
Black energy billowed around John’s body.

The moment the tall and thin figure of [S-Class Rat Demon] Peter appeared behind John.

Quirrell, who was really thinking about this, suddenly thought of Snape’s appearance when he cast the Death Curse on”Goyle”.

Facing the demon in front of him, Peter, almost instinctively, kept retreating.

“Snapped! Click!”

Looking at Quirrell who knocked over the table and caused the bottles and books on it to fall directly to the floor, John couldn’t help but shook his head speechlessly.

Our Lord Dark Lord has always been the image and origin of his subordinates. So eclectic. This is how Quirrell is in front of him. If the plot goes according to plan, the Death Eaters, trolls and werewolves will be even more like this in the future.

“You, how did you know?”

Qi Luo looked at John in horror as he was overlooking him from above.

He witnessed with his own eyes that the other party had sent such a powerful and terrifying”Goyle” to heaven.

In addition, behind him, Qi Luo couldn’t even think of a way to deal with it. Devil Pete.

In the eyes of the other party, John was even more intimidating than Dumbledore himself.

At this moment, a low and somewhat angry voice suddenly came from Quirrell’s headscarf.

“idiot! Stand up, let me talk to him next!”

Hearing the voice of the main Dark Lord, Tom Riddle, a smile appeared on John’s face.

Under his calm gaze, Quirrell was trembling as if his spine had been ripped out because of the voice just now. Stand up.

Carefully and nervously, he takes off the shroud-like headscarf on his head and turns around.


Voldemort had just taken a breath of fresh air and had not yet had time to speak.

He was met with a curse full of disgust and contempt from John.

The lump was like unsolidified cement, squirming on the back of Quirrell’s head, making the appearance of facial muscles, and successfully made John give up his dinner plan tonight.

“God, I have to say, Mr. Dark Lord, you are more capable of picking up and letting go than I thought…….”

John had a look of disgust on his face, and the compliments he spoke naturally did not contain any trace of praise.


Voldemort, who had just stretched his face, was very angry at John’s disgusted expression.

“John Constantine, how did you discover me?”

John curled his lips and sneered.

“The first question was just as I imagined, without any standard and knowingly asking.”

“Perhaps in your eyes, your disguise and concealment are enough to deceive someone like Professor Dumbledore, but……I’m not really a wizard”

“Obviously my identity as an exorcist plays a larger role. When did you say I discovered you, Mr. Dark Lord in the state of his remnant soul?”

John said one honorific after another, but the words he spoke were like loud slaps.

They slapped Voldemort on the face.

The strange face, which was originally as gray as cement, changed instantly as John finished speaking. It’s a bit gloomy

“So it seems that the disappearance of those three idiots was all your fault!”

John smiled slightly

“I have to say that with Death Eaters as fertilizer, my castle garden will probably look better next year.”


Quivering Quirrell:”……”

“So, Professor Quirrell, or Mr. Dark Lord, is looking for me for something? If you want to recruit me to be a Death Eater, please think about whether you are worthy of the key and how many keys?”


Another slap in the face, falling hard on Voldemort’s face.

Taking a few deep breaths, Voldemort resisted the urge in his heart to ask the damn exorcist in front of him to chew the melon.

“I hope you can help me resurrect, I know you have the ability.”

John didn’t deny it, folding his arms

“Then what? What benefits can I get?”

“When I take control of the entire British wizarding world, I can make you Minister of Magic…….”

Watching John turn his head to touch the door handle, it was obvious that he didn’t even want to hear what was said next.

Voldemort shouted hurriedly

“etc! what do you want?”

John sneered disdainfully

“Mr. Dark Lord, if Professor Quirrell presses your unique face while sleeping, causing your brain to suffer from lack of oxygen and losing your IQ, I suggest you ask him to change his position.”

“Wait until you take control of the entire British wizarding world?”


John chuckled full of ridicule and contempt, making Voldemort understand what it means to be ridiculed by a modal particle, which is often more than a whole long speech.

“Not to mention that Mr. Grindelwald, who was just like you and was known as the Dark Lord, at least set his sights directly on the whole world.”

“Where did you get the confidence to let me support you, the mud wrapped in footbands, to steal and master the British wizarding world maintained by Professor Dumbledore who has helped and tolerated me a lot?”

“With your current face, Satan would shake his head just looking at it, let’s just call it a face?”

“ha! God……The world of Death Eaters is really crazy and pitiful.”


Are you a Slytherin viper?!

Why can the words you say hurt someone to this extent?!

Even if I, Tom Riddle, cannot be called a complete human being as I am now, even magical animals have the right to be respected!

“John Constantine!

John smiled contemptuously:”Call Me Daddy!” (Call me daddy)”

He looked at Voldemort who almost seemed to be about to explode with anger, and pointed outside.

“Mr. Dark Lord, have you ever thought that as long as you scream and call Professor Dumbledore and others over now, your life will come to an end that you have to draw today?”

“after all……I don’t think Professor Quirrell had the ability to escape from me before this.”

Looking at John’s determined look, Voldemort finally calmed himself down after taking a few deep breaths.

“I have to say, John Constantine, you are much more troublesome than I thought, and you know more things than I expected.”

He stared at John in front of him at this moment.

“Tell me your conditions and what to do, so that you will be willing to help me resurrect?”

John’s face suddenly showed a philistine smile that all the little wizards outside, not even Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, had ever seen.

“Before that, Mr. Dark Lord, you must first show me whether you are qualified to be helped by me.”

“There should be a lot of hidden Death Eaters under you now, right?”

In Quirrell’s office.

When John left, Quirrell wrapped the smelly”foot wrap” around his head again.

His face was full of shock, and he looked at the things on the table at this moment. There were more than a dozen books with black covers, and

I was filled with astonishment when I looked at the contents described inside.

“Owner……Are all exorcists so stressed? Why did John Constantine, a little boy, know so much?…….”

At the same time, Voldemort was still recalling the dirty words he had just seen in his mind.

It was also something that John took out, and he was so shocked that he was speechless.

This kind of bastard who really should be tied to a cross and burned at the stake is actually an outstanding exorcist favored by God?!

“John Constantine……You bastard deserves to go to hell!”

“Master, these things……Do we really want to sell?

Quirrell asked, somewhat at a loss.

“snort! Do you have any other ideas? 100,000 gold galleons! ?”

“ha! This guy really dares to speak!”

Although his heart is full of anger and grievance, Mr. Dark Lord, who is begging for help and has no way to take advantage of John, can only pinch his non-existent nose at this moment.

He comforted himself in his heart,”Hehe, I misunderstood Wei Junjie.”

“Why do you seem to have received some great benefit from Professor Quirrell?”

Hogwarts Dining Room.

Hermione looked at John who was obviously in a good mood suspiciously. She couldn’t understand why someone would stay in the same office for so long with a guy like Quirrell who always exuded poisonous gas. She was still in a good mood. So good.

With anticipation for the future in his eyes, John put a hand on the other shoulder of the little witch, and his mischievous hand recently found a new target to play with, passing through Miss Granger’s long chestnut hair. Teasing each other’s cute and blushing earlobes

“Miss Granger, you are a kind and beautiful little witch, and you are���How could an upright Gryffindor have such a big prejudice against poor Professor Quirrell?”

“At least in my opinion, Professor Quirrell is a very good wizard, he just needs an equally good exorcist like me as a friend.”

John said with a smile.

However, a familiar voice came from behind him.

“Honest Gryffindor? So, Slytherin should be evil in the eyes of Mr. Constantine?”

“What are you doing here?!”

The little witch watched with vigilance. At this moment, Miss Slytherin Viper, who was holding the dinner plate, came to Gryffindor’s side.

Not far away.

The Ravenclaw witches who saw this scene seemed like that one The prairie dogs poked their heads out of the hole to watch the fun, each with their mouths stuffed with something, but their eyes were full of gossip.

“Merlin~ This scene is so great! Pansy Parkinson fights for love, but Hermione Granger is captured without a fight?”

“Hahaha! They looked like they could start a fight at any time.”

“hiss……Pansy Parkinson, the wizard of Slytherin, is actually willing to be so bold for Constantine, look! She was going to sit at the Gryffindor table!”

The gossip fire of Ravenclaw is burning brightly, and the little badger of Hufflepuff also likes this kind of special meal time show.

On the other side, the little Slytherin wizard.

Draco Malfoy has almost taken it into his hands. The knife and fork left deep marks on the plate.

“Get up redhead, I want to sit here!”

Ron looked at this arrogant”evil little witch” angrily, with an unconvinced look on his face.


“A silver nut!

Ron was even more angry:”Parkinson!” Are you going to duel with my wizard?!”

In the little viper’s black eyes, there was no ripples in the ancient well, and her thin red lips opened slightly.

“A gold galleon!

Ron:”I haven’t finished eating yet. I…..”

“Ten gold galleons!”

Ron:”Ah! broken! John, I suddenly remembered that I haven’t finished my Potions homework yet!”


Seeing that Ming Ming was so honest just now, I, Weasley, was born as a Gryffindor wizard, and died as Gryffindor and Ron the Bloody Barrow.

The next moment, under Miss Viper’s money offensive, she chose to end her dinner with righteous words on the spot.

John was speechless.

Miss Know-It-All was even more dissatisfied and disdainful:”Ron Weasley, you traitor! Don’t ever look at my homework again!”

However, the price of ten gold galleons was too high.

Ron, who had long wanted to have a wand of his own, left the Gryffindor table without any hesitation or nostalgia.

The Weasley brothers who saw this scene started booing one after another.

“Miss Parkinson, next time something like this happens, please come to me. Not only will I only charge you nine galleons, but I will also give you a cooling fan service for free!”

George pushed Fred’s head to the side��

“Miss Parkinson, I only need 8 galleons!”

“Asshole, George, you’re disrupting the market!”

“Fred, this is called love!”

Miss Viper sat quietly next to John, not even looking at the Weissley twins who were making a fuss over a few galleons. A pair of black eyes matched with long eyelashes, narrowed into a pair of crescents.

On one side While dining elegantly, John gave John a quiet and sentimental smile.

【Mrs. Parkinson’s First Way to Behead a Man】——Be proactive but never overly proactive. Chirping will only cause unnecessary boredom. Releasing your own strengths and charm at a non-offensive distance is the key to truly taking the initiative.

“Hermione Granger, don’t look at me like that, I’m not the steak on your plate, and I’m not here to have some boring fight with you.”

Pansy Parkinson’s eyes only lingered on Hermione’s body for half a second, then returned to John’s body.

“Mr. Constantine, I heard that you are currently cooperating with Flourish and Blott Wizard Printing Company. Although I don’t know how confident you are, at least in the British wizarding world, Flourish and Blott’s strength is still very good.”

“Of course, what I mean is that you are willing to give up some interests”

【Mrs. Parkinson’s Second Style of Beheading a Man】——Never let the other person see your saliva! Changing to a goal that seems reasonable will not only make the other party relax their vigilance and help the other party alleviate the embarrassment of being in the presence of”outsiders”, but it will also give you a chance to show your strength.

There was sincerity in Miss Viper’s eyes:”But if Mr. Constantine plans to make this business bigger, then I suggest you find another company with stronger strength outside the UK.”

John nodded.

For some reason, the viper lady in front of him, who showed off her shrewdness and covetousness in every aspect, did not arouse his disgust at all at this moment. certainly……The aura exuding from Miss Hermione Granger next to her at this moment is enough to create another S-class demon!

“Thank you, Miss Parkinson, but as far as the current situation is concerned, I don’t need much money. Of course, I will also consider your suggestions. Pansy nodded with a smile and said nothing more.

Under the strange gazes of the surrounding pairs of eyes, she calmly enjoyed her dinner.

Then she wiped her lips gracefully and stood up slowly.

“Miss Granger, although I am not a person who is easy to get along with, I am not a person who will do harm to my savior, so……Let me say it one last time, please don’t look at me with that vigilant look.”

A pair of eyes turned to Miss Know-It-All, who was obviously caught off guard by Pansy’s plan. The surprise and vigilance on her face were instantly noticed by the people around her. However, Pansy did not give her any attention at all.

Later, I got the opportunity to retire and”took advantage of myself” again.”

“I have written to my mother regarding the allegations against the Malfoys and I would like to���Testify for Mr. Constantine in person at the Wizengamot”

“Miss Granger, if you really like Constantine, please don’t treat me as your enemy.”

Pansy Parkinson:”The green tea reversal spell that reverses black and white!”

Hermione Granger, HP-100%, today’s victory or defeat, viper Miss Parkinson, a complete victory…….

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