I Can Extract Proficiency

Chapter 212: Shadow of the Sword God

The 10th-level "Vietnamese swordsmanship" is still so ordinary from the data point of view, and the attack power is only slightly stronger than the sixth-level "full true swordsmanship".

Well, or a little stronger than the 7th level, but when the "Quality True Sword" improves to the 8th level, it should be able to completely crush it.

From this point of view, it seems that I am sorry for the 300,000 proficiency required for its upgrade.

After all, the burdock in Quanjian Swordsmanship has never been a brutal move, but a bonus attribute!

Another thing that didn't surprise him was that when a martial arts level reached the perfect level of the 10th level, it was still possible to continue to superimpose the level through the equipment.

Only this level of superposition can only increase the basic attribute bonus of this set of martial arts, but it cannot reflect the true qualitative change.

For example, before getting the guidance of Huang Shouzun, the attributes of Yueyue Swordsmanship were only attack + 110% and defense + 110%. Not only is the attribute much worse than the real level of real promotion to level 10, it is even more important. "Special effect".

And this special effect is what makes "Yue Nu Sword Technique" a true cocoon and a butterfly, forming the root of metamorphosis!

Sword of the God of Swords: You practiced the "Yue Nu Sword Technique" to perfection, and finally you got a glimpse of the sword of God.

Passive effect: The effect of the "Reaction" attribute is doubled. 1 point of "Reaction" can exert 2 points of effect!

What does it feel like to double the effect of the "reaction" attribute?

Anyway, this sword skill is upgraded to the 10th level, and Ye Weiming feels that everything around him seems to be different in his eyes.

But if you want to ask him exactly where it is different, he can't tell.

Just then, listening to Huang Shouzun sitting in the main seat asked leisurely: "Do you understand?"

Ye Weiming nodded slightly, and said respectfully, "I see."

"Do not!"

Huang Shouzun shook his head gently, and then said very resolutely: "Your expression tells me that you don't understand."

As soon as the words fell, Huang Shouzun's figure was like a teleportation, disappearing in place in front of the three, and at the same time, appeared three feet away from Ye Weiming.

After a 'flash' appeared in front of Ye Weiming, Huang Shouzun's right index finger and **** were close together, and he clicked straight towards his brows!

The speed of this finger is too fast, so fast that both the non-fish and March can only see a trace of blurred afterimages.

When the two thought that Ye Weiming was sure to be directed by Huang Shouzun, but unexpectedly Ye Weiming also turned his head at a very fast speed, so he avoided it with a very small degree of evasion. Huang Shouzun's quick finger.

However, in a blow, Huang Shouzun slammed his fingers into his palm, used his palm as a knife, and flattened it across the forehead unknown to the night.

This trick is also surprisingly fast, but Ye Weiming is not indifferent and he leans his head backwards, once again avoiding Huang Shouzun's palm knife.

They watched Huang Shouzun's palms scratching against the tip of his nose, but they didn't hurt half of his hair.

Even the swift attack can calmly avoid such a swift attack!

After that, Huang Shouzun attacked Ye Weiming one after another in more than ten strokes, but they were completely avoided by Ye Weiming.

In the eyes of March and the non-fish, Huang Shouzun's has become an indeterminate afterimage, but Ye Weiming is stunned by this storm of storms, and he shuns left and right to avoid, always using the smallest This action avoids Huang Shouzun's attack that is almost beyond the ability of human visual capture!

After more than ten strokes, Huang Shouzun's figure was a "flash" again. He disappeared from the sky in front of Ye Weiming again, and returned to sit on the main seat of his conference hall, as if he had never moved. Just looking at the frightened Ye Weiming with a smile, "Now, do you understand?"

Before Ye Weiming, he was continuously attacked by Huang Shouzun. When his physical attributes were used to the maximum after cooperating with internal forces, he could only barely use the minimum range to avoid Huang Shouzun's stormy attacks. Naturally, he would not have thoughts. Think about the other.

At this moment, the reminder of Huang Shouzun was a great joy, and he quickly held his fist and said, "Thank you for your guidance, I understand, I really understand this time!"

Huang Shouzun nodded with satisfaction: "It's good to understand. Your harvest today is no longer small, so go back and organize it."

The three retired and left the conference hall.

As soon as he left the gate, March couldn't help but grab Ye Weiming's arm excitedly and said, "Amin, you're so amazing. I didn't expect even Huang Shouzun's onslaught. And without any harm, it is simply a master master! "

Ye Weiming shook his head gently and laughed bitterly: "I am a fart!"

Without waiting for the other party to ask, he continued to explain: "Just now I have fully exerted my limit speed, but I can only stand up against Huang Shouzhuang's attack, and I ca n’t get away from it further."

"But Huang Shouzun has a lot to spare."

"His speed is not fast or slow, but he just pushed me to the limit, but not to the extent that he can't cope, just to let me better appreciate the changes after the Yueyue Sword Technique has been promoted to level 10. . "

"In your eyes, his speed may be considered extremely fast. But in fact, he only used faster speeds to push my limits, but his moves were extremely large, and the attacks went straight forward, without any complicated ones. Change. Maybe only in this way can I just experience the effect of the property of "reaction"? "

"Response?" The non-fish on the side caught the main point in Ye Weiming's discourse, and then asked: "Listen to what you mean, after the" Yue Nu Sword Technique "is promoted to level 10, it is a response to There is an additional bonus effect, and this improvement is very obvious? "

March on the side said a little ignorantly: "Can you show such a powerful response by reflecting on this attribute? I thought you got a very powerful corporal method."

Ye Weiming replied but asked: "It's been a while since I entered the game. I don't know if you have thought about one thing, what is the power and speed you have now. When you fight against the enemy, Hurry up, it ’s extremely dangerous. If you change into the first game, can you control the power and speed you have in that kind of battle? "

"This one……"

After hearing Ye Weiming's inquiry, both men shook their heads after a moment of hesitation.

In March, it was only then that she realized: "It allows us to control the power and speed that we had never imagined before. Is it the effect of the" reaction "attribute?"

Ye Weiming nodded his head: "Before that, through the addition of levels and various exercises, the improvement of various attributes was relatively average. My" reaction "was even the slowest one, so there was no Take note of this. "

"It was a sudden improvement, and the sudden attack by Huang Shouzun made me realize the importance of the response."

Thinking of the feeling that everything was under control before, Ye Weiming knew that it was an illusion ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, but still felt a little dark.

With the blessing of the "sword of the sword god", he can definitely transform him into a master of operating procedures in a short time.

Especially in the state of high concentration, there is almost a feeling of "bullet time" in movie special effects!

As if the whole world had slowed down, he could calmly cope with any unexpected situation.

Instead of Yu and March, he couldn't help revealing a thoughtful look, and seemed to be considering whether to find a suitable martial art to pile it to the full level.

Shaking his head, Ye Weiming was the first to recover from self-intoxication, and suddenly changed the subject: "Let's go, I'll take you to see the golden bow I said before."

Unexpectedly, the non-fish heard and shook his head: "Compared to the golden bow or something, the night is still unknown. Do you still remember the promise we made to Brother Tang in the original Gingko Village?"

Ye Weiming could not help but hesitated and asked casually: "You mean, he promised you, if you give up your sword and sword and repair evil, he will consider accepting your business?"

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