I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 572: Push Mountain Hand

Was this inheritance of "Pushing Mountain Hands" handed down from the ruins of the previous dynasty by this guy?

Hearing the words of going to the wine, in addition to being the insider of the Tibetan star feather as the insider, all of them raised their spirits, and set their eyes on the screen of the strong player.

At this time, he listened to the wine and continued to use his neutral voice to say: "This person is the practitioner of" Pushing Mountain Hand ", the successor of Quan Zhenyu Yuyangzi Wang Chuyi, learning ancient poetry!"

At the time when the nerd opponents would be popularized with alcohol, two people in the live broadcast had already begun.

It may be because the two have had a relationship of confrontation before, so this time there is no link at the beginning of the war. One shot is a powerful onslaught!

The nerds in the hands of the nerds whistled near the blade. Each wave of the blade brought a heat wave, and the heat generated by the blade was continuously accumulated and superimposed in a continuous attack. The temperature at the edge of the blade was even greater. Gradually climb!

When he slashed to the twentieth knife, the air around the blade could already see obvious distortion.

Explained from the perspective of physics, this is how the air becomes hot under the extreme high temperature!

Such a fast and fierce knife is exactly the type of killing skill in the Shaolin stunt "Ranmu knife" refined by the nerd, named-Xinghuo Yuanyuan!

Facing the powerful onslaught of nerds, learning the ancient poems without giving up, the two palms also struck out one after another, but they chose to fight with the nerd's "incense firewitch" to attack and attack!

The palms used by him are very strange. The power of each palm does not seem to be particularly powerful, but under continuous accumulation, it seems like a snowball that is constantly rolling and growing, becoming stronger and stronger, more and more More fierce!

With his palm strength and the nerd's sword, he just shook his head. But after the fifteenth palm, he began to push the nerd continuously back, and it seemed that he had hit it in one stroke. Advantage.

What is used is exactly the same style from the previous "Push Mountain Hand"-Yugong Yishan!

Seeing this, Tibetan Xingyu on the side couldn't help but ask Ye Weiming and Jianghu Xiaoyue, "Among these people present, the two of you are the best at kung fu. What's your opinion?"

The Jianghu little demon frowned slightly when he heard the words: "It's very powerful, such a continuous attack is really difficult to resist. If I changed it, I can only urge the killing of" Seven Wounds "with all my strength, and strive to break the point. "Because of the stalemate, it will definitely fall into a passive beating situation."

"It's not as powerful as you said." Ye Weiming then shook his head and retorted: "His" Mountain Pusher "seems to be endless, but if you look closely, you will find that when he hit the first palm, From the beginning, there was no relief. "

"What does this mean, does he not need to pant after using this technique?"

"The only reasonable explanation is that he has to be brave in his strokes in order to be able to exert endless power. Because his stroke is supported by a breath of breath, once the breath is exhausted, he must stop Rebirth, otherwise he will exhaust himself alive even if the enemy does not fight back. "

"It seems that such a decisive and unrestricted play is already inferior. Unless the user can be guaranteed to be more powerful than his opponent, he will only be asking for trouble."

"It seems that there is not much left in this guy's breath, and he should change his tactics soon, if he doesn't want to appear flaws, and let the advantages accumulated before go to waste ..."

It seems that in order to verify Ye Ming's words, just as his voice fell, the action of learning the ancient poems suddenly stopped, followed by the nerd's counterattack, but he gathered the remaining skills on the right palm, followed by another move. Sent out.

Powerful enough to crack the mountain, he cracked his head and hit his face at the nerd.

Push the mountain hand-Wuding Kaishan!


The nerd is bitter! I was pressed and beaten by the other side before, but I just took a breath and hadn't had time to change. The other side's killing moves have followed. In desperation, I can only fight against the scalp.

However, the gap between the two was too large, or he was backed up a few steps by the other hand, and the empty door in front of him was exposed.

Until then, Xuehai Ancient Poetry took a deep breath, and then did not wait for the full resumption of the Qi operation to fully recover, and had already bullied itself.

The nerd came back to meet the knife in shock, but because the flaw was too large, he was grasped by the opponent's wrist, and then slammed his right hand with his palm.

It ’s so special!

The nerd was shocked, and his wrists were restrained, so he couldn't move back at all. He could only jump up and dodge one leg.

Learning the ancient poetry of the sea took the opportunity to turn his wrist up, left and right to push, so cleverly flew the nerd with a knife and flew out, making it cross the perfect parabola in the air, and fell directly under the ring.

Pusher-Erlang Danshan!

Returning to the preparation conference room, the nerd said with guilt, "I'm sorry, that guy's" Push Mountain Hand "is too powerful, I can't beat it."

"It's not a question of" Pushing the Mountain "." Ye Weiming, a bystander, added in a timely manner: "What" Pushing Mountain "is passed down from the previous dynasty. In fact, if you only talk about moves, even your" Woodburning Knife "is not as good. What you lose is actually your own internal forces and attributes. If you can make some targeted reinforcements, you should not lose to the other party. "

The nerd just smiled bitterly.

Does he know the importance of the foundation?

However, as the lord of the gang, he needs to spend a lot of time on gang affairs every day. Naturally, he spends less time on practicing and copying than others.

Don't have both fish and bear's paw!

But this is the way he chose to play, and he doesn't regret it.

In the fourth game, the player who was randomly out of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters was the descendant of Nancy Ren's successor Jianghu, and his opponent was Guangning Zi Hao Datong's successor.

Hearing this name, Ye Weiming couldn't help paying attention.

Because of this name, he had heard it from Niu Zhichun's mouth before. At that time, Niu Zhichun admitted that the strength of this guy in front of him was still better than that of Niu Zhichun!

Such an opponent, even if the night is unknown, has to attract enough attention.

However, in the live broadcast big screen, the guy who was right with the rivers and lakes monsters was the one who was under the command of the temporary guest team during the first game. He was a slapbag player dressed as a handsome boy with a folding fan.

At this time, he listened to Jiang Jinjiu and said, "This is the guy who tried to buy me before, but I haven't played against it, and I don't know what the strength of the other party is."

"It should be strong." Ye Weiming said in a deep voice. "I have heard some information about this person from other populations. What he got from the ruins of the previous dynasty is definitely more precious than" Mountain Pusher "for more than one grade. . "

While talking, the two men on the ring have already started their hands.

There was no surprise in the ending. Although the strength of the Jianghu Goblins is very strong, there is still a significant distance from his opponent.

With the puppet's unique desperate style of play, the first intention is to use the same ghosts and men to exchange blood, and then the lower the blood of "Seven Wounds Fist", the lower the damage to the strong characteristics of onslaught. Although it played well, it did not work as it should.

When his injuries had been accumulated to a certain extent, the immortal did not stay up all night but only struck afterwards, ending the battle.

In this regard, Ye Weiming, will enter the wine, Tibetan Xingyu these masters did not make any evaluation. After all, this game is an essential gap in strength, and losing is a matter of course. There is nothing to say.

After the little monsters were teleported back, Ye Weiming didn't say anything to comfort or accuse, but instead said to his uncle: "Your martial arts and combat style are determined. Fighting on such a flat and unrestrained platform will come to you It's very unfavorable. Unless you can distance yourself from the opponent, you can successfully complete the lift off. "

Hearing that Ye Weiming suddenly started to help him develop tactics, everyone present, including himself, was aggressive.

Ye Weiming didn't care about other people, and said to himself: "So, after coming on stage, you don't need to play any interoperable names, you can get away from each other at the fastest speed, and then immediately Summon Xiaobai to fly up and get the lift off distance to the limit of your first range. "

Saying a hand: "Then, if you want to share the name with the other person, you will follow you. Anyway, as long as I said what I said before, you are already invincible."

Although I do n’t know why Ye Weiming was so early, and said so solemnly to myself, I still nodded refreshingly: “Well, I remember.”

At this time, the 10-second countdown on the live broadcast screen ended, and the sound of "莜 莜" disappeared from the preparation room ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ on the platform.

After seeing this scene, he turned into Jiu Xing and Zang Xingyu immediately turned to look at Ye Weiming. The former asked in a slightly shocked tone: "How do you know Ye Xiong will be the next one to play, not to say that the game is good Does the order appear randomly? "

"Random is probably only one way of saying that, in fact, the system is testing our intelligence sorting ability, right?"

Ye Weiming shrugged, followed by extending his right hand, raised his thumb and little finger, and put out a "six" shape, saying, "According to the previous rules of participation, I found an interesting thing, according to that theory It is inferred that there is at least 60% certainty. The player who plays on our side will be a cricket, and her opponent, if not unexpected, should be the descendant of the long man, Tan Chuanduan. "

At the same time, the voice of Wei Xiaobao introducing the two contestants in the live broadcast screen was also heard: "The two players who played in the fifth round of the competition today are the descendants of Han Baoju, the horse king of Jiangnan Seven Monsters. His disciples are 莜 莜; and among the seven true sons, the eldest son of the eldest son Tan Chuantuan is a flying man. These two players ... "

After Ye Weiming was confirmed again, Tibet Xingyu immediately asked: "Brother Ye, what law did you find?"

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