Chapter 47

“In Yanjing, nothing can escape my eyes.”

Before leaving, Lin Jianfei left such a sentence to Lin Feng.

“But, no matter what, I’m behind you.”

It’s a simple, but arrogant sentence.

Undoubtedly this is the strength of the Lin family.

In the Lin family, he is really qualified to say such words.

After everyone left, Lin Feng also packed up and returned to his home.

At this time, he also saw Bai Xiaoxiao’s text message.

“Why didn’t you come to class for two days? Where have you been?”

“are you sick?”

“Won’t you return my message?”

“If you don’t come again, I can tell the teacher to go!”

“Don’t come here in the future. I’ll give you a chance to study hard and you won’t study. What do you want? No money? Tell me?”

A series of news made Lin Feng stunned.

This is what I remembered. In the past few days, because of the busy company, I didn’t look at the mobile phone very much. Now it is full of Bai Xiaoxiao’s phone calls and text messages.

There are quite a few swear words in it.

“Uh… I went back to my hometown and did a little thing.”

Lin Feng found an excuse to return a message.

Bai Xiaoxiao, who was eating opposite, immediately became happy and danced after seeing Lin Feng’s reply.

Let the few girlfriends in front of you all bewildered.

“Xiaoxiao, what are you doing?”


Bai Xiaoxiao waved his hand quickly, and then sent another message to Lin Feng by the way.

“Then you want to send me a message too? I thought what happened to you?”

“I’m fine!”

Lin Feng is really fine, but after tomorrow, I’m afraid he will have the title of the green hat king again.

too difficult.

Is this the villain?

Is it so tragic?

Lin Feng really wanted to see the protagonist as soon as possible, and then smashed the guy’s head with a fist and ended the matter.

“Remind the host that the protagonist’s force value is 3000+. If you fight him, the opponent may crush you to death with one finger!”

Lin Feng suffered another critical attack from the system.

I am a mud horse!

Ten thousand horses are flying in Lin Feng’s mind now.

“Then don’t go missing in the future, remember to come to school tomorrow, I’ll be waiting for you at the gate of the community in the morning!”

In order to prevent Lin Feng from not coming, Bai Xiaoxiao said directly.

In the end, Lin Feng could only agree.

He is not in the community now!

It seems that we will move to the community in the future!

Lin Feng and Bai Xiaoxiao chatted for a while, then went upstairs to Long Jia’s room.

Seeing Lin Feng coming, Long Jia hurriedly put down the computer in his hand.

“Why? You won’t let me see it?”

Lin Feng was very curious when he saw Long Jia’s appearance.

“What are you doing? I heard that you were greened today?” Long Jia said with a smile, looking very happy.

“Well, people, if you want to live a good life, you need a little green on your head.” Lin Feng laughed at himself.

This motherfucker will be even more uncomfortable after tomorrow.

Such a scene is causing a lot of trouble, isn’t this deliberately embarrassing yourself?

However, he has now been rewarded with 5,000 points of villain energy, which is not bad.

Lin Feng can only comfort himself like this.

Long Jia looked at Lin Feng, and then said, “Then you don’t seem to like her?”

“Of course I don’t like it.”

“Then you still want to marry her?” Long Jia said again, puzzled.

“Who said I was going to marry her?”

“Aren’t you going to marry her?”

Long Jia asked again.
Lin Feng hasn’t noticed that Long Jia’s face has slowly changed.

“Of course I’m not married, why do I want that kind of woman?”

“Then what you want is the Zhang family?”

“Oh, of course.”

Lin Feng nodded.

Now Long Jia is half his own, but Lin Feng didn’t hide it. After speaking, he even showed off to Long Jia deliberately.

“This time the Zhang family’s property is in my hands!”


Just when Lin Feng was about to continue showing off some other things, he heard a violent sound, and at the same time, a flying foot was kicked out of his chest.

“Shadowless feet?”

Such a picture flashed in Lin Feng’s mind, and then flew out heavily.

Then there was a loud slam of the door.

Lin Feng was kicked out the door.

The injury wasn’t serious, but it was embarrassing.

Lin Feng never thought that this Long Jia would be so violent.

The most important thing is that this strength is too terrifying, right?

Lin Feng was speechless.

His current strength is too poor.

Got knocked down by someone?

Lin Feng was extremely aggrieved. He didn’t seem to provoke her, did he?

Of course Lin Feng didn’t know. Before he came in, Long Jia was still a keyboard warrior and was arguing with people about Lin Feng’s cuckolding. Long Jia was still maintaining it.

But I didn’t expect that Lin Feng could actually say such words!



Long Jia gritted his teeth in anger.

Of course Lin Feng didn’t know that Long Jia was actually very angry now.

After a while, Lin Feng knocked on the door again.

“Why?” Long Jia was still angry.

“I’m here to see you, I don’t have time after tomorrow.”

“Oh, come in, the door is open!”

Lin Feng walked in.

When Lin Feng came in, he pretended to be in pain.

“Stop pretending, it’s useless at all.” Long Jia rolled his eyes at Lin Feng.

“This… it hurts, right? Do you think your strength is very light? Ah… it hurts, it hurts so much, why do I feel like my whole body is going to be abolished…”

“Impossible, I used very little force!”

“It really hurts!”

Lin Feng still looked weak and seemed to be really in pain.


Long Jia also became suspicious at this time. He obviously didn’t do it very seriously. How could this happen?

Seeing that Long Jia believed a little, Lin Feng frowned and sighed.

“Are you… all right?” Long Jia began to worry a little.

“Ouch… it hurts!” Lin Feng wailed.

Pharaoh sitting downstairs in the car, watching the two voices and shadows upstairs, listening to the screams one after another, a look of admiration suddenly rose on his face.

“The young master is still very powerful, and the sound of calling the bed is different from others!”

Long Jia walked up to Lin Feng with an apology on his face.

“Are you okay? I really didn’t use much force just now. I didn’t expect you to be so unstoppable!”

Long Jia said in a low voice.

“Why don’t you look at your strength?” Lin Feng said unhappily.

There was a dark feeling in my heart.

Let you bully me again, do you think I was kicked in vain?

At this time, Lin Feng’s eyes were already looking at a place out of the corner of his eye.

The whole person was not calm.

At this time, Long Jia was wearing loose pajamas, just bending over slightly to check on Lin Feng’s situation, just in time for a spring break.

Long Jia raised his head, just saw Lin Feng’s eyes, and his face turned gloomy again.

“Hey, hey, don’t…” Lin Feng hurriedly begged for mercy.

“I really hurt!”

Long Jia didn’t do anything, but still glared at Lin Feng.

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