Chapter 152 Different Views on Colored Parrots

This kind of remarks that clearly stated that “I am actually better than her” made Shen Gu not only feel not too happy in his heart, but also feel that “Yalishan is bigger”.

Since the meeting with “Papa Wu” in the restaurant, he said in front of Wu Jiayi something like “I can bear all Zhou Huahai’s anger alone”.

Shen Gu felt that Wu Jiayi’s attitude towards him had quickly “exceeded the intimacy value that he should perform.”

Including the encounter in the “Qiantang Hot Spring House”, when Wu Jiayi and his closeness were only 50, she took the initiative to invite him to her room and wear a bathing suit to take a hot spring together.

He even deliberately used the “fake room” number to deceive him. After he mistakenly thought it was Wu Ge’s room, when he entered, she suddenly appeared in the hot spring room in a bathrobe!

Moreover, when Shen Gu pretended to “counter” and pushed her to the wooden sliding door with her back, she closed her eyes like a fate at the critical moment.

If it hadn’t been for Shen Gu to hold onto her at that time, if he wanted to kiss her at that time, he would have already succeeded!

Of course, if it is really “successful”, then facing Su Ziqing and Zhou Yang’s “come to investigate”, the scene will definitely “collapse” on the spot!

It stands to reason that after taking the initiative to leave Wu Jiayi’s room, Wu Jiayi should feel that she has no face, and her intimacy should drop drastically towards him.

But the actual result is that her intimacy with Shen Gu has increased by 10 points!

Until later, on the night of the finals of “Who can become a multi-millionaire”, he defeated Su Ziqing with an advantage to win the championship.

Shen Gu felt that Wu Jiayi’s “emotional attitude” towards him also seemed to be getting warmer on the surface!

Even after arriving on the main island of Feiji Kingdom together, she especially entered his room and offered to unite him on the island to “again” the combination of Su Ziqing and Zhou Yang.

And there is not only the meaning of wanting to fight for “hot in the show”, Wu Jiayi’s tone at the time obviously also wanted to use this “expected alliance” to further the relationship between Ascension and Shen Gu!

Shen Gu rejected Wu Jiayi’s reason at the time, although it was very high-sounding.

But in fact, he still doesn’t want to stand on the opposite side of Su Ziqing, who is already “very admired”!

Even among the four people on the island, Su Ziqing is already a “natural ally” because of the close teacher-student relationship with Zhou Yang for more than two years.

And Shen Gu is now after the “honest answer in the cedar forest” before.

Su Ziqing’s intimacy with him has reached a very high 80.

He would not even favor Wu Jiayi’s side in the “feeling between men and women” at this time!

In other words, the reason why he will not clearly express to Wu Jiayi now, “Don’t try to make me like you anymore.”

Most of the reasons are the same as his current attitude towards Teacher Zhou Yang.

They all don’t want to make the relationship between them “either white or black”, which would be very unfavorable for him to receive systematic “temporary tasks” from them in the future.

As a result, the “source” of the system game currency is reduced.

In that way, he can’t become stronger and stronger by purchasing “system mall merchandise” as quickly as possible.

“And even if the intimacy between me and the two of them reaches 100, doesn’t it mean I have to choose them?”

“At that time, I can think of a suitable reason to refuse to become lovers with them, and I can get the generous rewards from the system for my “successful strategy”!”

Shen Gu, who thought this way, had already figured out this “appropriate reason” almost instantly.

That is, after the system limits his “three-year period”, he can directly become an official lover with Su Ziqing.

Then tell the other “system strategy target” that he can only have Su Ziqing in his heart.

In this way, even if other “system strategy objects” like him again, they can only retreat in the face of difficulties!

“But Wu Jiayi’s age is okay. Three years later, it still won’t affect her to find someone else.”

“But Teacher Zhou Yang’s age was a bit older then!”

“Or anyway, there should be no signs of teacher-student love during school anyway, I will simply give up her generous reward as the target of the system strategy!”

“Just treat her as a good person and be a good person.”

At this time, the longing for the future lover is almost all in Su Ziqing’s Shen Gu.

Although I feel that giving up “rich rewards for a system” is a bit of a loss.

But he already had “contentment” emotions, and he decided secretly in his heart that he was not “very embarrassed” at this moment.

Then, with a smile on his face, Wu Jiayi said a good thing to the system that “decided not to give up”, “the target of Raiders”:

“Of course you are also very good show off!”

“If we are not comparing survival on a deserted island, but performing in singing and dancing shows in the entertainment industry.”

“You will definitely shine better than the other three of us.”

“Not to mention acting in movies and TV dramas!”

In this case, it is undoubtedly to give Wu Jiayi a face in front of the camera.

But after Wu Jiayi was slightly happy, she quickly showed her dissatisfaction!

As the two continued to explore, looking for a suitable big stone.

Wu Jiayi said to Shen Gu so bluntly:

“You want me to be satisfied, it’s not so easy!”

“My current performance in the team seems to be inferior to her for the time being, and it is also related to the idea that you and Zhou Yang both support her.”

“Even if you are still unwilling to turn to support me in the future.”

“But please don’t forget, I will have the opportunity to be the temporary head of the group for two days in these seven days!”

“At that time, I will prove to you that only if I am willing to give me a chance, I will perform better than her!!”

Facing Wu Jiayi’s straightforward “competitive heart”, Shen Gu smiled and said nothing.

Because he feels that if he agrees, Wu Jiayi will undoubtedly be encouraged and become more “competitive”.

On the contrary, if he shows disapproval, Wu Jiayi will be more “reversed”, and may even do something more “extreme”, which Shen Gu does not want to see!

After that, the two continued to explore for a while, and soon found the second “suitable” big rock.

Not only that, but in the process of exploring, they also found a parrot with very beautiful feathers in the forest!

Compared with Wu Jiayi’s admiration for the beauty of parrot feathers, Shen Gu’s state of mind is much more vulgar.

Because the moment he saw the colorful parrot, the first thought that came up in his mind was:

“I wonder if this parrot is plucked out and roasted on the fire, will it taste as good as pigeons after roasting!”

When the four people on the island chose “seeking biological products” in the morning, no one chose the seasoning combination.

The seasoning combination of four small pots contains the most important refined salt for cooking, as well as chili noodles, vinegar and sesame oil!

But when Shen Gu chose these, the value was obviously not as good as the “canned beef” with its own metal can.

When the selection was completed, there were a lot of canned beef, and the choices of Su Ziqing and Zhou Yang seemed “not very important”.

At the moment when Shen Gu saw the colorful parrot, he was entangled in the matter of “no one chooses the seasoning”, and he seemed to be just thinking about it, and he just sighed in his heart!

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