I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 372

249 I'm Sorry

Rorschach: "Sister Chi, I just got interested in creating a few headless knights, did you have some management troubles? Do you keep your hate for so long? It's really stingy that you have made my rumors. "

Rorschach: "Be careful, I'll get you some more."

Chelsea: "..."

Chelsea: "Okay, no rumors. I just think the life of the headless knight is not good. Don't make it out of it in the future."

Chelsea: "I still have government affairs, so let's not talk about it."

Obviously, Chelsea understood the subtext in Rorschach's message.

This is a stark threat.

She just... really eats this set.

Altaïr: "Rorschach, what are you doing to create a headless horseman?"

Rorschach: "Test whether divine power can create life."

Tosaka Rin: "@. You haven't answered my question yet, so anxious to return to the real world, are you in trouble?"

Rorschach: "There is no trouble. The main reason is that the system reminds me that the newcomer is in danger of life. I received the task of emergency rescue of the newcomer, so I went in a hurry."

Altaïr: "The newcomer is in danger? Which one?"

Rorschach: "Yiqi. Don't worry, people are almost rescued and out of danger."

Rin Tosaka: "So, you went to a new different world? There is no danger in the newcomer's world, right?"

Rorschach: "No. You have a little confidence in me. I am also a god, and I am very strong. I can basically walk sideways in most worlds under the background of the earth."

Rorschach: "I'm going to stay in the newcomer's world for a while to collect beliefs. The spiritual strength of ordinary people here is very high. The quality of the beliefs provided is far from what the hot chicken world can compare. It would be nice to come earlier. Up."

Chelsea: "..."

Altaïr: "Chelsea, didn't you go to deal with government affairs?"

Chelsea: "Because of the flow of time, it has been a day on my side, so the government affairs have been processed."

Altaïr: "?"

Rin Tosaka: "So, you want to develop a new sect in the world of new people?"

Rorschach: "Yes. But here belongs to modern society, and the mythological background must not be copied from the Bible. I decided to copy the original mythology of Anning Dao here."

Great good god Bai Yasha: "Does the knowledge of the two worlds work together to avoid the risk of being recognized?"

The great god Bai Yasha: "As expected of you, let's take it."

Chiba’s Fallen Saint Black Cat: "Wait, the emperor? God? Sect? Faith?"

Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: "Really interesting topic. As a fallen angel, as a fallen demon king, can I join your meeting?"

Altaïr: "The other newcomer finally spoke."

Great good god Bai Yacha: "Oh Huh? Devil?"

Great good god Bai Yasha: "It seems that a powerful character has come in this time."

Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: "That's nature. Are you a good god? There is a natural hostile relationship with me. This group is really interesting. It can pull in the gods and the devil at the same time."

Great good god Bai Yacha: "Don't worry about this. Although we are good gods, we have been a demon king for a long time, and you should have a lot of common language with Miss Demon."

Great good god Bai Yacha: "Welcome to our guest here, and if you don't mind, can you video with us?"

Tosaka Rin: "White Yasha is starting again. I remember that I did the same for Athena last time."

Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: "The next trick? Are you lying to me? Also, why do you call me Miss?"

Chelsea: "Because there are no men in this group."

Rorschach: "..."

Chelsea: "I'm going to start today's government affairs, let's not talk about it."

Rorschach looked at the phone and couldn't help sinking into thought.

Chelsea became more and more slippery.

Why not find an opportunity to threaten her again?

Rorschach felt that if such a person who loves to confess would dare to tease him casually, then he would have no dignity as a god.

It seemed that the headless horseman had to continue to play and increase his efforts.

Rorschach: "Well, Bai Yasha, don't tease the newcomer. Since the newcomer claims to be a demon king, he must be an extremely powerful existence. Be careful of overturning in the gutter."

Altaïr: "Huh? Rorschach, didn't you recognize who the newcomer is?"

Rorschach: "No, I don't know everyone."

Tosaka Rin: "Even the Fallen Angel Demon King has come in, no! I have to quickly understand the second method and become a magician! Otherwise, I will get better and better!"

Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: "Oh? Is there a magician? It's really interesting, you group."

Rorschach: "Not only magicians, but also elves, ghosts, godslayers, vampires, and protoss. By the way, I am a god. Miss Black Cat, since you are a fallen angel, you must have been in the heavens before. , We might have a lot of common languages, or find an opportunity to gather offline together."

Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: "Are you a god? I remember it, let's talk about it at the party."

Rorschach smirked covering her mouth.

Of course he knows who the black cat is.

But since the black cat wants to play, let her have fun.

It doesn’t affect anything anyway...

Well, Rorschach admitted that he actually had a bit of nasty fun.

I really want to see how the black cat would react if he knew that all the people talking with her were really big guys, and that she was an ordinary person.

Would it take only 3 seconds for the expression to change from consternation, to masking, to putting the phone away and panicking?

Maybe it will be interesting.

Rorschach: "By the way, why don't you see the mad three today."

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