I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 524

Buzzing-just as Rorschach was performing brain supplements, the system phone vibrated.

Rorschach took it out and found that it was a message sent privately by the black cat.

Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: "Rorschach, are you there?"

Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: "Rorschach, when are you coming over?"

After seeing the content of the message, the corner of Rorschach's mouth raised slightly:

"It's really impatient... But, after all, it's a secondary disease, and it can be understood if you can't help it."

He thought a little, and decided to send the reward to the black cat first, so that the girl wouldn't be anxious.

Nidouzi hasn't urged him yet, so there is no need to rush over.

According to his estimation, after Nidouzi reported his "fishing" plan to the ghost killing team, it is likely to be adopted.

After all, it was aimed at Guiwu Tsuji's miserable murderous plot, not to mention the probability of attracting him to 100%, there must be 80%.

The ghost killing team is probably busy laying out the details of the plan.

With this in mind, Rorschach believed that going to the black cat first would not delay anything.

After feeding this gluttonous cat, go to Nidouzi.

'System, travel to the world of black cats.'

After making the decision, he said silently in his heart.

In the next second, Bai Guang took him to a strange place.

It is not a residential house where black cats live.

But... the classroom.

Because the sense of existence is slowly embedded in the world, no one has noticed Rorschach yet.

Seeing the classmates full of the classroom and the middle-aged uncle who was teaching on the podium, Rorschach thought for a while, hiding herself with divine power.

It's not good to cause panic here.

Rorschach glanced to the side, just to see the black cat wearing a student uniform and listening to the class.

While listening to the class, I was taking notes.

The black cat wore a short pleated skirt. Rorschach looked down. The girl's slender legs were close together, and she was sitting in a very correct posture.

The skin of his exposed legs looked as white as ice and snow, and looked extremely pure.

The fair-skinned and beautiful, gentle and beautiful people are talking about black cats.

"The 15-year-old black cat...should be the third grade in middle school, right?"

Rorschach was just about to make a small spell, only let the black cat see herself, and then frightened her.

As a result, get out of class time came.

It looked like it was lunch time, and the black cat left the classroom with the lunch he prepared.

She went all the way to the area below the teaching building, then found a remote and inconspicuous lawn location, spread the paper on the lawn, sat down, and started to eat lunch.

Many students came one after another not far away.

However, the location chosen by the black cat was super inconspicuous, and no one came to eat with her.

"Does this guy even have a friend at school?"

Rorschach recalled information related to the black cat in her mind.

Remember... She seems to be a shy, gloomy, untalkative person.

Although there is a lot of talk in my own field, it is the second-degree sickness and hometown field, and it is difficult to find friends in school.

Even if there are, most of them are fat houses, and black cats would probably refuse to approach.

And because of her vicious speech and unfriendly attitude, she seemed to be isolated by the people around her.

Thinking of this, Rorschach seemed to be able to see a capitalized tragic word above the black cat's head.

It's so pathetic!

Just when Rorschach was about to lift the invisibility, two students who looked slightly unhealthy approached the black cat and asked her if she wanted to go to karaoke after school.

The black cat showed bored eyes, refusing with a slightly gloomy tone.

Judging from her impatient tone, this is obviously not the first time.

The two who were rejected by the black cat did not leave immediately, begging each other with a stalker attitude.

Just as they were about to make physical contact, a voice rang in their ears:


The sound with magical power immediately forms mental hypnosis.

The two students immediately collapsed on the ground and began to roll out of the lawn like a ball.

"I'm going... you guys are too hardcore to'get off'!"

Rorschach saw this scene, her eyes twitched.

He could only "command" again:

"Stand up, walk away, and get out of here."

The two took a snapshot and changed back to a normal walking state.

Rorschach revealed her figure, appeared in front of the black cat, raised her hand and waved hello:

"Yo, have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

The black cat looked at him in surprise.

Then, seemingly recalling the "scrolling picture" just now, she couldn't help but laughed out chuckle.

"No way, no way, Rorschach, you were so funny just now! Haha..."

The black cat was clutching his belly and his shoulders kept shaking.

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