I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 297

"I don't know. But..." Rorschach smiled, "I can use my supernatural power to retrieve the lost heritage and present it to you ghost killing team."

A flash of gold flashed in his eyes, as if he could see through.

It is not difficult to extract the sun breathing method from the historical record with divine power.

After all, it is not to predict the future, but to observe the existing past, which is much less expensive.

"How is it? My conditions are good, right?" Rorschach said softly: "As long as you, the master of the ghost killing team, help me organize the sect, the benefits I mentioned will not be less."

"..." Rin Taki fell into silence for the second time.

Rorschach offered more than good conditions?

If he is the leader of the ghost killing team, I am afraid he would agree on the spot.

Unfortunately, he is not, so he has to think about it carefully.

After all, this is not his own business, it is related to the future actions of the entire ghost killing team.

From killing ghosts to preaching... He made up the picture a little, and felt that the whole style of painting had changed.

On the other side, Rorschach waited patiently for Lin Takizako's answer, her face didn't look anxious.

To be honest, it was more convenient for him to see the world resurrecting people, so he mentioned such a deal temporarily.

If you want to say how serious you are, there must be no.

Otherwise, he can directly try to "persuade" the government of this country.

But if you do that, the follow-up things will definitely be troublesome, and he will have to deal with it like a cocoon.

He couldn't control the sect on the "Zhan Crimson World", let alone another one.

Therefore, it is still necessary to find an agent to manage the sect.

'If you create and manage a sect, the agent should have excellent politician qualities, and the leader of the peaceful road of the world is more suitable, and this world...Sanya Shiki Yoshiya is the most suitable.'

Rorschach thought of the "Lord Lord" of the ghost killing team Yoshiya Shiki.

The other party has both leadership qualities and a broad mind, speaks calmly and gently, and treats others politely.Its voice and movement rhythm can make other people feel comfortable. This is the ability of talents who can drive the public.

It can be said that perfect meets his criteria for selecting an agent.

Maybe there is someone more suitable in this world than Yoya Shiki, but... Rorschach didn't bother to look for it.

He only knows Yoya Shiki, and he knows that the other person is a person with no problem in character. Isn't that all right?

'However, the resurrection ability cannot be used indiscriminately, otherwise it would be bad if it caused any disputes.'

Rorschach considered the details in her heart

205 No Misery: Escaped the Siege, a false alarm

If the resurrection ability is abused and the news spreads, people in this world may be crazy, especially those in power.

Rorschach was not afraid of someone coming to find fault, mainly because it was troublesome.

Thinking of this, he suddenly reminded Lin Takizako who was thinking:

"By the way, Mr. Rin Taki, although I allow you to disclose information about me, it is only aimed at the lord of the ghost killing team and a high-level staff. It needs to be kept secret from others. After all, if the resurrection of the person is spread, What kind of trouble will it cause, you should know?"

"Please rest assured," Rin Taki said in a serious tone, "Even if it is for Tanjirou, I will not talk nonsense."

"Then how are you thinking?" Rorschach asked.

"The terms you offered... are tempting."

Rin Taki Sakon carefully thought about the feasibility of the transaction...for the lord, the construction church should not be a difficult task.

The ghost killing team did not have any state funding behind it. With such a large organization alone for hundreds of years, how rich and powerful the Sanyashiki family would be... I can't even imagine.

Using the resources of the Sanyashiki family to form and promote the birth of a sect must be a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Rin Taki nodded briefly:

"I will meet the Lord Lord in person and report this matter to him. But...for such a big matter, there should be a'column meeting' to discuss together, I am afraid that it will not be settled in a short time."

"It doesn't matter," Rorschach waved her hand and said, "After you have agreed, you can tell you beans and let her inform me."

Rorschach thought that as long as he had no problem with his head, he would not refuse such a good thing like a pie in the sky.

Even if he refused, it didn't matter to him.

The focus of his current collection of beliefs is placed on the side of "Slashing the Red World".

The world of "Demon Slayer Blade" was only interested, so he mentioned it, not paying too much attention to it.

"Okay." Rin Taki Zakon nodded his head seriously: "When Tanjirou's family is resurrected, I will go to Lord Lord Lord."

"Well... maybe you have to stay a few more days."

Rorschach suddenly smiled mysteriously.

Seeing Rin Taki Sakanji's appetite was lifted, he said:

"It's not just Tanjirou's family that will be resurrected. Those of your disciples who died in the final selection of the ghost killing team, I will also try to resurrect them. It is a verification of my guess."

Rorschach is not sure whether the body he created with material creation ability can resurrect the soul.

If you can't, I'm afraid you will have to use some divine power to blend in the communion of the soul and the new body.

He is not doing charity. If he consumes too much, he may consider giving up the resurrection of unrelated people.

Hearing Rorschach’s words, Lin Taki Sakon once deeply lowered his head and said in a deep voice:

"No matter whether it succeeds or not, I will remember your kindness."

At this moment, the air inside the house trembles suddenly.

Very subtle, but Rorschach noticed immediately.

He tilted his head and looked to the right, and found Athena's figure appearing there.

"Are you really fascinated..." Rorschach said in an emotional tone: "Could it be that your godhead also has the right to move in space?"

Not every god who does not follow has the ability to move in space.

A typical example is that Rama, as the last king, could not fly on his own without the aid of flying tools.

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