I Don’t Want To Be Cold Anymore

Chapter 248: bizarre body

"I don't want to be cold anymore (

Ding Xuexin commented with dissatisfaction: "Senior brother, this Fei Xianshu looks good when flying, but it's not as good as looking for the moon in the sky."

"Oh?" Ding Wen searched for the information of many immortals, trying to find similar precedents, but, no, no—

There has never been a special case where a non-immortal body can cultivate the flying immortal art, not one!

Ding Xuexin flew in the air, suddenly turned, turned, turned, moved up and down, and then started to step in the air to find the moon, walking with both feet in the air, moving, turning, turning, turning, going up and down along the same trajectory as before. move.

In the end, Ding Xuexin stopped, stared at Ding Wen, and said seriously: "Senior brother, look, Takong Xunyue moves faster, especially when turning, it's much faster!"

Ding Wen had to admit the fact and nodded, thinking about it and understood the reason.

When the Flying Immortal Technique is flying, the driving force when turning the direction is not as great as that of Ding Xuexin's Treading the Sky to Seek the Moon, so it is the same turning, but Treading the Sky and Seeking the Moon can change faster!

This advantage is not only chasing and retreating, but also determines that when the void is fighting, the Flying Immortal Technique is at a serious disadvantage in short distances!

"The Hongyuan faction has such a powerful stunt, but it has fallen to the point where even the immortals have never heard of its name! I really don't know what happened in the first place!" Ding Wen sincerely sighed.

But at this moment, what he wanted to figure out more was what kind of physique Ding Xuexin was, so he asked, "Junior sister was injured and healed immediately?"

"Yeah!" Ding Xuexin said, she simply swiped her sword on her arm, but she didn't see her frowning in pain. When the blood spattered from the wound, the wound had completely healed itself.

"How many star points are there in Junior Sister's star map? Thirty-six? Or seventy-two?" Ding Wen continued to ask questions.

"It's hard to say." Ding Xuexin's answer made Ding Wen puzzled, and asked back in doubt, "It's hard to say?"

"Senior brother asked a strange question, I don't know how to answer." Ding Xuexin's puzzled expression made Ding Wen even more puzzling.

He realized that Ding Xuexin's situation may be very special, so he said: "When the junior sister used the Flying Immortal Technique, how many star caves did the star energy pass through when it circulated?"

"As my brother said, we will pass through thirty-six star caves. Then I will change the star caves in the thirty-six places according to the positions that my senior brother said. Of course, there are thirty-six!" Ding Xuexin said calmly, Ding said. Wen was stunned...

"Conjure thirty-six star caves?" Ding Wen digested this sentence at a loss, and then continued to ask in disbelief: "How many star caves can you conjure at most? How many can you conjure at least? "

"At least there is none, at most... I haven't tried it. Now I have practiced and need to change the most number of star caves is the Flying Immortal Technique passed down by my brother, then I have only tried to change thirty-six star caves." Ding Xuexin asked in confusion, "Could it be... is Senior Brother different from me?"

Ding Wen was speechless... How could anyone in the world have heard of someone in the same situation as Ding Xuexin!

In the past, his mysterious power of seizing the body was the most bizarre existence, but now it is better, Ding Xuexin's situation is even stranger than his, doesn't it mean that their master is specially looking for this unique and bizarre situation to accept as his apprentice?

Or... are these extraordinary abilities cultivated?

"Junior sister's situation is very special, probably because she has a unique talent for star spirits. Normally, the body of chaos has no star caves, but it can't change into star caves; the fairy body has thirty-six star caves; the human and immortal body has Seventy-two star caves..." Ding Wen patiently explained the usual situation to Ding Xuexin.

Ding Xuexin listened very carefully. Sure enough, her master had never taught these common senses. She probably felt that such common senses were unnecessary for Ding Xuexin to know.

"Then, isn't it weird for me? Senior brother, how can I become normal?" Ding Xuexin was very worried.

Ding Wen couldn't help laughing and said, "Junior sister is blessed with such unique abilities, why do you want to be normal?"

"Huh?" Ding Xuexin looked at him happily and asked: "Senior brother, do you mean that I think I'm special, good?"

"Yes, I feel very special, very good."

"Then I don't want to become normal!" Ding Xue said in her heart, and then asked curiously: "What kind of body is that senior brother? Is flying a fairy body?"

"Senior brother's situation is also a bit special. For senior brother, the body is often changed, so now it is the immortal body that looks like this, maybe it will become another human immortal body after a while, or it will become a human immortal body. The body of chaos."

"Senior brother is so special! It's amazing!" Ding Xuexin cheered happily, but said indifferently, "It doesn't matter, anyway, I already knew the light person in my brother's spiritual sense. It won't change!"

Seeing Ding Xuexin's innocent and cheerful appearance, Ding Wen thought about the various situations that she would inevitably encounter in the future with him, and felt unbearable, and said with emotion, "What senior brother has done is dangerous and accompanied by many battles and killings. Junior sister feels very annoyed and unhappy, junior sister can tell me at any time, and you can leave at any time to live the life you like~www.readwn.com~ or pursue your wish.”

"No, how could Senior Brother become my trouble?" Ding Xuexin was still so convinced, but in the end, seeing Ding Wen still frowning, she suddenly hugged his arm in his arms and stared at him very much. Seriously said: "Senior brother, don't worry about me, even if there is what the senior brother said, then I would rather follow the senior brother when he is troubled every day, because I feel that even if I have troubles with the senior senior, I will be happy. But if I don't follow the senior, I will only Only troubles left!"

"This..." Ding Wen smirked, yes, I don't say that now.

Ding Xuexin was completely unfamiliar with the outside world. Since she was a child, she only knew that she was going to find him as a senior brother in the future and move forward together. Besides, she didn't know what to do or what she could do.

"In the future, let's talk about it later. It's really unnecessary to think so far." Ding Wen decided not to talk about this.

Ding Xuexin stared at him and asked, "Then if I become a trouble for senior brother and make senior brother unhappy, will senior brother leave me alone?"

"Unless you do a lot of evil and teach but don't change, your brother won't leave you alone." Ding Wen solemnly promised.

"I listen to my senior brother!" Ding Xuexin was very happy.

Ding Wen accompanied Ding Xuexin like this, watching her practice every day and talking with her.

Ding Xuexin showed Bingyuejue's stunt practice and everything, and directly told Ding Wen all the secrets of cultivation.

When Ding Wen wanted to teach her the Hongyuan Jue, Ding Xuexin decided not to agree, saying that the master had said that she could not learn the Hongyuan Jue, and she had promised her that she would not betray her.

The two stayed so carefree until the day when the formation on the top of the mountain disappeared, Ding Xuexin had already packed up.

Unexpectedly, when the formation disappeared, a dark-skinned man came down.

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