I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 817: Players go to war, rewards and punishments appear

Hearing the unknown evaluation, the player in white only felt a bit of pain in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, with his weird stature, he wanted to avoid the palm of the unknown night. Although it cannot be said easily, Mingqiang can do it.

But at this moment he has just suffered a serious ankle injury, how can he exert the effect of his birth method?

The moment of a thousand shots, he only had time to cross the two short knives in front of him, and then waved forward with all his strength, ushering in the menacing dragon force of the unknown night.

"Oh! ~~~"

In a vast and thrilling dragon chant, the white player's body was directly blasted upside down, and a shocking number of crushing injuries floated above his head.


Even if he tried his best to resist, he eventually made a move in the middle, unable to maximize his attributes. How can it be possible to face up to the blow of the lethal burst that was not known at night?

A crushing injury directly killed nearly a third of his life.

More importantly, after this blow, the defensive posture of this white player has been completely dispelled by the palm of Ye Ming, and the hands holding the short knife were unconsciously shaken to the sides.

Chest, empty door exposed!

At this critical moment of your death, no one knows where to be with him?

Saw his left hand snapping sharply, and an ice-blue lotus seed had broken away in the sharp metal hiss.

In order to be safe, Ye Ming did not know where the attack was. It was not placed on the opponent's eyebrows, throat and other human weaknesses. Instead, it was locked in the center of the opponent's torso and was the most likely to be hit.

Don't ask for crit, just hit.

Anyway, depending on his attack power, and the opponent's little remaining blood, no matter where he hits this time, he can be killed!


With a crystal blue streamer passing through the player in white, he also took away all the qi and blood values ​​left by the opponent.

The latter instantly became a white light representing death and rebirth. I don't know where to send it to the resurrection.


This is a feature attached to the treasure ice lotus seed. After hitting the target, it supplements a wave of unexplained internal force.

Killing and killing, back to blue, it's so beautiful!

Solved the other party's deepest hidden strongest person. Ye Weiming didn't continue to attack others, but took a step forward and picked up a necklace that fell after the other party died.

Opal necklace (treasure): A mysterious necklace from Persia, which seems to contain a strange power. +200 body method, critical strike damage + 20%, holy fire magic level +2.

After seeing the attributes of this necklace, Ye Ming ’s mouth could not help but draw a playful smile.

Until now, he was finally able to determine what martial art was used by the white player who wrapped himself extremely tightly.

Think about it carefully. In Yin's guide, although there is no specific introduction to the "Holy Fire Order of God Skill", the overall style of this martial art is quite similar to the brief description.

However, it stands to reason that the plot of "Yi Tian" should not have been reached yet. At the stage of the appearance of the Persian three envoys, where did this guy learn from the "Holy Fire Order"?

Shook his head, Ye Mingming decisively and recklessly continued to think about this question destined to have no answer, and turned his eyes to the other side, the battlefield of landscape and food.

Saw that the battle on both sides had undergone some subtle changes.

As time goes by, he has been actively responsible for interrupting the landscape and the rhythm of eating together. The internal force at this moment has fallen to less than one third.

In order to avoid the battle completely falling into the rhythm of the other party, I am looking for something and have to stand up. With my own sword skills and the incomplete version of the "fighting to the stars", I can resist most of the attacks of the landscape and food, and buy more time for the lonely cloud To restore internal strength.

However, in the absence of the almost point-and-click terrorist attack of Duguxingyun to forcibly disrupt the rhythm of the opponent, I was looking for something under the joint attack of the two, but it was extremely hard to support.

And Shanshui and Chihuo also took advantage of this opportunity to come out and finally took the absolute upper hand.

But ...

Ye Weiming glanced at the Lonely Cloud, which slowly recovered its internal strength under the action of Elixir, and not only shook his head, said on the team channel: "If you beat it at the current pace, I believe that you can still win in the end, but I'm afraid it will take another 150 moves to completely determine the outcome. "

"If there are any mistakes during the period, if he is hit by the killing move of Du Gu Xing Yun ..."

Shook his head, and Ye Weiming continued, "Would you like me to shoot and resolve the battle quickly?"

"No, I already have a way to break the enemy."

The reply to the message was the foodie fairy. At the next moment when the news was sent out, the two took advantage of Du Gu Xingyun's empty space and backed up, both violently rising. , Tangled my sword in the hands of looking for something.

At the same time, a white shadow suddenly rushed out of the pet satchel carried on the foodie fairy, and bit directly on the other party's arm.

Was bitten by this, and my face turned green instantly.



I didn't turn on the pain mode. I was looking for something. In the system's judgment, the sword was uncontrolled and retracted.

However, the confrontation of the three people is now in a hot stage. As soon as he retreats, the landscape and food go forward at the same time, and under the sword's twist, the heir of the Murong family is directly turned into a white light.

The other side of Du Gu Xing Yun was shocked. He just wanted to turn around and fled, but they were first caught up by the two and dragged into the war instantly.

In the case of one enemy and two, Du Gu Xing Yun didn't even have his chance to use the special torch of "Toad Gong" mouth sprayer. After reluctantly insisting on the seven strokes, he was strangled with the sword with his little partner. Into white light.

As I was looking for something and Duguxingyun was hung up one after another, I was completely removed from this mission, and there were no more players in the "Rebel" player team.

Under the full force of the liberated mountains and rivers and the food rush, all of them have been cleared out in no time.

Seeing that the hostile players were all done ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The landscape and the foodie looked at each other, and their backs were all back to the unknown night, the former said: "This time thanks to the help provided by Brother Ye , Now return it to its original owner. "

Said that the two had handed the sword to him.

"Don't worry." Ye Weiming smiled slightly, but didn't pick it up. Instead, he rushed to the Snow Mountain faction NPC who had stood in a bunch there: "I can't tell which of those guys is the enemy and which is. Friends, but if you want to come, you should be fine. "

"Don't take advantage of killing two more bosses now, why did I start to rush to return my equipment?"

When they heard the words and their eyes lit up, they immediately turned their heads and looked into the battlefield. When they were preparing to choose a suitable BOSS to start with, they were suddenly changed!


With a loud bang, the originally closed main entrance of the hall was forcibly opened with palm power, and the snow outside was involved in the hall with the palm power, which stirred both NPCs in the fierce battle.

When turned his head to look, he saw two figures standing side by side outside the gate.

The two men's clothes are yellow and black, and their figure is fat and thin. The fat man can smile, and the thin man's face is like frost.

Is not someone else, it is in the story line of "Xia Ke Xing" that makes the entire rivers and lakes frightened knight islands reward the good and the punishment of evil!

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