I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 102

Rorschach: "Anyway, thanks."

Ji Si Xiute: "You don't have to see me like this."

After the conversation, Rorschach just wanted to put down the phone, and the phone vibrated again.

Altaïr: "Rorschach, is Bai Yasha trustworthy? Do you want Yu to accompany you?"

Rorschach: "..."

Do you think I'm so bad in your eyes?

After explaining it to Altaïr, the phone finally quieted down and stopped ringing.

Speaking of it, he didn't get any abilities from Altaïr.

It seems that the friendliness of the two has not reached the value set by the system.


Rorschach was like a pervert, holding a lot of sensational sentiment and fun uniforms in both hands, looking at the phone and saying:

"System, send it."


PS: The update is completed today, and it will be available during the day

Shelf testimonials

It’s the fourth time to write a testimonial, let’s sell it badly as usual.

I'm so miserable!

I'm so miserable!

Why am I so miserable!

I'm so miserable!

I'm so terrible!

Huh, hum, hum, hum.

Crying, crying, crying.

Okay, the sale is over...the mouth area!

Let’s talk about this book. The protagonist of this book is designed with the character of ordinary people, so the tone and style are like this. Basically, there will not be much change. There are not many dragons and pretenders, and there is no chat group. The story of the pretend boss fools the group members.

To be honest, I was quite surprised to have this initial grade. After all, the book I wrote was never on the list...Huh?It seems really miserable.

In short, the first few books have been tepid, this time I can only say that luck is good.

I really want to thank you all for your support for this book, and let Tietou Woyuan have the dream of being on the list. There is no...cough in this life.

I will use the update to report back to you in the future, but I have a slower codeword on the iron head.

Please give me a subscription to support it. If you have a ticket, you can also vote for the support. If you have a book, please come and give a first order. Let me see how much I can reach.

Chong Chong Chong, rua

073 The system machine is a cow!

The breeze blew and rolled up the petals of the cherry blossoms and fell into the neatly repaired courtyard.

In the Japanese-style room on the side, the low round table on the tatami has a quaint feeling, and there are two cups of brewed tea on it, which is steaming white.

A silver-haired loli was kneeling and sitting at the table, her ears were pointed, her head had small black horns, and her young face was exquisitely exquisite.

However, Loli's expression gave people an old-fashioned feeling... a little bit of reluctance.

After Rorschach opened his eyes after the teleportation, what he saw was such a scene.

There is an incense burner in the room, and the smell of incense and flowers are mixed together, which smells very good.

"Are you Rorschach? Hmm...similar to our estimated image."

Bai Yasha beckoned to Rorschach: "Come and sit down and have a cup of tea."

Her eyes were staring at the pile of sexy clothes that Rorschach was holding, like a beast.

The corners of Rorschach's eyes twitched slightly...Although Bai Yasha tried to pretend to be very serious and even entertained people with tea, her eyes completely betrayed her.

"These are all for you."

Rorschach piled her clothes directly beside the low round table, took off her shoes and put them at the door, before coming over and sitting cross-legged.

"Oh! They are all very nice uniforms!"

Bai Yacha's little hand picked up a piece of clothing and touched the material:

"And the style...very novel, it's not very revealing, but the color is very high! We don't often see this kind of clothes in Hakata. Hey, blessed is the black rabbit!"

In fact, there are many such clothes in the universe outside Hakata, but she can't go outside to get them casually.

First, she has the job of being a "class dominator", and second, the gods will not allow her to run around.

Hakata's 14 solar sovereignty are all on her. If she runs to the outside world and does not return, who can find her in the countless outer universes?

When Rorschach heard Bai Yasha's words, she mourned for the black rabbit for 0.1 second.

"This is the life card and the time item card, in terms of this, it is a gift."

Rorschach took out dozens of transparent cards from her pocket and placed them on the round table:

"Bai Yacha, please see if the quantity is enough. If it is not enough, I will make up for you with Kuang after the task is completed."

Bai Yasha glanced at the card on the table, slightly curious:

"Is this...similar to the existence of the gift card? Enclose the gift in the card. But you can even attack, but you are more versatile than the gift card."

She picked up a time prop card and looked at it carefully. The words "time stop" were displayed on the card.

"Ment on'use' in my heart, and it will work." Rorschach reminded.

"Let's try."

Bai Yacha didn't feel distressed, so he muttered "use" silently, and then patted his body with the card in his hand.

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