A madman can't tell right from wrong, just as a chasing game.

"That depends on what the next task is...cough cough..." The woman coughed and saw blood on the head of the madman: "Aqiang, what's the matter, why are you injured? I didn't tell you to pay attention to safety. We have no money to see a doctor!"

The madman didn't care about the wound and shook his head: "It's okay, I'm okay, I don't have to go to the doctor, Mom, are you better off."

"I won't die yet!" The woman coughed and took out Band-Aid from the drawer: "Come here, I'll put it on you."

With a smile on his face, the madman ran over, sat in front of her, bowed his head.

The woman put a band-aid on his injured area.

"Mom, here you are, I checked the calendar, today Mother's Day, Happy Mother's Day!"

The madman was tireless, and dedicated the wild flowers he picked to his mother.

At this time, there was movement outside the door, and the woman was more vigilant, and quickly looked towards the door.

It happened that Tang Yaoyao was standing at the door, looking at the woman lying on the bed.

The woman was surprised, and there was panic in her eyes, perhaps she didn't expect Tang Yaoyao to find it so quickly.

He knocked off the madman's hand and said excitedly: "Who is your mother, I don't have a waste son like you, get out of here, get out of here!"

Cough violently.

The flowers were sprayed all over the floor, the lunatic was hurt and his eyes were red, but he was too late to care about his wounds. First, let the woman go: "Mom, are you okay, you don't like flowers, let's not take it, Aqiang, give you medicine!" "

"Mother and son love?"

Tang Yaoyao looked at this scene and said mockingly.

The woman lying on the bed dying is the widow who gave Tang Shengze the medicine.

Unexpectedly, she still has a lunatic son.

And although a madman is crazy, he listens very much to his mother.

"Who are you and how came into my house? I don't welcome you, you guys get out!" The widow was very excited, completely different from the meekness who had been dormant in Tang's house for so many days.

Perhaps her throat was strangled by fate, and the widow's face is now haggard, as if she is dying.

She didn't want to be constrained by the status quo. She wanted to break free, unable to break free, becoming extreme, irritable, and unreasonable.

In fact, in a state of being poor and unable to break free, more or less gloomy due to pressure.

Widows are the best example.

Can't break through the darkness, give up on oneself.

But Tang Yaoyao is not a philanthropist, nor will he pity their downfall, and forget what is going on: "Did you drugged my father?"

"What are you talking about, I don't understand." The widow looked dazed and confused.

The widow refused to say anything, her mouth was stern.

That being the case, Tang Yaoyao didn't ask any more, and the person with him walked over to grab them.

The madman protects his mother and resists: "What are you doing, don't move my mother, you bad guys!"

Tang Yaoyao looked at the lunatic and calmly said, "Aqiang, do you know that you are helping your mother kill?"

The madman looked flustered and shook his head: "I'm playing a game, I didn't kill anyone, I'm playing a bumper car, my mother said, playing a bumper car well, she will reward me."

"Reward me, my mother just loves me, I want my mother to like, I am not a madman, I am not mad, and I did not kill my parents!"

A Qiang was emotional, his eyes were red, and he stopped in front of them, not allowing them to touch the widow.

The house was very dim, the walls inside had dropped a layer of gray, the space was small and suffocating, except for a wooden plank bed, it was a table and two chairs.

Simple, revealing the breath of poverty.

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