I Can Go Beyond Space

Chapter 79 Special Connections Between Different Spaces

Chapter 79 Special Connections Between Different Spaces

This space fluctuation is completely different from the one emitted from the ashes, and it does not disgust Zhuang Hong. On the contrary, it is somewhat similar to the space fluctuation emitted by ordinary objects on his body when they travel through the space.

Zhuang Hong has a special physique, and traveling through space will not cause space fluctuations.

But he will have some ordinary items on his body, such as clothes, shoes, backpacks, etc. When these items travel through the space, a special spatial fluctuation will be transmitted.

It's like the waves caused by throwing a stone into the water.

It's just that this kind of fluctuation is usually fleeting.

However, the spatial fluctuations from Feilan Peak were continuous and extremely violent.

It was as if something huge and incomparably traveled through space repeatedly.

The closer he got to Feilan Peak, the more obvious the spatial fluctuations were, which made Zhuang Hong involuntarily slow down his flight speed.

"How can there be such violent spatial fluctuations here?"

Zhuang Hong's eyes were full of puzzlement, but also deeply vigilant.

He immediately realized that the ash disease in this world might be related to this violent spatial fluctuation.

Want to see it?

But curiosity doesn't just kill cats, it kills people too.

Zhuang Hong did not approach Feilan Peak rashly, but sat cross-legged on the giant blue-clawed eagle, controlled the giant eagle to circle around Feilan Peak, and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Zhuang Hong, who didn't see any changes on Feilan Peak, stretched out his hand and took Xiao Bai out.

"Xiaobai, why don't you help me find the way first!"

Xiaobai woke up sleepily, and looked at Zhuang Hong in a daze.



In the end, Zhuang Hong didn't let Xiaobai go to explore the way.

One is that Xiaobai is actually very timid, and the first thing he thinks of when he encounters any danger is to run away, so he is not suitable for pathfinding work.

The second is that if Xiaobai accidentally catches a cold, he will return to the situation where he couldn't sleep well before. When he thought of not being able to fall asleep for several days, he became a little flustered.

Of course, there is also the fact that Zhuang Hong has a better choice.

He can control the beast blue-clawed giant eagle to explore the way.

Or go to the adjacent space to view the situation in Feilan Peak from other spaces.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Hong manipulated the giant blue-clawed eagle to find a hill to land on.

After getting off the giant eagle's back, he manipulated the giant eagle to fly high into the sky again, and flew towards Feilan Peak.

The giant eagle has excellent vision. Looking down from a high altitude, everything on the mountain can be seen at a glance.

And Zhuang Hong, who controls the giant eagle with the beast seal, can also see the scene that the giant eagle sees through spiritual connection.

Although the scene he saw was not very clear, as if covered with a layer of frost, it was enough for scouting.

Zhuang Hong sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and used the 'puppet' method to concentrate on manipulating the giant eagle for reconnaissance.

This kind of control experience is very magical. It is as if he has a second body. He can control this body to make various actions, and he can also share the perception of this body. It is like a spiritual thought that snatched the blue-clawed giant eagle away. .

It's just that Zhuang Hong's flying skills are really not very good. After fully controlling the blue-clawed giant eagle, although the blue-clawed giant eagle can also fly into the sky, it is a little stumbling and crooked, and its flying speed becomes extremely slow.

Simply put, his manipulation skills are still too bad.

However, after getting used to it for a while, Zhuang Hong finally found the trick, and he could barely control the blue-clawed giant eagle to fly smoothly.

About an hour later, the blue-clawed giant eagle flew to Feilan Peak and circled on Feilan Peak, overlooking the entire mountain.

However, from the visual point of view of the giant eagle, this mountain is not unusual, and there is no sign of life, let alone any special danger.

Zhuang Hong secretly said: "It doesn't look different, but it's a pity that manipulating the giant blue-clawed eagle can't perceive the breath of space, and can't use Weishi to observe the space below."

After thinking about it, he controlled the blue-clawed giant eagle to start descending, and then circled the high mountain and flew downward.

All his attention was also focused on this mountain.

The peaks are covered with thick ice and snow, and part of the mountain is exposed, all blue-gray rocks, without any signs of life.

Except for the whistling cold wind, nothing was heard around.

Controlling the giant blue-clawed eagle to fly to the foot of Feilan Peak, Zhuang Hong didn't see anything special, but felt a tingling and pungent feeling from the giant blue-clawed eagle.

Zhuang Hong frowned tightly.

After thinking about it, he controlled the giant blue-clawed eagle to land on Feilan Peak, and just let the giant eagle wander around on Feilan Peak.

He wanted to know if the blue-clawed giant eagle stayed at Feilan Peak for a while, would something else happen.

After waiting patiently for two hours, Zhuang Hong recalled the giant blue-clawed eagle.

Then he keenly sensed a smell of rancid space from the giant blue-clawed eagle.

"Sure enough, the ash disease came from Feilan Peak. The blue-clawed giant eagle contracted the ash disease after staying on Feilan peak for a while. According to this trend, the blue-clawed giant eagle It will show the characteristics of being infected with ashes disease..."

In other words, this blue-clawed giant eagle has been scrapped.

Zhuang Hong guessed that Feilan Peak must radiate some kind of special spatial aura, causing the creatures close to Feilan Peak to mutate and then infected with Ash Disease.

So, what is going on with that space breath?

After thinking about it, Zhuang Hong still killed the giant blue-clawed eagle.

Casually buried in the ground, and then took Xiaobai through the space, left the oasis world, and came to the space adjacent to the oasis world.

He planned to walk over from the adjacent space to see the situation of Feilan Peak.

Zhuang Hong's current location is a plateau mountain in the oasis world, and in the adjacent space, the terrain is also a plateau mountain.

Although there will be a certain gap between the two spaces, the gap is not large.

This is not only true of the Oasis World and adjacent spaces, but also most of the other spaces that Zhuang Hong has visited.

The topography and landforms between two adjacent spaces are roughly the same, and there is usually no such situation where one suddenly appears in the midair of another space after passing through, and then falls down.

Of course, this kind of special terrain will also appear, for example, the space on this side is a plain, and the space on the other side is an ocean or a ravine.

But in most cases, the topography between spaces remains relatively flat, and there will be a drop, but not too much.

Zhuang Hong guessed that in this infinite void, different spaces are not absolutely independent from each other.

Rather, it maintains a special connection, so that terrains such as land and ocean maintain a certain continuity.

Not only that, but there are many similarities between creatures in different worlds of life.

The various creatures he saw on the earth can also find corresponding shadows in other worlds.

For example, cats, dogs, ligers, cows, horses and alpacas, birds, insects, fish, grasses, trees, flowers and fruits are very different, but they can all find something in common.

Even the language can be shared.

It's hard not to let Zhuang Hong guess that there will be a deep connection between the different worlds in the infinite space, and they will influence each other.

Zhuang Hong couldn't say exactly how it would be affected.

Perhaps from the perspective of another dimension, what you see will be another scene.

For example, countless mountains in the same position in countless spaces are stacked together to form a special four-dimensional landform.

For example, a special four-dimensional lake formed by stacking countless lakes...

Just like an egg, an egg can be regarded as a stack of countless two-dimensional planes with 'round egg slices'.

From a two-dimensional perspective, only a line can be seen, but from a three-dimensional perspective, a complete egg can be seen.

There is a huge gap in perception between different dimensions, but no matter what perspective you look at the world, it is true.

So what does the whole picture of the stacked peaks in these different spaces look like?

Zhuang Hong didn't know, and couldn't even imagine it.

Although he has become a Zerg, the way he observes the world has undergone some changes, but it remains largely the same, and he still observes with a pair of eyes.

For a person, what the world looks like depends on what he sees and hears.

Zhuang Hong sees and knows more than ordinary humans, and the world is wider to him, but that's all.

He really wanted to know how the infinite space looked like, and how the world seen by the Void Spirit would be different from the world he saw...

He believes that with step-by-step exploration, there will eventually be answers.


When Zhuang Hong traveled to the space adjacent to the oasis world, he was slightly stunned immediately.

Because when he crossed from the oasis world, the violent spatial fluctuations from Feilan Peak did not disappear.

"Has the spatial fluctuation come here?"

Zhuang Hong left the current space again and moved away from the oasis world. He found that the fluctuations in the space were getting weaker and weaker. He explored it from different directions and came to a new judgment.

"The root is between the oasis world and the adjacent world, right at Feilan Peak."

He concluded that there must be some special situation at Feilan Peak's location.

Want to go and have a look?

After thinking about it, Zhuang Hong decided to go and see for himself.

One is because he is curious, and the other is because he thinks his strength is not bad.

However, this time I really need Xiaobai's help to explore the way first.

He lowered his head and said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, it's time for you to show your performance. If there is anything wrong, run back and tell me immediately, do you understand? If you successfully complete the task, next time there will be a prey that will give you a thigh."

After hearing this, Xiaobai excitedly stepped forward with his short legs and ran towards the mountain that exudes a strong breath of space.

It's not that it can understand Zhuang Hong's words.

But after Zhuang Hong learned the dog-shaped beast seal, he couldn't help but give Xiaobai a try.

Not to mention, it is very easy to use, but the stencil is still a little rough, not suitable for Xiaobai, and it is still waiting for gradual improvement in the future.

At this time, Xiaobai has become Zhuang Hong's first pet beast, and has gained Zhuang Hong's initial trust.

And Xiaobai, who had the steel seal of the beast, could already clearly understand what Zhuang Hong conveyed to it.

The most important thing is that Xiaobai's success proves that the beast stamp can control the chaotic beast species of void spirits.

Zhuang Hong never thought of using the beast stamp to deprive and control Xiaobai's body.

He had two considerations for imprinting Xiaobai with the beast steel seal. One was to ensure his own safety, so as to prevent Xiaobai from going crazy and attacking him one day when he became stronger.

One is to facilitate communication between Zhuang Hong and Xiao Bai.

Of course, this is Zhuang Hong's unilateral communication with Xiaobai, and Xiaobai has no way to refuse...

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