I feed on gods

Chapter 29 This video is going viral!


Lin Baici looked at the message and didn't know how to reply.

In addition to studying, he usually reads novels, plays basketball, and plays games. He doesn't talk to girls much, so he has no experience in dealing with girls like Jin Yingzhen.

And in this selfie of the Korean girl, she is wearing too little.

Is this something I can watch for free?

Princess Monte Cristo: I feel like I have lost weight due to hunger in the past two days, what do you think?

"Are you asking me to comment on her figure?"

Lin Baici thought: "At this time, you should usually praise, right?"

Princess Monte Cristo: In the past two days, I went to the embassy and visited several uncles and aunts. I finally got the passport and ID card, but I was very tired.

Princess Monte Cristo: That Merit Buddha is really annoying. Next time you see it, blow its head off and steal its merit box.

Gui Yue returned from under the forest: I'll help you!

Jin Yingzhen looked at such a simple message and sighed.

Oppa, you don’t know how to chat!

No wonder you have such a handsome face, but you are single!

However, the Korean girl immediately became happy again, which shows that Oppa has not had much contact with women and is still a simple boy.

"Let me, big sister, increase your experience points!"

Jin Yingzhen raised her phone, found the right angle, clicked and took a selfie.



Two-thirds of the photo is filled with a tight and round tank top.

Wouldn't it be too exciting?

Jin Yingzhen clicked send.


Lin Baici wanted to cry, please don't test my bottom line as a person, okay?

I really know how to save it!

Princess Monte Cristo: Oppa, what is there to do in Guangqing City? delicious?

When the girl asked this, she must have wanted the boy to accompany her.

Fortunately, Lin Baici's emotional intelligence was not low, and we had experienced life and death together in the Shenxu, so he regarded Jin Yingzhen as a friend.

As a local, I should do my best to be a landlord and take the Korean girl to have a good time.

In fact, a small third-tier city has no attraction at all to a chaebol girl like Kim Young-jin who travels around the world.

Jin Yingzhen stayed here purely to build a good relationship with Lin Baici and lure him back to China.

In the next five days, Lin Baici accompanied him throughout the whole process.

Jin Yingzhen has full respect for Lin Baici, his savior, and has high emotional intelligence, so when they get along with each other and take the initiative to take care of each other, it is really refreshing.

Amusement park, in the rotating Ferris wheel.

"Oppa, how are you? Do you like me?"

Jin Yingzhen sat opposite Lin Baici, holding an ice cream in both hands, eating it in small bites while looking at him.

"It's no use liking it, you will go back to your country."

Lin Baici smiled slightly.

He was having a lot of fun these days.

"You can go back with me!"

Jin Yingzhen seemed to invite him casually, but his heart was already in his throat.

Lin Baici shook his head.


Why should I go to that country?

Do you eat kimchi every day?

And the language is not good either.


I have learned to speak by ear, so language is not a problem. I should be able to speak fluently like a local in half a year at most.

Jin Yingzhen was a little disappointed, Lin Baici really looked down on his country.

She didn't mention the invitation to return to her country to be a hunter of gods.

Although his brother promised to give him a lieutenant rank, in Lin Baici's view, he might feel that he was lying to him, right?

After all, he didn't know how powerful his brother was.

The Ferris wheel turned around and stopped.

Lin Bai resigned and stretched.


Jin Yingzhen looked at the sunset: "If there was a job with an annual salary of one million, would you do it?"

"Yingzhen, do you think I'm worth a million?"

Lin Baici could tell from the way Gao Limei spent money during this period that she was not ordinary rich.

He didn't know that Jin Yingzhen's brother wanted to poach him. He thought that Gao Limei mentioned this annual salary to find a reasonable reason to give him money and repay him.

"Looks, courage, body, potential..."

Jin Yingzhen clasped her fingers, counting all the treasures in her family.

Lin Baici has never been praised like this by a girl in his life, which makes him a little embarrassed: "Okay, don't think about repaying the favor anymore. We are all friends, so don't let anyone talk to you!"

Lin Baici sent Jin Yingzhen back to the hotel and took the bus home.

Gao Limei wanted to invite her to dinner, but Lin Baici refused.

He couldn't bear to ask the girl to spend money, but he was really short of money for him to pay.

In the past few days of playing together, he also took the initiative to buy tickets and snacks, and also invited Jin Yingzhen to dinner.

The pocket money I usually save is 760 yuan.

"Sure enough, chasing girls costs a lot of money!"

Lin Baici felt that if he hadn't saved Jin Yingzhen, the two of them would never be able to play together.

Because family conditions are so bad.

The two facial masks that Jin Yingzhen uses every day cannot be bought by Lin Baici with a month's living expenses.

"We still have to make money quickly!"

Lin Baici had dinner, washed the dishes, and then returned to the bedroom.

Turn on the computer, log in to station B, and view the data.

The first cover video, The Brightest Star in the Night Sky, had over 10,000 views, 500 comments, and over 100 comments.

The second ideal, thirty years old, has slightly worse data, with only a dozen comments.

Lin Baici looked at them one by one.

"How can ballads still have such a flavor? It's weird."

"The voice is unique, keep up the good work!"

"My love is dead. When I listen to this song by UP, I am no longer moved. I don't want to chase that girl back. I just want to become a monk, Amitabha!"

Most of the comments are saying that the main voice of UP is unique and the song selection is average.

Hua Kai Qian Mo Li: Folk songs are niche, have a cool style, and are easy to attract fans, but they need to sing with their own personal style, come on!

Huakai Qianmoli: I feel that your lung capacity is very good. Why don't you try the dolphin sound challenge?

Hua Kai Qian Mo Li: Why don’t you release new covers? You have to persevere to gain something. Although you don't have a good start, I believe there will be a wonderful result.

There were only a few messages in total, but there were many in Huakai Qianmo, and Lin Baici saw them at a glance.

This is the first fan to follow him.

Lin Baici clicked on her personal space and looked at it. She was a girl and there was very little information.

Flowers bloom in Qianmoli: Have you given up?


This message was sent this afternoon.

Lin Baici has been busy accompanying Jin Yingzhen these days, and the poor response to his cover video also dampened his enthusiasm.

"Thank you!"

"I will not give up!"

Lin Baici was lying on the bed, rethinking this path.

If you keep singing like this, it will definitely not work. Is it possible to make a funny video?

No talent!

Lin Baici read those comments and messages over and over again.

There are some users who comment on their poor singing skills, but not many. The comments mainly focus on the characteristics of the voice, the atmosphere is weird, and the songs don’t match.

"Folk songs are not good, and I don't like rock music very much, so what should I sing?"

Lin Baici grabbed his hair with both hands,

So annoying!

How about just chanting sutras!


Lin Baici sat up suddenly.

The sounds of Sanskrit and Buddha are originally related to Buddhism. Maybe chanting sutras can actually complement each other?

Give it a try!

Anyway, if you fail, it will be a waste of time!

Lin Baici turned on the computer and searched for chanting songs, and found that there were very few of them.

He searched for some more scriptures and finally selected the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra.

The full text elaborates on the Five Aggregates, Three Subjects, Four Truths, and Twelve Causes and Conditions, and tells the Buddhist doctrine of the emptiness of self-nature. It believes that Prajna, that is, great wisdom, can overcome all suffering, achieve ultimate Nirvana, and achieve Bodhi.

Master Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty translated this sutra, but Lin Baici planned to sing the Sanskrit version. Anyway, he had learned it by ear and could learn it after listening to it only once.

Not difficult!

The most important thing is that Sanskrit has a strong character!

Lin Baici found the Sanskrit version of the Heart Sutra, listened to it twice, and learned it. He also found a piece of pure music that was more ethereal, light, and rich in natural style as accompaniment, and then activated the Sanskrit sound of the Buddhist sounds and started recording.

Because it was after nine o'clock in the evening, Lin Baici did not dare to speak too loudly. In addition, he felt that the sutra chanting video was unlikely to become popular, so he did not take it too seriously.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,

After walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time,

Seeing that the five aggregates are all empty,

Through all the hardships,

Lin Baici finished the recording and listened to it again, and I felt pretty good.

He imported the audio into his computer, paired it with two pictures of Buddha statues, and edited it.


When he clicked to publish, Lin Baici suddenly had a bad taste. If he used a photo of the Muscular Buddha as the background, it might be more gimmicky.


Mother Lin knocked on the door and pushed in: "Bai Ci, go to bed early. I will have a rest tomorrow and take you to buy some clothes. You can see what else you need and make a list."

There are less than ten days left until college reports.

"No need to buy clothes, I can still wear the ones I have!"

Lin Baici knew that his family was not rich and did not want to spend money randomly.

"When you go to college and get to know new classmates in a new environment, you must have some good clothes!"

Lin's mother did not allow Lin Baici to refute. She did not want her son to feel inferior in college.

Lin Baici was very busy in the next few days.

In addition to buying clothes and preparing luggage, classmates with whom he was close would ask him to go out and play for the last time every day.

Playing games, hiking, reading comics...

And eating popsicles while walking on the road.

In the last few days, Lin Baici actually received WeChat messages from several female classmates, asking him to watch a movie.

This surprised Lin Baici. He was usually not transparent in the class, but he was not the center of the circle either, and he didn't talk to the girls much.

"It seems I'm quite popular."

Lin Baici didn't know that if he was bolder and took the initiative to confess his love, he could confirm several relationships and send off his first kiss during the high school graduation holiday.

After all, Lin Baici is tall, fair-skinned, and very good-looking.

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen also often sent messages to Lin Baici and kept in touch, especially Gao Limei. Every time they said, 'Is this something I can watch for free? ’’s selfie starts.

Lin Bai was so busy that he didn't have time to pay much attention except occasionally watching videos of chanting the 'Heart Sutra'.

After all, the number of views grew very slowly, especially in the days leading up to the college report. He had stopped logging in to his account at all.

So he didn't know that after a week of fermentation, the reputation of this video was getting better and better, and the replay rate and collection ratio were frighteningly high.

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