177 – Alpaca (2)

We came out to enjoy a quick cup of tea and look around.

Following the instructions of the farm owner, I went outside to look around the inside.

“Where should I introduce you?”

“Please do the alpaca last.”

Isn’t the highlight of this place the alpacas?

I want to remember the feel of something for a long time by seeing it at the end.

“hahahaha, of course I have to show my daughter last.”

“It seems like the boss also calls you daughter-in-law.”

“Aren’t all people who raise animals similar?”

We also use titles such as older brother, older sister, older sister, and older brother, but the most common method is to treat them as if they were our own children.

Because adoption is something born from the heart.

“Wow…There’s even a horse.”

“It’s common to have horses on farms.”

“There might even be a camel.”

“I have a camel. I’ll show you later.”

I never thought it would really exist.

This farm seems to have more animals than expected.

I never thought there would be a farm of this size in Seoul.

In addition, it seems like they also run a weekend farm for their families.

It is quite a community farm.

“It’s a farm, but there are a lot of machines here and there.”

“That’s a mixing machine, and when feeding animals, it mixes feed and grains.”

“Then it will grow very strong.”

“That’s the source of our farm pride.”

Feed good food and send out well-grown livestock.

It can be said that it is both pride and pride for the farm.


I was looking around and saw a large cow, so I went to see it.

I don’t think it’s the right time to eat feed, but I heard you can feed it with hay.

I am putting it into the cow’s mouth with my fern-like hands.

Next to it, it looks like a calf is whining for food next to its mother.

I smiled at the cute appearance.

But, where does this kind of hay come from?

Even if you buy feed, isn’t there anywhere you can get hay?

“I suddenly became curious, how much does it cost to feed the kids here a month?”

“Hmm… When it costs a lot, it can cost up to 30 million won.”


How much does my wife and I spend on living expenses per month?

No matter what, you won’t spend 30 million won a month, right?

As I was thinking that, Jeonghwan and Minho were amazed and said that it was amazing.

“Still, there isn’t much hay, so it costs less.”

“Then where do you get the hay?”

“We buy them in bulk from dairy farms. After the harvest, there are round marshmallows on the fields and rice paddies, right?”

“Ah… That’s how they dispose of it…”

“I often use rice straw because it is cheap. Of course, I mix it with things like timothy hay, so I don’t use it alone.”

I don’t know what timothy is, but I guess it refers to the green grass mixed in between the rice straw.

Anyway, perhaps because it’s a cow, the food is really delicious.

When I stroke his head, he closes his eyes and enjoys the feeling as if it feels good…

I guess it is a smart animal after all.


“Seonghwan says that every animal he sees is cute.”

“Is that so… But cute is cute.”

I patted the head of the cow, which was happily eating grass.

When will I ever stroke a cow’s head again?


Next, we decided to go see the alpacas.

I thought about doing it last, but the boss was on the phone and something came up and he had to go out later, so he had no choice but to see it first.

It is said that the alpacas are not on a farm, but in a separate private kennel.

“As expected, my beloved daughter is in solitary confinement…”

“hahahahaha, no matter how much you farm and take care of the animals, it seems you can’t help but show favoritism.”

The owner acknowledged it at once and took out the key to the kennel with a smile.

When I opened the door and went in, I found a fairly spacious and clean kennel.

There is a large house where you can relax, and there is even a grassy playground where you can play to your heart’s content.

Alpaca Paljja is Sangpalja.

“But I don’t see the alpaca.”

“It’s over there, right?”

“Huh? Where?”

The boss tilted his head, looking in the direction pointed with his finger.

There was only something that looked like a white blanket, but there was no creature that looked like an alpaca.

No matter how much I looked, I couldn’t find anything so I decided to slowly go in the direction the boss pointed and check.

“You mean it’s here?”

“It’s there. Can’t you see it?”

“What on earth is there…?”


She was pressed, thinking it was cotton that alpacas sleep on, but it was softer than expected.

It looks like she’s not pressing cotton, but the body of an animal.


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She was startled for a moment and ran forward.

What I thought was cotton turned out to be an alpaca with her head on the ground.

“Yoshi, did you sleep well?”


An alpaca whose cry is similar to that of a truck.

It looks like he’s very happy to see his dad’s face.

I heard that you are smarter than a dog, but how smart is that?

I suddenly became curious.

“Boss, to what extent can alpacas understand people?”

“He understands enough to express himself when he needs to go to the bathroom. Even when he’s hungry, he comes to me and begs for food.”

“Wow… It looks so cute…”

Puppies are mostly at home, so most of them work on disposable pads.

However, it is said that this alpaca spends most of its time in front of the farm rather than in the kennel.

Isn’t it impossible to poop anywhere?

You’re smart enough to understand that.

I don’t know yet if she’s smarter than a dog, but she seems to have similar intelligence.

“Is there a place where I can adopt an alpaca?”

“Are you interested?”

“No, it’s nothing like that…”

I told Jeonghwan and Minho earlier, but I can’t raise an alpaca at home.

How can I raise an animal that is as tall as my shoulder in an apartment?

Still, I think it would be fun if I could raise it.

You can ride the alpaca on top of the alpaca and go for a walk.

“If you don’t get it from a breeder, you have to bring it from overseas. In that case, you have to bring it as a pair and the price is 500 per animal, so about 1,000?”

“Boss, did you bring it from overseas?”

“I got it from a breeder.”

“Aha… So I guess it’s just one.”

Well, Ara and I will live in the city even when we grow old, so we have no ties to alpacas.

I just need to work hard now and resolve the resentment that I couldn’t touch in the program.

“Can I touch it?”

“Yes, that child is already begging to be touched.”

An alpaca slowly approaches me and puts its head on my shoulder.

That behavior was so cute.

It hadn’t been long since I took a bath, so I could feel the softness of my fur with my hands.

This is a texture you can never feel from a dog.

“It’s cute, right? I want to raise it.”

“Hmm… To be honest, I want to raise it.”

People follow me well…

I felt like I wanted to touch it for a while longer.

“What should I do? I have to go out soon…”

“Ah, thank you for following along today and showing me the farm.”

“Thank you.”

My friends and I bowed our heads and said hello.

No matter how much money the CEO has already given, it is only right to give personal thanks.

“Next time, just come privately. Polite people like students are always welcome.”

“Well… Then can I come with my wife next time?”

“Of course. I’ll give you a business card here, so just give me a call before you come.”

He took out a business card case from his pocket and handed me a business card.

I took out my wallet and put my business card in the card slot, thinking I would definitely come back later.



“Seonghwan, did you have a good time?”

“Ha… I was disappointed that I couldn’t touch him in person on air, but I think my resentment has been relieved.”

After returning from the farm, we arrived at the agency right away.

It was time for Jeonghwan to go to work, and it was also time for me to take Ara.

She heard from Ara that it was to schedule her overseas concert…

I think the time will come when I need to be alone soon.

“What are you talking about? Why is Seonghwan alone?”

“Huh? If Sister Ara is busy with an overseas expedition, I should stay home.”

“No, Seonghwan can come along too, right? These days, you can take as many dogs on the plane as you want.”


“Of course.”

The reason I asked if you were serious was not whether you could take a dog on the plane, but rather whether you were really planning to take me overseas.

“Representative… It hasn’t been long since we started the semester…”

“Oh, that’s right. Seonghwan was also a college student.”

“What does Tao mean?”

I guess you forgot that I am a college student.

I thought about torturing you one more time, but I was fooled once, so I won’t be fooled any more.

My weaknesses may increase for no reason.

“Then I have no choice. Seonghwan will have to stay at home with the dogs.”


Finally, the CEO who confirmed and killed me.

I feel weak because I think it’s no one’s fault and it’s just my fault.

But isn’t attending college a good thing?

If I’m caught lamenting like this, it might cause controversy.

“More than that, what about Sister Ara?”

“He’ll come down soon. He’ll probably be resting.”

How hard must it have been…

When I get home, I need to give you a massage first.

Massage shoulders, legs, and buttocks.

Probably everything is lumped together.

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