Chapter 167 Decided to choose to confess (double more seeking subscription)

He couldn’t help but remember when he was at the Feiji Main Island Hotel.

Wu Jiayi once confessed to him very frankly in his room that the test of the “hot spring house” was to determine whether he could continue to stay on her “ideal list”!

In the hotel room that day, Wu Jiayi showed no guilt for Shen Gu’s rhetorical tone.

She said that whether it is a boy or a girl, before deciding to formally fall in love with a person, because of their good conditions, you can choose more than one is “justified”!

What made Shen Gu feel strange at the time was that when he heard Wu Jiayi say such things without guilt, there was no anger at all.

In fact, he was originally described by Yang Qian as a “spare tire.” From the source process and essential results of that incident, Yang Qian also felt that own personal conditions were better than Shen Gu.

Therefore, in her “secret relationship” with Shen Gu, she did not think much about the feelings of Shen Gu, a disadvantaged suitor.

After being accidentally discovered by Shen Gu that he was “dating” with other boys, he did not feel guilty at all!

This really gave Shen Gu a lot of emotional damage at the time.

But in fact, from Yang Qian’s perspective, even if she loses Shen Gu, it will not lose much to her.

As for the later I also found out that Jiao Huang was only using it to chase Su Ziqing, that was all a story!

Besides, the current Shen Gu, thinking has slowly emerged from the memory with a wry smile.

He first rolled a larger piece of wild boar with two palm leaves, and felt the weight of his hand. He could take this section of the road to the camp.

He temporarily left other meat beside the stream, holding a stone axe in his right hand, and still holding the big wild boar in the posture of holding meat in both hands, and walked towards the camp a little faster.

It’s just that the left hand forms a palm, and the right hand forms a fist. As he walks holding the wild boar, the meat is slightly tilted.

“I really hope that when I arrive at the camp, the cabin they are building has already been built!”

On the way, Shen Gu also secretly decided in his heart that he should look for opportunities as soon as possible to tell Su Ziqing and Wu Jiayi about the “three-year period”.

He feels that he already has a love assistance system, although he will live up to the “benefits” that this system brings to him in the future.

But for the “feeling” matter, he still has to make it clear to these two outstanding girls in advance.

In the next three years, he will not really confirm a romantic relationship with any of them.

Even other girls who may meet in the future are the same. He needs these nearly three years of getting along before he can finally determine his heart!

Of course, he will not say that it is a “system-limited” relationship.

Regarding his own “system”, he thinks it is enough to have a cat know about it!

When he decides, he will say that the reason why he has to get along for three years before deciding whether to “determine the relationship” is because he was “emotionally hurt” before.

This made him no longer willing to devote “true feelings” to the girls he gets along with in a relatively short period of time.

As for who ever hurt him, Su Ziqing must be the most clear.

When talking about this to Wu Jiayi, Shen Gu also decided not to mention Yang Qian’s name directly, but instead chose to show that he did not want to go into details about “that matter”.

He felt that in this case, Wu Jiayi should not have to expose his “scars” in person.

As for whether she would investigate through Wu Ge in the future, Shen Gu didn’t care too much.

Anyway, he just doesn’t want to talk about Yang Qian with Wu Jiayi.

“If they feel that three years are too long, or are unwilling to compete with other girls who might like me, and therefore decide to give up on me, I will accept it calmly!”

“At least this will not delay their three years of youth in vain!!”

Shen Gu who thought this way also felt a little better in his heart.

Because deep down in his heart, he really didn’t want to be a scumbag with “one foot on several boats”.

He felt that if he had said to Su Ziqing and Wu Jiayiming that he wanted to “speak up front”, he would still have a fundamental difference between Yang Qian and Yang Qian hiding from him and dating Jiao Huang!

Because this is equivalent to giving the other party the right to decide before going in the direction of formal communication with them.

Rather than always being ambiguous with them no matter who they are, even if they will eventually have a definite and formal relationship, they will objectively deceive the other person!

“It seems that by nature I really can’t be a pure villain.”

“If there are other boys who can get this system like me, there may be some people who choose to maximize their self-interest. They won’t think so much for girls who like their own like me!”

Thinking of Shen Gu here, he also thought of Dongfang Yun that Lin Mumu once said.

Naturally, I think that some people on the Internet say that people who put other people’s matters before themselves are “XX minds.”

But even he now has a love assistance system, he still feels that many things are neither white nor black.

Although he is self-aware and knows that he cannot be a so-called “purely good person”, he does not want to use this as an excuse to be a so-called “purely bad person”!

“So I am who I am, and I can always be the self!”

This is a bit of Zen, and after Shen Gu appeared in his heart, he himself felt a little inclined to “care about gains and losses”!

When he could see the campsite in front of him, he took a deep breath, which made his own mentality easier.

The “Chalet Progress” that he had expected before returning was basically what he wanted.

Shen Gu looked at the small wooden house from the campsite a little further away. The roof was covered with palm leaves as a shelter. The four walls were also “organized with branches” of appropriate lengths. They were arranged side by side with almost the same spacing. Structured!

At this time, each of the three girls “a wall” tied the broad palm leaves across the branches.

Wu Jiayi, who was facing the stream, was the first to see Shen Gu’s return, and immediately put down the work of tying leaves in his hands, saying “Our hero is back”, and ran to Shen Gu!

“I said how she deliberately chose the direction facing the creek when she assigned the leaves to be used as the wall.”

“I knew I would not tie the wall on the west side, and go straight to the south side to tie it.”

“Actually is not really hindering her, I just want to see how she looks when she fails, maybe it will be very interesting!”

At this time, Zhou Yang, who felt that Wu Jiayi had “scheming” in his heart, immediately went to see Su Ziqing, who was on the opposite side, who was tied to the east wall when he thought of this.

When talking with Shen Gu before, Wu Jiayi took the initiative to say that Su Ziqing’s voice was a little low at the beginning, so Shen Gu might not hear her, and asked her to speak louder!

Zhou Yang was really worried at the time that they would conflict immediately, and felt worried for a while.

In her opinion, fortunately, Su Ziqing did not show dissatisfaction with Wu Jiayi’s “suggestion” at the time.

Not only that, but after a short silence, she appeared to “accept the suggestion”.

It’s just that in the second half of the call, Zhou Yang can feel that the volume is in the same way as Wu Jiayi’s “inspiration” no matter how he listens to it!

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