meaning and customs changed from time to time.

Is it okay if the festival changes so much?

Tete leans his neck strangely, but it must be the ancient dragon grandfather's point of view, a festival transition in hundreds or thousands of years.

"What, the meaning and content of festivals and such easily change due to human convenience.Solemn rituals and customs permitted by some aristocrats also changed over time into mass events.However, the thoughts and wishes of the people to celebrate that day remain the same, and prayers are offered to God through the festival. "

I see...... while nodding, I listened to the old dragon's grandfather.

"Well then, the Winter Solstice Festival in the [Witch's Forest of Creation] will be dedicated to Lilliel, the goddess who manages this land, and Lilliel, the underworld god."Also, because we're celebrating the birth of the sun, it's Lariel, the sun god.... "

If that happens, the other two goddesses will be out of company!

Well then, I hope that the cold winter snow and wind will soften the warm spring visit to the goddess of water Luriel and the goddess of wind Liriel?

Hahaha! Let's create a festival for the convenience of the witches!The goddess will pray and make you feel bad!

The festival that all the Five Gods on this continent wish for is still a greedy set, and the ancient dragon grandfather is laughing loudly.

When that happened, it was going to turn into a festival to pray for all the Five Gods.

"Then, what do you need for the Winter Solstice Festival?"I want a light that will guide my soul even if it's Loriel's wish. "

In that case, it would be good to have a bonfire, a torch, etc.Spend the whole night on fire, and the lost spirit will come to this land. "

"That's a good idea." Let's talk to Beretta later. ”

In the Japanese basin of the previous life, there is a custom of catching fire and sending fire.

We will greet the spirit that comes to Obon and burn it to travel from this world to the next.

When I think about it, I laugh at the fact that it is likely to be a festival that incorporates elements like the Christian Winter Solstice Festival, Halloween, and Japan's Obon.

Then, after a full consultation with the ancient dragon grandfather, the vision for the Winter Solstice Festival became clear.

"Thank you, Grandpa." I look forward to the festival. "

I don't know what to do with the witch and Tete, but I'm looking forward to it!

Hmm. I won't be able to help you easily because I'm such a giant, but I'm looking forward to it.

As a result, we left the residence of the ancient dragon grandfather and went to Beretta, hoping to do something at the Winter Solstice Festival.

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