I Don’t Want To Be Cold Anymore

Chapter 245: It's easy to be happy

"I don't want to be cold anymore (

Ding Xuexin? The name is so good! Ding Wen hurriedly nodded and said yes, fearing that the younger sister misunderstood, and immediately explained: "Just now I just thought that Lin Xuexin is good, and it can make the younger sister remember where she grew up. If the younger sister is willing to share the surname with me, of course, the senior brother can't ask for it!" "

"I do!" Ding Xuexin replied quickly, the joy in her red eyes was as strong and intoxicating as wine.

Ding Wen never thought of such a beautiful and innocent junior sister

Ding Xuexin regards him as the closest person, so is it not the case for Ding Wen?

Everyone else has relatives, or the same family.

Ding Wen has neither, Ding Xuexin's life experience is speculated, Ding Wen estimates that he is an orphan himself, maybe he met his master when he was a baby, so he has been in Hongyuan Mountain since he can remember.

Two people like this naturally see the only one from the same family as very close.

The two chatted for a long time through the light curtain formation, seeing that Ding Xuexin couldn't stop yawning, Ding Wen advised her to go to sleep and rest.

Ding Xuexin was still reluctant, and felt that the conversation was not enough, so Ding Wen said, "Do you still want to practice tomorrow?"

"Well, practice every day, don't dare to relax, senior brother will supervise me tomorrow!"

"Okay, I'll supervise." Ding Wen urged her to go to sleep again, and said, "So it's time to rest, sleep now may not be in good spirits tomorrow. It's a long time coming to Japan. Before the formation disappears, my senior brother is here to wait with you, and I'll give it to you tomorrow. You make some delicious barbecue."

"Really?" Ding Xuexin was very happy and full of expectations, so she was urged by Ding Wen to get up and go back.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, Ding Wen suddenly saw Ding Xuexin come out carrying a wooden coffin.

Ding Wen asked her inexplicably, "What's the situation?"

"I'm sleeping here, close to my senior brother. I'm always worried that my senior brother will suddenly disappear." Ding Xuexin put down the coffin, slumped in, smiled and said good night to Ding Wen, and lay down.

Ding Wen's face was full of question marks... I don't know why there was originally an empty coffin, but Ding Xuexin fell asleep not long after lying down. Ding Wen didn't want to wake her, so he endured the question and left it for tomorrow.

When it was dawn, Ding Wen woke up with his eyes open and saw that Ding Xuexin was still asleep, after thinking about it, he used the Feixian Technique to fly away.

In just a quarter of an hour, Ding Wen flew over the nearest city. Seeing the scorching sun, he used the Hidden Immortal Technique. With a flash, he quickly fell into an alley in the city.

Ding Wen bought some food and drink in the city, some gadgets that girls would like. When he saw different snacks, he bought two copies. After a while, he carried a large bag, tried it, and found that I couldn't fly when I carried it on my back, so I had to store some before turning back.

Ding Wen flew back to the mountain, and as soon as he entered the cloud and mist, he heard crying.

He hurried over and saw Ding Xuexin in the light curtain, constantly wiping away tears, sobbing and sobbing, murmuring to himself, "Woooooo... Senior brother is gone, senior brother doesn't care about me. Go away by yourself, woo woo woo..."

Ding Wen looked funny and distressed, thinking that Ding Xuexin had a simple mind, she couldn't see anyone, and she didn't want to wait for a while, so she cried and became a gesture of farewell forever.

"Yo, why is Junior Sister crying?" Ding Wen went over, put down the burden through the light curtain, smiled and watched Ding Xuexin burst into a smile, hurriedly wiped away her tears, and said in surprise and resentment: "Senior brother, why didn't you say hello and disappeared? !"

"You'll know when you open the bag, and you won't be angry anymore." Ding Wen retreated to the stone table and sat, Ding Xuexin also stepped back with anticipation, staring at the bag and guessing what was inside.

The light curtain of the formation really stretched as it did yesterday, wrapping the burden—

At this moment, Ding Wen had a whim, and suddenly launched the moon stabbing fairy, and instantly rushed over——

When the light curtain wrapped the burden, it seemed to be in a normal state, but it swayed like water ripples for a while, and there was almost no blocking force.

Ding Wen rushed in very easily, pressed one palm on the ground, swirls down in the air, and stood still.

Ding Xuexin looked at the light curtain in disbelief, then looked at Ding Wen, and clapped her hands happily and said, "Senior brother is amazing! So, brother has a way to get in?"

"I just tried it, but I didn't expect it to come in. Have you tried hitting the light curtain to go out at this time?" Ding Wen pondered that it was too simple.

"I tried, but I can't get out." Ding Xuexin was very sure.

Ding Wen couldn't help but have doubts in his heart. After thinking about it, he launched another moon thorn against the light curtain——

I saw a flash of golden light, ripples on the light curtain, Ding Wen barely encountered any resistance, and then appeared outside the light curtain again!

Ding Xuexin was surprised to see it, and shouted, "Senior brother, this trick can get in and out!"

Ding Wen thought for a while, shook his head uncertainly and said, "It should be more than just Hong Yuan Jue's stunt. Because I tried it more than once before I was sixteen, maybe it's your formation that can be used to enter and exit with Hong Yuan Jue; I Where is the formation that requires your Bingyue Jue to enter and exit? Does Bingyue Jue have a stunt similar to a flash attack?"

"Yeah! Yes! It's called Hanyuexuelu, I tried and couldn't get out." Ding Xuexin guessed and said, "I think Senior Brother guessed right, otherwise, why is it so easy for Master to go in and out every time, and he didn't see the formation light. What's the change in the curtain~www.readwn.com~ If so, it's simple and ingenious..." Ding Wen thought it was interesting, but he couldn't think of how his master achieved this.

But Ding Xuexin couldn't wait to shout: "Senior brother, come in quickly!"

"Okay!" Ding Wen activated the Moon Thorn Immortal again, and with a flash, broke through the light curtain and entered.

Ding Xuexin immediately rushed over, hugged him, and happily rubbed her face on his neck, face, and in his arms, and kept shouting.

"I'm so happy! I finally don't have to be blocked by the light curtain!" Ding Xuexin was very happy. Ding Wen couldn't hold back her enthusiasm, so he had to divert her attention and said, "I haven't seen the things in the bag!"

Ding Xuexin really let go of him, untied the burden with anticipation, and immediately smelled the smell of various foods, those many smells that she had never tasted, stimulated her sense of taste and stimulated her appetite.

"Brother, what is this! It's sweet, it's so delicious—" Ding Xuexin took a sip of the maltose, and couldn't wait to eat the sweet biscuits.

Ding Wen saw that she was having a good time eating and didn't bother her. He didn't think she could finish so much, so he picked up the ones she had bitten but didn't have time to finish and ate them one by one.

When he picked up another half of the shortbread, Ding Xuexin saw it and said quickly, "Senior brother, I still eat that one!"

"Okay." Ding Wen put it down and sat there to watch her eat.

Ding Wen is even lonely in the mountains, isolated from the outside world. Although there are mountain villages nearby, the mountain villages are also poor, and they eat only those in the mountains. There are no cooking methods in the city, and there are not so many kinds of ingredients. .

Ding Xuexin ate so happily that she quickly covered her stomach, stood there, and said with a sad face, "Senior brother, my stomach is about to explode, and there are still many things I haven't had time to taste..."

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