I feed on gods

Chapter 31 Lost Coast

The waiting hall was very noisy. There was a train arriving at the station, and the announcement reminded passengers to check in and enter the station quickly.


Lin Baici's stomach growled.

He took out his phone and checked the time.

It is now 8:20, and there is still more than an hour before the G1955 train departs.

Came early.

"The train station has a lot of passengers, so naturally there are a lot of people throwing things away!"

Lin Baici guessed it was a wallet or luggage, but he didn't pick it up. After hesitating, he walked to the bathroom.

He was going to put these luggage into the black alms bowl.

The big and small bags add up to about fifty pounds, which is not only heavy but also troublesome to carry.

"There shouldn't be any surveillance cameras watching me, right?"

Lin Baici was worried that when he entered the bathroom with a bunch of things and came out with only a backpack, he would be watched by the train station surveillance.

But it was too heavy to carry, so Lin Baici decided to take a risk.

However, Lin Baici still played a little trick. He didn't look for the remote restrooms in the corner. Instead, he chose one with a lot of traffic and walked in.

There is a blue toilet ball in the urinal, which has a slightly pungent smell.

The floor was cleaned very well by the cleaners.

There were quite a few people squatting in the tub, and Lin Baici waited for a few minutes before there was an empty seat.

He walked in, locked the door, and took out the black alms bowl from his blue backpack.

The alms bowl is oblate in shape, like a jade box containing Go pieces, and is pure black, as if the moonless night has solidified. There is a gold rim at the bottom and at the mouth of the bowl.

"No matter how many times I see it, it's still so beautiful!"

Lin Baici wiped it lovingly, then put the alms bowl to his mouth and murmured softly.

"Drink porridge!"

"Drink porridge!"

After Lin Baici finished reciting, a swirling halo of light immediately appeared at the mouth of the bowl.

The 'Grain Depot' is opened.

Lin Baici put the trolley case on the mouth of the black alms bowl, and it seemed to sink into the lake, letting the halo of light surge and create layers of golden ripples.

When Lin Baici put his handbag in, he felt relieved.

The black alms bowl holds so many things, and the weight does not increase by one tael.


Lin Baici was happy.

In the backpack are common and important things such as chargers, diaries, wallets, umbrellas, tissues, and water bottles. They should be carried with you, but they only weigh three or four kilograms, which is a light batch.

Lin Baici packed up his luggage, pretended as if nothing had happened, walked out of the compartment, came to the sink, and washed his hands.

When he returned to the waiting hall, he felt a sense of happiness when he looked at the passengers carrying a lot of luggage.

The black alms bowl is indeed a must-have artifact for long-distance travel!


The feeling of hunger is still there, which means that the 'lost object' has not been found by the owner.

Anyway, it was still early, and Lin Baici was going to look for it.

Do good deeds, save your character, and make your college life more enjoyable in the next four years.

Lin Baici hummed a tune and started to take action.

After so many years, he has become quite skilled at finding 'things'.

Hunger is like a radar.

The hungrier you are, the closer you are to the 'lost object'. If you have so much saliva that you need to swallow, it means the 'lost object' is nearby.

Lin Baici walked to the northwest corner of the waiting hall.

There are very few people here. There is a supermarket selling local products and there are two customers inside.

Lin Baici looked around.

The cleaners were very conscientious and cleaned the floor very clean. No wallet or mobile phone was found.

Lin Baici also paid special attention to the bottom of the chair, but there was nothing there.

"What are you looking for?"

A rude question suddenly rang out.

Lin Baici looked up and saw a man in his thirties looking at him, frowning.

The other person had a crew cut, wore a suit, and held a cigarette in his left hand.

Lin Baici didn't answer.

Are social people amazing?

I am still a divine hunter!

The man in the suit took a puff of his cigarette and looked at Lin Baici, his face full of scrutiny, as if Lin Baici was a fugitive.

[This guy is arrogant and treats you like a fresh student. Can you tolerate this? Cut him and after killing him, it is recommended to burn him with charcoal and feed it to the dog! 】

The God of God spoke, and he wanted to fight and kill him when he came up.

Lin Baici ignored the god, and his eyes fell on the chair next to the man in the suit, where there was a black suitcase.

The hunger this time seemed to be caused by this box.

What's inside?

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

The man in the suit also had a companion, a young man in his twenties with a big nose. He was annoyed when he saw Lin Baici staring at his mobile phone.

Lin Baici turned and left.


The big-nosed young man stood up and stared at Lin Baici's back: "This kid suddenly came and then left. Something seems wrong. Do you want to interrogate him?"

"No need, he probably lost something and came here to look for it. It has nothing to do with 'Lost Coast'!"

The man in the suit was named Ma Yuan. He looked at Lin Baici's back and took another puff of cigarette: "He's just an ordinary student. Don't worry about it. Just focus on the target. The other person is carrying a pollution intensity 5.0 A-level divine taboo, there must be no mistakes in our actions!"

After Lin Baici saw the black box of the man in the suit, his hunger was greatly reduced, which made him sure that there should be sacred objects in it.

If it were valuables such as gold or antiques, even if they were stolen by a man in a suit, Lin Baici would not feel hungry.

"I don't know if those two people are wild god hunters? Or are they official?"

Lin Baici found the A12 ticket gate.

There are many people sitting in the four rows of seats nearby.

Haijing is a super first-tier city, and many people in Guangqing work there, so this train is very popular.

Lin Baici wanted to find a seat to sit down.

There was a young woman in her twenties who was very eye-catching.

She was wearing a denim short skirt, exposing her two big white legs, a pair of beige studded high heels, very sexy, and her upper body was a halter top with a hollow back.

On her left hand side is a small red trolley case.

The men around her would steal glances at her from time to time, feasting their eyes on her.

[I advise you not to sit next to her, she has HIV! 】


Lin Baici had no intention of sitting next to that woman, but Nagami's words still surprised him.

[Don’t you even know this kind of thing? AIDS, do you understand? 】

Nagami explained.

"No, I know what HIV is, I mean that woman looks healthy!"

Lin Baici was surprised. If he only looked at her appearance, he would never have imagined that such a glamorous girl had such an infectious disease.

[What does it look like for? 】

The God felt that Lin Baici was so naive: [The eyes cannot see the truth. 】

The young woman was scrolling through her phone boredly, and her eyes suddenly lit up when she caught a glimpse of Lin Baici.

What a handsome boy!

The greenness on his face is still there, he must be a college student, right?

But the young woman wasn't sure, because the other party didn't bring any big luggage, just a backpack, which was too easy.


What is this guy doing?

The young woman's tattooed eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

She is very confident in her appearance and figure. Most men don't have the courage to strike up a conversation, but they will walk by her and take a few more glances.

But this big boy was lucky enough to avoid it.


I am the plague!

The young woman was unhappy, but when she thought of her own situation, her expression suddenly froze.

Could it be that he is studying medicine?

Can you tell I have HIV?


It has been less than five months since I contracted the disease and I have no obvious physical symptoms.

Lin Baici found a seat, sat down, and began to observe the passengers waiting for the bus.

Because Nagami will make comments.

[A man with a bad temper often beats his wife. He is currently hungover and his wallet was stolen when he entered the station. You'd better stay away from him, or you'll be blackmailed! 】

It was a man in his thirties, with bald spots and swollen eyes. He looked like he was still awake.

[A hard-working and optimistic woman, despite her simple and shabby clothes, her son was admitted to Peking University, and she is a good mother who gave her children love and everything! 】

The God of God is talking about a woman who has two snakeskin bags beside her, filled with bedding and bedding, bulging with bags.

She has been working in Haijing for more than ten years in order to earn money for her son to get married and buy a house.

Although tired,

But very happy.

Now she just hopes that her son will get married soon and give her a fat grandson.

"My mother is also very good!"

Lin Baici thought of his mother and became more motivated to make money.

[A man who contracted kidney disease and heart disease due to overwork has not yet discovered that if he does not receive treatment, the best period for treatment will be over! 】

It was a man in his thirties with heavy dark circles under his eyes.

He had a Huawei laptop on his lap and was typing codes. Occasionally he yawned and picked up the coffee beside him to take a sip.

"Are the circumstances you mentioned accurate?"

Although he asked this question, Lin Baici felt that it should be right.

Nagami didn't bother to answer such boring questions.

The train station is indeed the place that best embodies the various aspects of life. Some people are high-spirited and look forward to the future, while some people have been smoothed by the hard life and just want to earn a few taels of silver to support their families.

Some people work hard for love and are loyal and unswerving, while some people massage and massage their feet every day and are happy not to miss Shu.

Everyone's bitterness is different, and everyone's sweetness is also different.

Lin Baici listened for a while, then lowered his head and read a novel to pass the time.

Ding dong.

Lin Baici received a WeChat message.

Little Fishman: Where are you?

When Hua Yueyu was chatting with Lin Baici yesterday, she learned that he was reporting for duty today and that she had taken leave and was going to visit Lin Baici at Haijing Institute of Technology.

Help him go through various admission procedures and get familiar with the dormitory and school environment.


The most important thing is to have a reception feast.

It is the responsibility of the senior to make the juniors feel at home.

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