Chapter 125 The system has a full set of survival aids

Just when Shen Gu and Wu Jiayi were getting closer and closer to the northern coast of Coral Island.

When he was walking, he suddenly heard the system prompt in his mind!

[Detected that the host has a need to survive on the deserted island][Related products are already on the shelves][Please purchase the host on demand in the mall][Commodity value and purpose classification have been updated at the same time]

When Shen Gu opened the system mall with his mind, he was completely shocked by the number of goods on the system’s shelves this time!

As many as hundreds of products are put on the shelves at once, so that Shen Gu, who has always seen one product put on the shelves at a time before, feels that the system has the meaning of frantically expanding products in the mall this time.

However, there are hundreds of new products on the shelves because the mall has added two classification functions: product value and product usage.

When Shen Gu used his mind in the shopping mall to choose Wilderness Survival products, he also found that the hundreds of products that were on the shelves this time were also included in this category.

Correspondingly, for example, “A-level self-defense fighting skills” exist alone in the “host self-defense” category.

Of course, if you select the “All” category with your mind in the mall, all the products will be displayed under that category.

Shen Gu saw that the “type” of most of the merchandise in the Wilderness Survival category was intelligence.

For example, the second most expensive one, the trade name is “the best place to camp on Coral Island”!

The quality of the goods is excellent, worth 500 game coins.

On the other hand, there is also a product called “Better Camping Site on Coral Island”.

The quality of the goods is ordinary, and the value is only 200 game coins.

Although it is called the best camping location by the system, if Shen Gu can camp there, he will definitely be of great help to Life on the desert island for seven days and seven nights.

But the “S-Class Self-Defense Fighting Technique” that he has not bought so far is only 500 game coins in the mall.

Comparing the two, he immediately felt that spending this money to buy “information on the best camp location” was too extravagant!

Moreover, the four of them have been divided into two groups and began to explore the island.

He felt that maybe he didn’t need to buy this “intelligence” in the mall, and he could find it by himself on the island with good luck!

If you use your mind to look under the product menu, there are products such as “the best source of fresh water” and “the best source of food.”

Their prices are all marked with 300 game coins, and the corresponding intelligence with the adjective “better” only needs 60 game coins.

The price of 60 game coins already has some appeal to Shen Gu.

However, he just went to the island for the first day of exploration, and he didn’t want to buy these goods for the time being.

It is planned that in the afternoon, the two groups will not be able to go to these suitable places first, and then consider whether to spend the game currency.

Commodities that are cheaper than 60 game coins are presented with a “one-time acquisition” effect.

For example, there is a product called “The dynamic location of the wild goat closest to the host on the coral island”.

The location information of this sheep requires only 30 game coins!

The cheapest is “the location of the big coconut crab closest to the host on the coral island”.

Not only the price only needs 5 game coins, the remarks of this product also intimately indicate:

“The weight of the crab in shell is not less than 3 kg, please be careful to buy!”

After Shen Gu used his mind to read the remarks of the product, he suddenly burst into laughter.

Secretly thought:

“The system is really good at doing business, and I used the original things on this island to let me buy it with game currency!

“Although this coconut crab looks cheap, it should be because it is not difficult for me to find it myself!”

At this time, Wu Jiayi, who was walking beside Shen Gu, was puzzled by his sudden laughter.

So curiously asked him:

“What makes you so happy when you think about it?”

“Speak out and share with me too!”

Of course Shen Gu couldn’t tell her that there was something systematic about him.

So he followed the idea of ​​coconut crab and said to Wu Jiayi:

“Before I came, I had checked the information on the natural environment of the islands.”

“I know that there is a crab called coconut crab on this island. The largest one can grow to more than half a meter in length and is huge.”

“It not only has a hard shell, but also two strong and powerful crab claws!”

“Relying on them, coconut crabs can even easily climb tall and straight coconut trees, and even use them to peel off the hard coconut shells and eat the coconut pulp inside!”

Wu Jiayi nodded after listening, but still said strangely:

“I know about this, but is this the reason you laugh?”

“Could it be that you were thinking about which coconut tree we were passing by would suddenly drop the huge coconut crab by itself?”

“How could this kind of good thing happen to us? I heard that the locals always use ready-made coconuts. After the coconuts are split apart, they can make a simple trap!”

Shen Gu wanted to say that the reason for the laugh just now was that he imagined that a coconut crab would fall from the coconut tree by himself, and then felt that it was impossible, so he couldn’t help laughing.

But unexpectedly, Wu Jiayi guessed the “reason” exactly as he wanted to say.

It was a little embarrassing for a while, and I couldn’t think of a new reason that could explain it in a hurry.

But at this moment, about seven or eight meters away from the two people walking along the coast, a coconut suddenly fell from a tall coconut tree!

What’s even more exaggerated is that the one that fell along with the coconut, and slammed on the ground, turned out to be a huge coconut crab! !

When the coconut crab fell to the ground, it was obviously navel upward.

Although it fell on the soft soil, the coconut tree was so tall that it was obviously thrown over!

The two front pliers and the other eight legs, with the belly button facing up, swung very slowly.

“This, this is really possible!”

When Wu Jiayi was “dumbfounded” with Shen Gu, facing a big coconut crab that had fallen into a blindfold, she was at a loss for a while, only knowing to stand still.

In contrast, after a brief consternation, Shen Gu immediately looked around and found a large stone that could be moved and walked for a certain distance.

Seeing that Shen Gu was already carrying the stone with both hands, he walked in front of the coconut crab who had not been able to turn it over by himself.

Only then did Wu Jiayi react, and trot to Shen Gu’s side and reminded:

“Don’t just kill it!”

“We don’t have a fire now, and the dead crabs that are born will soon be broken!”

Shen Gu slowly pressed this larger stone onto the belly of the coconut crab.

Then smiled and said to Wu Jiayi:

“Do not worry!”

“I just want to control it first.”

“Don’t forget, we have small boxes and picnic pots for canned beef!”

When he said that, he pointed to the coconut crab that had been held down by the stone, so that he could not turn over, and continued to Wu Jiayi:

“Look at it here.”

“I’m going to get the picnic pot!”

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