"But...according to what you said, Brother Shen, the two major families want to further expand the number of tenants, let them eat and drink well, and ensure their lives. Why are there so many refugees now? Isn't this digging their own foundations? ?" Zhao Hu asked puzzledly.

Shen Zhui sighed and said, "This is the insidiousness of the Li family."

"In our dynasty, there are gods and Taoists who supervise us. In fact, most people still believe in the orthodox gods canonized by the emperor."

"And I have checked the Heyuan County Chronicle. The Heyuan County seat 20 years ago was only 90% of what it is today."

"In other words, the scope of the city is constantly expanding, and those who live in the city, because they are absolutely protected by the City God's Temple, will basically go to the City God's Temple to worship."

"Unless the county magistrate is incompetent or colludes with others, causing the power and prestige of the wealthy families to be higher than that of the government in the city, then the government and the City God's Temple will become mere decorations."

"This kind of situation is not unheard of. In those capitals of princes, I guess, they basically only know that there are princes, but not the emperor."

Zhao Hu frowned and patted his head. "Brother Shen... what you said has made my head go numb. Can you tell me directly how the county magistrate will turn the situation around? When can we leave the city?"

Shen Zhui said helplessly: "To put it simply, the county magistrate wants to start by checking the hidden property and household registration of the big family to weaken the opponent's strength, so as to achieve the purpose of removing the Yin God. This is the purpose of the operation to destroy the clan and abandon the temple."

"I guess the Li family used this order from the county magistrate as an excuse to announce and expel the registered residents who had concealed and evaded taxes, but the property was still firmly in their hands."

"As a result, although these tenants have become free agents, they do not have land. Instead, they have to pay poll taxes in accordance with the law."

"At the same time, tell them that these are all orders from the county magistrate, who forced them to be displaced. In this way, all the grievances of the refugees will be directed at the county magistrate and the court!"

"As long as this continues, and the officials at the top and lower levels are impeached for poor governance, and public resentment boils over, the county leader may be transferred or dismissed. At the same time, the prestige of the court and the temple will be damaged."

"When the new county magistrate arrives and these families show cooperation and take in the refugees again, not only will all the previous losses be made up, but they will also get better!"

"As for the way to reverse the situation." Shen Zhui pondered.

"The most direct way is of course to go out of the city, directly take away the home of the Li Yang family, and destroy the Yin Shen's real body. Then there will naturally be enough supplies and fields to appease the refugees."

"But now the county magistrate has issued a ban." Zhao Hu said anxiously.

"Then we can only wait and see what happens." Shen Zhui shook his head.

"It seems that the county magistrate was transferred first because of public anger."

"It's up to the county magistrate to turn around the public's resentment first and grasp the absolute evidence of the crime."

"As long as the ancestral Yin gods of the two major families are weakened to a certain extent and cannot protect those evil deeds, the county leader can call in experts to directly uproot the two major families!"

"After all, we still have to wait." Zhao Hu was a little disappointed.

Shen Zhui also shook his head slightly, feeling a little emotional.

He guessed that Wei Wenhe wanted to show weakness to the enemy and wait for the two major families to go too far to expose their flaws.

The two major families are trying to find ways to dismount the Weiwen River.

It stands to reason that if this trick worked, it would have been done three years ago when the county magistrate had not yet shown his prowess.

The person in power who can develop the family to this point cannot be a fool.

There must be a reason not to do this, but why do you dare to do it now?

"I'm afraid there are still many things that I don't know. I hope the county magistrate can be confident and solve the current predicament."

Shen Zhui sighed in his heart, even if the county magistrate finally got his wish, many innocent people would probably starve to death.

If the county leader fails in the end, then I'm afraid they and others will not end well.

He did not dare to place his hope in the next county magistrate being as fair and honest as Wei Wenhe.


County government office, Mingtang.

Wei Wenhe stood in front of the map of Heyuan County with his hands behind his hands, his face neither sad nor happy, as if he was in a trance.

Wang Long stood aside quietly, not daring to breathe too hard for fear of disturbing his junior brother's thinking.

After a long time, Wei Wenhe turned around.

"Senior brother, what conditions did Yang Ling give you?"

"Children lie, so don't mention it."

"Senior brother, do you want to hear what conditions Yang Ling gave me?" Wei Wenhe said with a smile.

Wang Long was a little surprised: "Then Yang Ling is so whimsical?"

"Senior brother, let's take a look."

Wei Wenhe waved his hand, and a golden envelope flew out of his sleeve, and the envelope floated in front of the two of them.

The envelope shone with golden light, like a dancing flame, dazzling.

"Tomb documents?" Wang Long was slightly surprised. Fifty years ago, someone excavated a large pile of golden paper from the ruins of the ancient tomb. It had the effect of instant communication, and the effective distance was extremely long, and it could not be known. The positions of both parties in the communication caused a sensation.

Later generations will imitate it according to the Taoist inscriptions on it. From then on, this one-time communication Taoist paper with golden light was called the ancient tomb document.

"Phew~" A green light from Wei Wenhe's body shot into the paper, and then the paper slowly began to burn.

A figure emerged from the golden flames.

This figure is clearly visible, he is a middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous Taoist robe and a high bun on his head.

"Master Wei." The man in gorgeous Taoist robes bowed, and then discovered Wang Long's presence, and turned to Wang Long and raised his hand.

Wei Wenhe just nodded slightly in response, while Wang Long looked at Yang Ling with an indifferent expression.

Yang Ling didn't take it seriously and said.

"Master Wei has been in our Heyuan County for three years. He has made outstanding achievements and loves the people like a son. He is deeply loved by the people and valued by his superiors. In just three years, a completely new scene has taken place. Putting aside personal prejudices, Yang has to say something to Master Wei. I admire him, he is indeed a young hero, and he is worthy of being a young man from a noble family in the capital."

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Wei Wenhe said calmly.

"Now that Mr. Wei has opened this letter, Yang will go straight to the point."

Yang Ling handed over his hand again and said sincerely: "Master Wei has a distinguished family and outstanding talents. His respected ancestor Xuan Gong is a sage in this world. Now that the court has made a conclusion, Yang would like to ask Master Wei to show his respect."

"Of course, Mr. Wei naturally disdains to associate with us. If Mr. Wei is willing to continue to serve in politics, then I, the Li and Yang family, will do our best to give you a ride."

"According to the practice of Liangzhou's five-year review, after the winter, Liangzhou government will begin to discuss the promotion of county officials in various places. If Mr. Wei is willing, the post of Zuo Guanzheng, Qin Tianjian, must be Mr. Wei."

Before Wei Wenhe could speak, Wang Long sneered: "What a big tone, you Yang Ling dare to make such wild remarks, guaranteeing that I will be directly promoted from the seventh grade to the sixth grade! I am not afraid of making people laugh!"

Yang Ling was neither angry nor annoyed, and smiled softly and said: "Of course Yang doesn't have this ability, but there are people who do. Of course, the main thing is that Mr. Wei has the ability. If Mr. Wei agrees, with my help, it will take more than a year. , it is not impossible to make an exceptional promotion."

"What if I don't want to be an official anymore?" Wei Wenhe asked softly.

When Yang Ling saw Wei Wenhe speaking, his brows were filled with joy. He immediately waved his hand and something appeared in his hand.

"Master Wei, please take a look."

"This is..." Wang Long looked at the thing in Yang Ling's hand, confused.

"Master Yang is really generous." Wei Wenhe sighed softly.

"The qualification order for the Nine Nether Secret Realm is actually the Five Dragon Order that is close to the core area. It is really amazing."

"Nine Nether Secret Realm, Five Dragon Orders?" Wang Long's eyes widened.

The Jiuyou Mountain Range borders the border of Heyuan County. Of course, it is only a small part of it, and it is also an extremely safe perimeter.

But the Jiuyou Mountain Range itself, look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com The geographical scope is so wide that it is almost comparable to the ten prefectures!

There are many foreign sects, demons and demons, and ancient ruins, and this Nine Nether Secret Realm was a ruin that was discovered many years ago.

The Nine Nether Token will automatically fly out of the ruins every twenty years. Those who obtain the token can use the Nine Nether Token to enter the ruins and explore.

Either a treasure, or an inheritance of ancient skills, this Nine Nether Secret Realm covers a wide range of realms.

Anyone from the innate to the powerful in the supernatural realm can benefit from it.

If someone is willing to sell this Five Dragon Token, a strong person in the Spirit Bridge Realm will be willing to buy it at any cost.

Silence, no matter how much Wang Long hated Yang Ling at this time, he would not persuade Wei Wenhe to refuse.

Because if the younger brother obtains these Five Dragon Orders, he may be able to embark on a path to reach the sky.

Wang Long was proud and sad at the moment.

What they are proud of is that even if there is a trend in the court to destroy the sect and abandon the temple, even if the two major families currently have the upper hand, they are willing to use this great benefit to ask their junior brother to leave.

This is the greatest recognition of their efforts over the past three years.

Sadly, this must come from the enemy, but criticism comes from Liangzhou Mansion from time to time. Moreover, this Five Dragon Token was actually in the hands of Yang Ling, but they had only seen it from a distance in a store in the capital.

Golden flames danced, and tongues of fire slowly engulfed the remaining paper.

When it was about to burn to 80%, Yang Ling bowed again.

"What Yang wants is nothing more than to protect the inheritance of his ancestors. As long as Mr. Wei agrees, Yang can send someone to deliver the token now."

"At the same time, the troubles in the city can be solved in a moment. In the last year of Mr. Wei's stay in Heyuan County, my family in Heyuan County will never violate any laws again!"

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