I feed on gods

Chapter 7 Become a recital after hearing it

It has a wonderful fragrance and a long aftertaste.

I don't know what ethnic language that voice spoke. Lin Baici couldn't understand a word of it, but the pronunciation was full of beauty.

Sweet! Ethereal! Leisurely!

Let him feel a sense of relief after a new rain in an empty mountain!

Lin Baici forgot even his hunger and was immersed in the sound of chanting, which was like fairy music.

Life is like a boat, riding the wind and waves.

Seven-year-old Lin Baici, carrying a small bucket and a small fishing net, ran wildly by the stream with bare feet, trying to catch the little loach that had just escaped.

He picked up a green apricot and it hurt his teeth.

Seventeen-year-old Lin Baici sweats profusely on the court, writes furiously in the examination room, and watches the back of the girl he has a crush on returning home from the classroom window.

He wanted to catch the cicada and the summer that belonged to him.

Twenty-seven-year-old Lin Baici is high-spirited in the company, drinking heavily at roadside stalls and making life plans in a rental house late at night.

He felt that he was capable of anything, from reaching stars with one hand to riding a dragon and killing whales.

Thirty-seven-year-old Lin Baici has accomplished nothing and is unemployed at home.

With no girlfriend, no salary, and no friends, he tightly closed the curtains, fearing the rising sun every day.

Forty-seven-year-old Lin Baici is a walking corpse, lying on the bed, waiting for death to knock on the door.

Life is like a boat, your head will be bruised and bloody!

"Fuck OO"

Lin Baici couldn't help but burst out with a national curse.

Is this my life?

Just kidding!

Lin Baici was so unhappy that he wanted to beat ten people to vent his anger.

Suddenly, a sharp pain came from his stomach, and the overwhelming feeling of hunger made Lin Baici drool.


Lin Baici's consciousness was brought back by this feeling of hunger, and then he saw everyone swaying around and lying on the floor.

Everyone's expression is either distorted, excited, or angry...

Listen to the scriptures?

Everyone has forgotten this!

But what was even more terrifying was that Lin Baici found that the vine noose around his neck was slowly tightening, and he was now somewhat out of breath.

[This chanting sound will weave a bad dream! 】

"Didn't you tell me earlier?"

Lin Baici roared in his heart, thanks to the stimulation of hunger, he was pulled out of his dream.

The most urgent task is to listen to this passage quickly and complete this sacred game.

It was just that the numerous distracting thoughts in his mind, coupled with the nervousness and palpitations of being strangled to death, made Lin Baici unable to calm down and listen to the sutra.

what to do?

Lin Baici grabbed the torch beside him.

Do you want to order it?

He just entered this Zen room and didn't take action because he was worried about angering the gods and strangling him to death, but now, it seems that he has no choice.

The vine noose around his neck was getting tighter and tighter.

Lin Baici held on and prepared to stand up, but when his left hand pressed on his backpack, an idea flashed in his mind.

That tea!

The sentence formed by the white smoke of incense sticks can be simply understood as sitting in the lotus position and listening to it chanting sutras. If you can remain still and listen quietly, you can reach the other shore.

The so-called other side should mean to survive.

The problem that everyone is facing now is that the sound of chanting sutras arouses all kinds of distracting thoughts, making it impossible to calm down and listen to sutras.

Lin Baici hurriedly opened his backpack, grabbed a handful of hollow Tieguanyin, and stuffed it into his mouth.

He bit hard with his teeth and juice burst out.

The god said that after drinking this tea, he will lose his emotions, his heart will be as cold as iron, and he will become a hollow person. He will instantly lose interest in dreams, women and other things, and enter the sage time.

Doesn’t that mean you can get rid of distracting thoughts?

Lin Baici was ready to give it a try. If the hollow Tieguanyin didn't work, he would set fire to the incense burner!

"I don't know if dry chewing is useful?"

Lin Baici didn't have time to find boiling water to make tea, but after swallowing the tea leaves, in just ten seconds, the messy thoughts in his mind disappeared as if they were dust washed away by the heavy rain.

Even the vine noose gradually tightening around his neck didn't matter to Lin Baici.

Isn’t it just death?

bring it on,

I'm lying down, please try harder.

The sound of chanting sutras reaches my ears clearly,

Lin Baici, who was sitting cross-legged, didn't miss a single word, and the vine noose that was twisting him gradually loosened.

"It's done!"

Lin Baici smiled slightly.

Others are not so lucky.

The big-bellied man usually eats a lot of fat, oil and salt, and doesn't exercise, so he is in the worst health. Now his face is blue and he is about to suffocate.

Lin Baici glanced at him, grabbed a handful of hollow Tieguanyin, stood up suddenly, and rushed to Jin Yingzhen: "Quick, eat tea!"

The Korean girl closed her eyes tightly and remained indifferent.

Lin Baici held her chin, forced her lips apart, stuffed the tea leaves in, and then rushed to the old aunt's side, doing the same thing.

After feeding Sima Mu and Hua Yueyu, Lin Baici ran out of tea leaves. Fortunately, Jin Yingzhen still had them, so he hurried to get them.

Then came Sister Li and Brother Gu.

Lin Baici finally looked at the pot-bellied man. This man gave him a bad impression, but since his life was at stake, he decided to help.

After feeding everyone tea, Lin Baici quickly sat in lotus position.

After everyone swallowed the hollow Tieguanyin, they gradually regained consciousness.

"What happened?"

The old aunt was confused.

"Is there any tea left in your mouth? If so, swallow it quickly. Don't think about anything. Just keep your posture and listen to the sutra!"

Lin Baici warned.

"Tea? What did you do?"

Hua Yueyu felt a taste in his mouth, a bit like Nutritional Express.


Why don't I care if I survive?


Jin Yingzhen knew that Lin Baici had helped everyone. There was tension and excitement on his beautiful oval face.

I, Oppa Lin, am really awesome!

The big-bellied man's body was stiff due to suffocation and lack of oxygen. He tried several times but failed to sit cross-legged, so the vine noose around his neck tightened again.

This is simply adding insult to injury.

"Help...help me!"

The pot-bellied man's instinct still asked him to ask for help, but because he had eaten the hollow Tieguanyin, he did not scream hysterically.

No one rescued him, not because everyone was cold-blooded, but because the effect of the tea had taken effect.

When the chanting ended, the vine noose around the fat-bellied man's neck had completely tightened, severing his cervical vertebrae.

Afterwards, his body was visibly dehydrated, dry and cracked, as if it had been exposed to wind and sun for thousands of years, weathered and shattered, leaving only a pool of dust.

This terrifying scene made everyone feel chills all over their bodies, and they subconsciously touched their necks.


Is that noose gone?


The old aunt's face showed ecstasy.

"Haha, I survived!"

Sima Mu laughed loudly, jumped up, and rushed to Lin Baici: "Bai Ci, thanks to you, let's sworn sworn friends!"

"what have you done?"

Hua Yueyu finally had the time to look at this big boy seriously.

He has a green face and is not very experienced in the world. He should still be in high school. He is very tall. If he had better jumping ability, he could be a slam dunk.

"I fed you tea leaves!"

Lin Baici made up an excuse: "I was very hungry at the time and had nothing to eat, so I just stuffed the tea leaves I picked in the yard outside into my mouth. Unexpectedly, I woke up from the dream and calmed down!"

"What tea?"

Little Sister Li was confused: "How come I haven't seen it before?"

"It's that plant with leaves that look like Guanyin sitting on a lotus!"

Jin Yingzhen interrupted.

"Huh? That's the one!"

Brother Gu had seen it, but everyone was afraid that the strange-looking plant was dangerous and did not dare to move. After all, everyone still had vine nooses wrapped around their necks.

I just didn’t expect it to be the key to survival?

In fact, it is not true. As long as a person has no desires and desires, sees through the world of mortals, and has a calm mind, he will not be polluted by the taboo objects of gods.

It can be said that almost all children under the age of three can leave this Zen room alive.

"I'll go pick some!"

Sima Mu ran out.

Seeing this, Sister Li and Brother Gu hurried out. This tea seems to be a good thing. Pick some and be prepared.

"Bai Ci, have you finished eating what you just made? I'll help you pick some more."

The old aunt knew that she had no ability and could only show value in these small things.

When Jin Yingzhen heard this, he raised his legs and ran out.

I will never give you the opportunity to please Oppa Lin.

"Thank you! For formal introduction, my surname is Hua and my name is Yueyu. What is your name? You shouldn't be older than me, right?"

Hua Yueyu actually wanted to go pick the hollow Tieguanyin right away, but she held it back because she knew she had to say thank you first.

Next, I want to get out of Shenxu alive.

You must rely on this big boy to maintain the relationship first.

"Lin Baici!"

Lin Baici looked at Hua Yueyu, who was as tall as his chest and dressed in a sailor uniform: "I must be older than you!"

"I'm a college student, okay!"

Hua Yueyu covered her mouth and chuckled: "I just look like an underage girl."


Lin Bai was speechless.

Sure enough, a woman can't guess her age just by looking at her face.

"So it's not illegal to fall in love with me!"

After Hua Yueyu finished speaking, he thought of another thing and quickly added: "By the way, Hua Yueyu is my real name, that's what's written in the household registration book!"

When Hua Yueyu introduced herself in the past, people often felt that she deliberately did not say her real name and used a fancy name to look down on them.

"Flower surnames are rare!"

Lin Baici smiled slightly.

"Yeah, the most famous one is Hua Mulan!"

Hua Yueyu thinks too much.

Lin Baici didn't care whether she said her real name or not. Even calling her the Queen Mother would be useless if she couldn't get out of Shenxu.

"Why don't you go pick some tea leaves and keep them for self-defense?"

Lin Baici held the torch and looked at the incense burner.

Burn this thing before it harms anyone.

"Then I'm going!"

Hua Yueyu opened her legs wearing black stockings above her knees and ran out of the meditation room.

[The pre-meal exercise is over and you can eat! 】

"What to eat?"

Lin Baici couldn't laugh or cry: "Do you want me to chew the incense burner or swallow the ashes?"

[Using the concept of the human kingdom, there is a divine grace on this futon, which is called chanting after hearing it. If you eat it, you can have it! 】

[Chinese recitation by ear, as the name suggests, means that you can remember everything you have heard once and repeat it immediately! 】

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