I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 789: Floor 1 to 5 (2 in 1)

Has to say that although the actual combat ability of "Control Crane Skill" is not very outstanding, but used to pretend, the effect is often very shocking.

Ye Mi Ye first used the technique of "Controlling Crane Skills" to pull the fat man closer, followed by extending the index finger of his right hand, and then hit the opponent's body three times.

The fat man suddenly became a ... immobile fat man!

Yang finger!

"You ..." Feeling that your body has become extremely stiff, and even has completely lost the ability to move, the fat man who looks a little humble suddenly said in horror: "You, you ... What have you done to me?" "

What a terrible line!

Ye Weiming shook his head gently, secretly saying that "Controlling Crane Skill" and "Yiyang Finger" are the top enemy control methods in the game, but they were used by himself in this small role of level 25 in one breath. It's cheaper for him.

Seeing that the two bosses in the cottage were controlled by the other party, those ragged thieves suddenly lost their main bones. After a moment of stunned, they didn't know which thief brought the head. Scattered.

While running, he kept shouting: "Run quickly, it's a big deal, both Da Dang and Er Dang have been planted!"

Is the so-called brave soldier's courage, the same principle applies to the bandit gang.

After the two bosses died and were captured, those ordinary chatters naturally had no intention of war, and the only thought was to escape.

Pei Tugou wanted to chase, but was stopped by the unknown in time: "Don't chase, that group of guys are some ordinary refugees, they can only gather under the leadership of these two guys, now there is no leader, it is no longer difficult What a substantial threat to nearby towns and villages. The chance of continuing to commit an attack is much lower than joining the gang. "

"And, like this dozen of ordinary mobs, there is no experience to kill."

Said, with a wave of his right hand, the fat man, who had been fixed as a statue, was turned in a circle by the palm of the night, and he turned into a faceless face, and his eyes were full of ghost fear.

Unknown at night, he continued: "Compared to the trivial trivial matter of chasing and killing thieves, it is more important to figure out why they appear here."

Hearing Ye Weiming's question, the fat man suddenly turned his eyes, followed by tilting his neck, and said incredulously: "I want to know something from my mouth, I advise you to die this heart, I I wo n’t say anything! I wo n’t say anything!

"Don't say?" Pei Tugou stepped forward at this moment, hey he smiled and said: "Brother Ye, I was in the Ming sect, I also learned some methods to force confessions to Yuanmeng captives, or you let the woman and the child go first, How about handing him over for interrogation? "

Hearing Pei Tugou ’s words, the fat man suddenly shivered, and he could n’t help but regret, was it unwise for him to rely on intelligence to protect himself?

Not only can he not save his life, but also suffers from many skins and flesh?

However, Ye Mingming's sentence pulled him from **** back to heaven: "Don't make it so bloody! Our Divine Arrest Division has always used some milder methods to interrogate the prisoners. If they don't need punishment, try not to use them. "

Waiting for the night to explain clearly, the curtain of the carriage has been lifted by a slender jade hand, and jumped out of the car following the figure of March. He said with a smile: "Just give me something like interrogation. . "

In the conversation, he had come to Ye Mingming's side, turned his head to look at the fat man and said, "Look at my eyes."


A moment later, in March, he slapped the fat thief named Hao Hu into a corpse, shrugging with Chong Yewei and others: "It turns out that what they know is also very limited, only those previously explained. Now. "

The three Pei Tugou now looked at the girl in March, already full of fear.

What did they see before?

Hypnotic interrogation, answer all questions!

Said that although such a thing as hypnosis has a scientific basis, it has even been proved to be feasible in reality.

But hypnosis in reality actually requires very tedious steps to have a chance to succeed.

It needs to let the other party's spirit completely relax, or take exhausting tactics, which is much more complicated than torture.

Like March, just look at your eyes and immediately lead the other party into a hypnotized state.

Is too terrible!

Say that there is such a horrible means in the game, what kind of martial arts is the real catcher?

At this time, he heard Ye Weiming continue to say: "According to this Hao Hu said, they received a reward from the mysterious person at ten o'clock yesterday evening, and Yang Yang can be exchanged for gold for two thousand dollars.

After a slight meal, he turned to Pei Tugou and asked, "What does this mean?"

The seven-night girl who was in charge of catching the car tentatively replied at this time: "Explain that the other party is rich?"

Everyone: ...

Said that the night before, they almost emptied the cash from the other party, which seemed to leave a lot of psychological shadows for this girl.

Guilty, guilty!

At this time, Pei Tugou suddenly thought of something, and then said: "Yesterday evening? Isn't that the time when we received the task from Zhang Wuji!"

"In other words, at the same time as we received the task, the other party had already started arranging manpower to chase and block us?"

Ye Ming nodded gently, motioning him to continue.

Pei Tu

The dog's brow furrowed, and then suddenly proposed, "Shall we change the course?"

The sudden enemy appeared, as if he had shaken his original thoughts.

After all, it is more important to ensure that the task can be successfully completed and get the most basic task reward than maximizing your own interests in the task.

Unknown at night but asked rhetorically: "If you are the main messenger behind this matter, on which route would you focus on arranging manpower to pursue and block us?"

Pei Tugou was stunned for a moment, followed by an embarrassing look on his face, and at the same time his gaze towards Ye Ming became more admired.

At this time, Ye Wuming had greeted Feiyu, and returned to the carriage with a sound of March. His voice was quickly heard from inside the carriage: "Continue to follow the originally planned route, but the next Along the way, it is destined to be calm. "

On this matter, Pei Tugou only thought of the first layer.

That is, since the enemy knew that they took Yang unrepentant to the Guangming Ding, and sent someone to stop it.

Well, according to the original plan to go around a large circle, many variables will be added.

Therefore, he proposed to change the route to the nearest one.

And through the unknown guidance, let him see the second floor.

If the enemy has been prepared for a long time, then the most important thing to take care of is definitely the nearest route from here to Guangmingding. The route that seems to be a shortcut is actually the most dangerous route!

But what Pei Tugou did n’t know was that besides the above two points, Ye Ming also saw ...

Third layer: People who can offer such a large sum of money as rewards, and are willing to do so, are out of ten people in the Yuan-Mongolian court. Their purpose in doing this is definitely not to kill Yang without regret.

Either they want to get Yang Wuzheng into their own hands, and then threaten Yang Xiao to make him avoid the mouse, or set up a trap with Yang Wuzheng to lure Yang Xiaoshen, the operability is too great.

In response to this, there are actually many ways to deal with it.

You only need to take some conventional tactics such as disguise, incognito, hidden repair path, dark Chencang, etc. As long as the execution is not problematic, you should be able to safely send Yang Wuzhen to Guangmingding. Even if there is a possibility of fighting, it will definitely be Not much.

After all, the mission profile clearly says that this is just a six-star mission.

The difficulty level of the mission is definitely not too high.

The fourth level: Ye Weiming felt that the people behind the Yuanmeng Mengmeng had a high probability that they would not directly deal with them, but would disclose the identity and whereabouts of Yang unrepentant to the six major parties through various means. People know.

The people of the six major factions have long had **** enmity with Mingjiao. It is certain that this news will not be indifferent. For whatever purpose, at least some of them will definitely take action.

No matter whether the actions of the six major factions are successful or not, the blood and enmity between the six major factions and Mingjiao will be further deepened.

And this result is ultimately the beneficiary, certainly the Mongolian court.

This is only the stage of Yangmou, whether it is the six major schools or the Ming religion, even if it is known that someone is calculating in secret, it has to step into the trap.

If Yuanmeng ’s methods are more ruthless, they can even do some tricks in it, kill one or two of them before and after the battle between the two sides, and bring the situation that could have been recovered to the point of being completely out of control.

Do n’t say that the night is not clear, and it turns out that this is exactly the usual routine of Cheng Kun!

Even, will they take advantage of this opportunity to catch Yang without regret and continue the operation of the third layer? It can also be determined according to the actual situation. This plan is flexible and changeable, and it is simply a golden tactic.

Fifth floor: In fact, this matter is not only a challenge but also an opportunity for them unknown at night!

First of all, Zhang Wuji and Yang Wuzhen are still around them. Taking this opportunity, he can let March and Liuyun infuse Yuan Meng ’s conspiracy theory with Zhang Wuji and Yang Wuji. Yang Wuji may not understand, but at least let She realized that this matter was that the Yuanmeng imperial court was behind to make trouble, while further completing Zhang Wuji's blackening work.

Now the two little friends have begun to do so under the unidentified signal.

At the same time, if Yuanmeng wants to achieve the goals of the third and fourth floors, they must always observe their whereabouts in secret. The person responsible for monitoring them will certainly not be too far away from them.

If you do it properly, you can even reverse them, further clarify the hatred between Yuanmeng and Mingjiao, and let the two sides enter the endless battle of attrition ahead of time!

But to do this is not easy, the key depends on the specific layout and adaptability.

Unknown at night, he knocked his finger against the window frame next to him, and was already in deep contemplation.


"Aming." While cooperating with the psychiatrist Liu Yun to instill the thoughts of Yuan Mengyin, damage, and badness into the two minors, in March, he discovered that Ye Mingming had kept his eyebrows locked since he resolved Barong and Hao Hu. Sullen, he couldn't help but asked with some worry: "What are you thinking about, is it difficult to solve this matter?"

Yue Mingming shook his head gently: "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about what kind of trouble we might encounter next, and how to deal with it."

At this moment, the non-fish on the side suddenly said, "In fact, I actually feel that the enemy's means seems very powerful, but in fact it is so."

"But at least the other party used the two wastes of Barong and Haohu to rob, that is

A faint move. "

"Like an enemy like this, it cannot pose any substantial threat to us, and it will also make us aware of the danger in advance."

"In addition to playing grass and startling snakes, it has no substantive effect."

Ye Weiming hadn't heard anything, the flash of light flashed in his mind, and the originally closed eyebrows spread out instantly. He couldn't help but raised a thumbs up to Feifei, saying: "The fool has a lot of thoughts, and he also has something to gain. Awake! "

Feiyu Wenyan immediately laughed and scolded: "Remind you, you still bury me, do you want to be so shameless? I want a mental loss fee!"

"Good to say!"

Unknown night haha ​​smiled, and then said: "After that, we can't use your special ability to lock down the whereabouts of some enemies, and will lose the kind of forced tracking that the martial arts contributed."

"So, your compensation will definitely be indispensable at that time. The credit for this time will be included in the compensation."

Said so on his mouth, Ye Weiming picked up the curtains and turned his gaze to the clouds on the horizon, and the smile on his face gradually turned from the original splendor to a lack of virtue.

After setting a certain idea in his heart, Ye Weiming immediately said, "You continue to move forward. I need to make some arrangements first. You don't have to wait for me, I will catch up immediately."

After finishing the talk, he put down the curtains and picked the curtain of the carriage, jumping off the carriage in one step.

Outside Pei Tugou, Wu Zhou and Qi Ye Qi turned to look at him.

Ye Mingming waved at them, then looked away, found a dead tree nearby, stepped forward with a sword to flatten its top surface, and then spread a stationery on it with a tree stump as a starting point. Write with a pen.

A moment later ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Ye Weiming also sandwiched the "100-year-old pure Yang Wuji whiskers" left by alchemy in the letter paper, and then took out an envelope to install it and seal it with wax.

Followed the big hand, and the white pigeon had flown out of his palm, flying straight towards Wudang Mountain.

Did this white pigeon disappear after flying 1 meter away from him?

Unexpectedly, he raised his eyebrows, jumped up with his body, landed on the canopy of a towering tree nearby, and watched the white pigeon flying further and further away.

At the same time, in the jungle that is not clear from the night, a young lady in a brocade wearing a baby face with a baby face saw the white pigeon flying in the sky, and immediately snorted and followed casually. : "Zhao Yi was wounded, shoot me down."

"Ah!" At this time, a dumb-headed Tuo with a ruined appearance called and followed one step forward to stop Zhao Yishang's movements, and then in the doubtful eyes of Xiaozheng, he extended his hand in a certain direction.

Xiaozhengtai Wenyan immediately looked in the direction of the dumb head Tuo's fingers, just to see that he had occupied the commanding heights, and the night of the white pigeon was unknown.

Couldn't help frowning and said, "So this guy is pulling a snake out of the hole?"

"Damn, if it wasn't for Master Ku's prompt reminder, I almost fell into that guy's evil!"

Finally staring at the direction of Ye Wuming, and biting the silver teeth, said: "Someday, I will kill this **** guy, turn white!"

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