I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 717

Rorschach: "The butterfly effect pays attention to causality. I really can't imagine the appearance of the system phone, and the disappearance of Witch's Night, what causal connection can exist."

Altaïr: "Does the plot change under the non-butterfly effect? ​​Could it be the situation of Miss Yuqi, the development of the situation strictly followed the laws of physics, and the unreasonable plot changed directly and automatically?"

Rorschach: "Impossible, it's all magical girls, what physics laws still follow?"

While sending a message, he thought about the reason in his mind.

Conjectures such as the butterfly effect and the laws of physics should be eliminated.

In this way, it can only be considered that Chobe is playing a ghost.

"According to the information disclosed in the original plot, it has no motive to destroy Witch's Night, but... now I have added the variables, the situation is different. Maybe... Is this Chobe doing me a trick?"

Rorschach whispered, uncertain.

At the same time editing the message on the phone.

Rorschach: "@. I have a guess, Chubby may be aware of the plot I sent you, and then it designed a trap for the disappearance of Witch’s Night, and wanted to indirectly let you throw bait to me in this way , Try to attract me over."

Rorschach: "Don't worry, I will go to your side to investigate the specific situation."

Xiao Meiyan: "No! If it is really a trap, it would be too dangerous for you to come over."

Rorschach: "Don't worry about me, it's really dangerous, I will return to the real world at any time."

Regarding safety, he didn't worry much.

Unless you encounter an existence that can kill him with a single move within his reaction time, he is basically invincible with the characteristics of his divine power shield and the characteristic of stopping when the god is immune.

One thought can return to the real world.

If he can't beat him, he can run away.

As for the real encounter that can kill him in a second... That kind of existence sets up a trap to trick him into killing him in the past?This is totally illogical.

Xiao Miyan: "Is it really okay?"

Rorschach: "Don't worry, no problem."

Altaïr: "Those who set this flag usually have trouble."

Rorschach: "..."

The great god Bai Yacha: "We are actually interested in the plot of Miss Yan's world, boy, can you show us it?"

Rorschach: "Farewell, Bai Yasha, I'm afraid you will be hit after reading it."

Great good god Bai Yasha: "?"

Rorschach: "Without Yan's consent, I won't disclose her privacy casually. If you really want to know Bai Yacha, talk to Yan in private."

Rorschach: "Remind you, it's best not to look at it, it will be really shocked."

Great good god Bai Yasha: "You kid! Didn't this completely arouse our curiosity?"

Mistress of Hades: "@. Master, can I know the plot of my world?"

Tokisaki Kuzro: "Oh? The newcomer finally spoke."

Rorschach: "@. Have you finished reading the announcement?"

The mistress of Hades: "Yes, I already have a certain understanding of the relationship between reality and the work, as is the system, and I have tried all the verification methods provided in the announcement."

Mistress of Hades: "I want to know the plot about myself now."

Rorschach: "You accepted it so quickly, this is a good thing, it can save a lot of explanation."

Rorschach: "However, I haven't determined your specific identity yet, so I can't tell you much information. The mistress of the underworld, as far as I know, there are several, who are you?"

Mistress of the Hades: "Eleskigal, this is my name."

Rorschach: "The Mother God of Mesopotamia?"

Mistress of the Hades: "Is there still such a saying, right?"

Rorschach: "Is there a root cause in your place, there are heroic spirits, are you facing the Warcraft disaster? Then you also made a three goddess alliance with the other two goddesses?"

Mistress of Hades: "It seems that you know in detail, is this confirming my identity?"

Rorschach: "That's it. In our group, there happens to be someone who comes from the same world as you."

Rorschach: "@. This is her. But you are in different parallel worlds and different times."

Rin Tosaka: "I'm busy with a task, Rorschach, don't disturb me casually."

Mistress of the Hades: "Wait a minute, people from different parallel worlds and eras can communicate directly with each other?"

Rorschach: "Oh? Will ask this question. It seems that you haven't met a Chaldean person yet."

Rorschach: "Don't be surprised, the system is so mysterious, and the miracles it can achieve are far more than that. By the way, let me change your nickname for you to distinguish your identity."

Soon, the newcomer’s nickname was changed.

Ai Lei: "?"

Ai Lei: "Hey! Why do you change my name without authorization?"

Altaïr: "Give up, newcomer, Yu was the same at the beginning. All members of the group whose strength is not as good as Rorschach, have their nicknames changed by him to their original names.

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Great good god Bai Yasha: "Altaïr is right. Newcomers, use special nicknames in this group, but it is a privilege only for the strong, such as us."

Altaïr: "@. It seems that Miss Black Cat is also such a strong person, Rorschach is ashamed."

Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: "..."

Rorschach: "Well, let's talk about business."

Rorschach: "@. You can know the plot, but you have to exchange it with an invitation to me. This is the current rule."

Ai Lei: "Invitation? The World Pass mentioned in the announcement? After I invite you, can you come to me at will?"

Rorschach: "Yes. You don't have to make a decision right away, you can consider it for a while and then give me the answer, if you are not in a hurry."

Ai Lei: "I understand."

After sending the news, she didn't speak again.

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