I Have 10 Training Avatars

Chapter 65: Profound acting, can be called a movie star

That huge fireball attracted everyone's attention.

Even the construction department and the main force of Germination who were fighting on the southern city wall, even the mayor Ye Yuqiu and Germination's two managers, all instinctively looked up at the fireball.

Ye Yuqiu widened her phoenix eyes, "That friend of Shield Ghost, is so strong? A fireball with this diameter must at least be a sixth-level ninth-level warrior with more than 350 mental attributes to use it."

Manager No. 1 said in shock, "Under the seventh-order warrior, who can stop him?"

Manager No. 2 was shocked and said, "Is it caused by Yanbang? Bad things are bad things, No. 3 is going to have a big problem! No. 1, we have to go to rescue as soon as possible."

Of course, he would be overjoyed in his heart.

Blazing hot!

It's best to give Manager No. 3 a second! I'll be the first to give you credit after the war!

No. 1 gritted his teeth, "Hei, please go and rescue No. 3."

ton ton ton...

Manager No. 1, "..."

"Wait, I'll have a drink and then fight," Hei Tonton drank all the wine in the bottle in one gulp, and then he threw the empty wine bottle into Manager No. 2's arms, disappearing into the darkness in an instant.

When he reappeared, he had already reached the western city wall.

At this moment, Manager No. 3 was lying on the ground with all sides on his back, his whole body charred, almost like a human-shaped charcoal.

His poisoned frost blade shattered many gaps, and several pieces of equipment were shattered, but he did not die.

"No, after slowing him down just now, he was in the killing center of my Pyroblast technique. It should have been a split second."

Lin Xuan thought about it, but it could only be interpreted as a special effect of some special equipment.

After all, he also has a giant shield suit, which can be immune to a fatal damage, but the cooldown is very long.

Manager No. 3 has been a manager for several years, so he should also have this super life-saving means.

Manager No. 3 struggled to open his eyes and wanted to get up, but found that he was burnt all over his body and couldn't get up at all.

He couldn't even take out the life potion from the storage compartment.

Lin Xuanzheng was trying to bully him, so he added another Pyroblast technique to result in Manager No. 3.

However, Hei suddenly appeared and stood in front of Manager No. 3.

"Although I don't like No. 3, I won't let you kill him so easily." Hei stood in front of Lin Xuan empty-handed, his expression flat.

"Master Hei! Kill him! Avenge Master No. 3!"

"Kill Pyro! This **** guy!"

Under the city, Zhang Peng, Yang Wei, and Mo Yuan were filled with righteous indignation, spitting stars flying.

He didn't say a word just now, and he didn't dare to rush to the city to help. Now everyone is acting as if the No. 3 manager was their biological father and was seriously injured by the fire explosion.

Hei ignored the words of those people at all, and instead of looking at Lin Xuan who was shrouded in the black cloak, he looked under the city wall.

There stood a short-haired woman in a white suit and white slim trousers.

"Mayor Ye, come up and compete." Hei smiled.

Ye Yuqiu stomped on the ground and jumped to the top of the city.

The seventh-order warrior on the bright side of Baihe Town is the mayor Ye Yuqiu.

Hei kicked Manager No. 3 off the city wall with a kick, hitting Zhang Peng and the three of them right on top of him. "Give him two bottles of life potion. People can't die yet."

Zhang Peng and the three are very confused. If they can't die now, they can die later?

They were very dumbfounded, but they didn't dare to say it, so they could only help Manager No. 3 to open his mouth and pour the life potion into it.

Although the world has been digitized, warriors also have such things as health, energy, and magic.

However, it will still lose the function of the body if it is attacked by a vital wound.

For example, if you are stabbed blind in your eyes, you will suffer double damage. After you fill up your health, it will take a very long time for your eyes to grow.

If the physique is high, this time will be shortened.

Manager No. 3 is now suffering from severe burns all over his body and is on the verge of death. Even if his health is replenished, he will not be able to recover his combat power instantly. He will have to rest in bed for at least a week or two to fully recover.

Ye Yuqiu, "Go to the other city walls, I will deal with this budding lackey."

Hei smiled lightly, "I just use money to do things, how can I become a lackey."

Lin Xuan complained silently in his heart, these two clearly knew each other's identities, but they were still acting. They were really dedicated.

At this moment, the sound of helicopter rotors suddenly sounded from the north of Baihe Town.

Then, a Black Hawk helicopter pierced the night sky and appeared in everyone's sight.

The two figures jumped down when the helicopter was dozens of meters from the ground.


The two landed directly on the top of the northern city wall in Baihe Town, almost smashing the city wall into a huge pit.

Ye Yuqiu's pupils suddenly tightened.

Germination's support force is finally here!

As she expected, the opponent kept this hole card behind until she showed up.

She is now left in the west city wall to fight against Hei, so the rest of Baihe Town is undefended for these two seventh-order warriors!

Only a seventh-order warrior can stop a seventh-order warrior!

Few of the sixth-level and ninth-level warriors can face the terrifying strength of the seventh-level first-level warriors.

There is a huge watershed in the middle.

"This is Baihe Town? It looks very ordinary."

"Let's finish the work soon."

Two figures jumped down from the top of the city and directly smashed a private house under the northern city wall.

There was originally a family taking refuge in the private house, but as soon as the family of three came out, they ran into these two figures.

"Our sudden appearance disturbed your rest. I'm really sorry." The figure on the left bowed slightly and smiled.

The husband let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that the outsider was good at talking. He tightened the hands of his wife and daughter, "It's all right, then we'll go home..."

Before the words were finished, the three of them were headed by a flash of sword light, and the headless corpses blew out like a torrent.

The figure on the right also bowed slightly and said with a smile, "Seeing the three families of three so happy and harmonious, I am really jealous as an unhappy and unhappy person~www.readwn.com~ So I gave you a knife, really I'm very sorry."

Lin Xuan saw the two of them smiling and apologizing for murder from a distance, and felt a chill in his heart.

Manager No. 1 laughed, "The two adults came to support, without the obstruction of seventh-order warriors, Baihe Town can get it at your fingertips!"

Manager No. 2 laughed along with him, but not so naturally, "Okay! Baihe Town is about to fall into my budding hands!"

Ye Yuqiu raised her eyebrows and immediately went to the rescue.

Hei stopped her, "With me here, you don't want to go anywhere!"

The sword, light, sword and shadow flickered wildly.

Ye Yuqiu and Hei fought more than a dozen moves between the electric light and flint. The two hit the west city wall from the head of the west city wall. Ye Yuqiu was caught in the flaw and hit hard, and suddenly flew out a dozen meters away and collapsed. A private house.

She spat out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and everyone could see it clearly.

Black followed closely behind, aggressive.

Ye Yuqiu has fallen into a complete disadvantage, and has been bruised all over.

The white suit and trousers were torn in many places and stained with blood.

Lin Xuan was amazed.

These two are too realistic.

It's not even worthy for the Oscar-winning actor to carry shoes for them.

And he also keenly observed that the battle between the two seemed to be still in the hands of the black hands, but in fact they were slowly approaching the two foreign seventh-order warriors.

"Two-on-one, winning is really easy. It's too lacking in the sense of honor of a samurai."

"Brother is right, why don't we treat everyone in Baihe Town as an enemy, so that there will be thousands more enemies."

"It's a good idea, it's a great honor."

The two of you said one sentence to another, and approached Ye Yuqiu.

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