Chapter 160

“As long as you know where it’s key, it’s easy!”

Shen Gu, who has the evasive ability of “A-level self-defense fighting skills”, listened to Su Ziqing’s words of great help to him.

So confidently, he walked toward the adult wild boar trapped by the vines and tree trunks with an axe!

It may be the animal’s instinctive reaction to the imminent danger. The adult wild boar saw Shen Gu walking towards it with a stone axe in his hand.

The head struggled more intensely in the vines, and even the trunk that had been trapping its pig teeth began to shake violently under its desperate shaking and struggling!

“I have to hurry up!”

Seeing that Shen Gu thought so in his heart, he couldn’t help but speed up his approach to the wild boar.

However, when he was less than two meters away from the wild boar, when he lifted an axe to cut at the vital part of the wild boar’s head.

It was a plant vine that restrained the wild boar, but it caused Shen Gu to have a lot of worries in an instant!

“From the current situation where the pig’s head is wrapped in vines, I am likely to cut the vines and reduce the power of a lot of chopping.”

“Although this stone axe has some obsidian ingredients, it is definitely not as sharp as the metal lumbering axe made by human industry!”

“If I use this axe, not only will it not hurt the wild boar, but it will also get out of trouble.”

“Then the situation is terrible!”

“After all, with my current skill, I may not be able to fight a wild boar head-on.”

“And there are still three delicate girls waiting behind me.”

“If this wild boar goes crazy, rush over and hurt them.”

“Then I am very responsible!”

At this time, it was delayed because of Shen Gu’s hesitation.

The wild boar in front of him has become more manic, struggling to free his head from the vines, panting hard in his nostrils, and roaring very loudly in his mouth!

And this roar is not entirely due to plant vines.

In fact, more than half of them are expressing the threat of demonstration to Shen Gu!

“Shen Gu!”

“Can’t hesitate anymore!”

“Hurry up!!”

Su Ziqing’s calm but hurried voice suddenly came loudly behind him.

The urging of the “sweetheart” made Shen Gu immediately get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind.


“I can’t wait!”

As he made up his mind in his heart, he had already locked his eyes on the vital point of the wild boar’s head, and he held up the stone axe and slashed at it fiercely! !

This vigorous, heavy axe is also full of Shen Gu’s desire to “win with one blow” in his heart!

He felt at this moment.

As long as this axe is strong enough, it can directly cut the obstacles of the plants and vines, and cut into the vital points on the head of the wild boar.

Then he is the whole team, the biggest hero who has hunted this big wild boar!

At this moment, the three girls far behind him couldn’t help holding their breath.

In the next second, when the obsidian axe cut off the obstructing plant vines in front, the speed was only slightly stagnant, and then it really smoothly cut the vitality of the adult wild boar!

Really achieved the effect of “one hit and hit”! !

However, at this time, “one hit is hit” did not succeed in turning into “one hit fatal.”

At the moment when the plant vines entwining the head of the wild boar were chopped off by the stone axe.

This big adult wild boar also shook his head fiercely under the animal’s danger aversion instinct!

It’s worth noting that the key is not completely hurt by this axe! !

The long but shallow wound not only didn’t let it lose its life immediately.

On the contrary, because of the pain and bleeding, it even more inspired its ferociousness as a wild boar!

Seeing it immediately identified Shen Gu as the “target of attack”, and used the newly extracted long teeth to head towards Shen Gu extremely fast! !

Fortunately, the “A-level self-defense fighting technique” owned by Shen Gu is not a display, and he subconsciously avoided it with all his strength, and was only pushed to the edge of the right corner by the adult wild boar.

At that moment, Shen Gu’s entire body fell to the left.

But before he got up quickly, the next attack of this adult wild boar had arrived!

In order to avoid being pierced by the sharp fangs of the wild boar, Shen Gu had to roll on the grass in the forest.

Even so, every time it dodges this wild boar’s attack, it seems extremely thrilling!

It seems that you may be unable to avoid the next time at any time, and you will face the ending of being pierced by a pig’s tooth! !

At the same time, the three girls not far away started exclaiming after Shen Gu was attacked and avoided for the first time.

But because they don’t have weapons in their hands, they are still far from the current Shen Gu in terms of skill.

Therefore, besides screaming for Shen Gu who are very worried, they also have no other way to help Shen Gu for a while.

“Ziqing, do you have a way?”

“You are the smartest of the three of us. You must be able to figure out a way, right?”

Seeing Shen Gu’s situation, he has been trapped in danger.

Teacher Zhou Yang immediately grabbed Su Ziqing’s arm, hoping that the student she had always thought the smartest could come up with a good idea at this time to help Shen Gu get out of danger as soon as possible.

But in such an emergency, even if he was as smart as Su Ziqing, it was difficult to immediately think of a way to rescue Shen Gu.


A somewhat terrifying thought arose from Su Ziqing’s heart:

“If you can now use a method to irritate the wild boar, draw its attention to me.”

“Then Shen Gu will be out of danger!”

Such thoughts caused Su Ziqing’s body to tremble slightly.

Because in her heart, although she already has a good impression of Shen Gu.

But this good impression is far from growing to the level of the love that is willing to give up life for Shen Gu!

“In terms of my own running ability, if a wild boar rushes towards me, the chance of trying to escape is very small.”

“And my evasion speed is definitely much worse than Shen Gu’s speed!”

Su Ziqing, who had never really faced the danger since she was a child, even though she wanted to help Shen Gu, who was already very critical.

But after a very short period of sober recognition, her current feelings for Shen Gu still haven’t reached the point where she is truly willing to abandon own!

“But I was the one who asked him to act on the wild boar immediately!”

In the next second, it was “guilt” that made Su Ziqing feel that she must at least do something other than “giving up her life” for Shen Gu no matter what.

So she immediately yelled Zhou Yang and Wu Jiayi away from herself, and before the two of them had acted far away, but did not understand her true intentions, she immediately picked up a small stone from the nearby grass and threw it at the wild boar’s head. !

Because of the distance, this strike only slammed on the front body of the wild boar.

Almost at the same time, two of the four drones that were in charge of shooting not far away began to dive into the adult wild boar!

After successfully diverting the wild boar’s attention from Su Ziqing, they quickly flew away in opposite directions on both sides.

It seems to be trying to lead this wild boar away from Shen Gu!

However, this wild boar, which had been irritated by Shen Gu, was only slightly distracted and focused on Shen Gu who had not yet taken the opportunity to get up.

Seeing this, the drone control staff on the “left-behind ship” off the island had to follow Zhou Huahai’s order to let the drone that was a little far away fly back again.

Always be prepared to dive at close range and interfere with the behavior of the wild boar when the wild boar is about to attack Shen Gu again!

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