I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 723

Rorschach carefully recalled the relevant details, and the more she thought about it, the more headache she got.

If possible, he also hopes that Lumeyuan will live with his parents, younger brothers, and friends as a human being.

It does not exist as a god that cannot appear in this world, as a concept of the universe.

But without Madoka's words, countless magic girls in the timeline will lose hope and become a witch in a desperate manner.

This is a multiple choice question of order and lust.

Kameiyuan chose order.

Xiao Meiyan chose her lust.

"In the final analysis, it is caused by insufficient power..." Rorschach sighed in a low voice, "If the gods hold the godhead, but are not restricted by the godhead, they can freely haunt the human world and switch between gods and people at will. Identity, there are not so many things."

He thought of the existence of other forces that reached or exceeded the level of the multiverse.

For example, the King of Mercury, although his body is too strong, he can only stay on the "seat", but he can use his avatar to go to the human world to do things.

It is equivalent to the game world.

If Maru Shen could do similar things, she wouldn't have to be hostile to Xiao Mi Homura who was in a demon state.

Because order and lust coexist.

Rorschach took out the system phone and clicked on Xiao Meiyan's private chat interface, ready to ask her where she was.

But before the news was edited, he suddenly stopped.

'Wait, what should I say if I find her now?'

"What she longs for is Kame-maru in the form of a human girl, and this, I can’t help her, because it’s only a matter of time before Kame-maru restores her memory and strength.'

Several thoughts flashed through Rorschach's heart.

In the end, he still sent the news.

Rorschach: "Han, where have you been?"

After a while, Xiao Meiyan replied.

Xiao Meiyan: "Sorry, I left without saying hello."

Rorschach: "What do you plan to do next?"

Xiao Meiyan: "I don't know, please give me some time, let me talk to Madoka."

Rorschach: "Okay. If you need help, just say it."

Xiao Meiyan: "Thank you."

Seeing Xiao Meiyan still maintaining a calmness to talk, Rorxia breathed a sigh of relief.

She probably wanted to confirm that Lumeyuan, who had lost her memory and strength, was the Madoka in her memory.

If so... Rorschach estimated that Xiao Miyan would probably choose to take Madoka's personality back from the "Raw of the Ring".

"Wait first and see what she thinks."

Rorschach put away the system phone.

Xiaomeiyan is a member of the group, but Kamemaru is not.

Therefore, if the former chooses to incarnate as a demon and split the personality and godhead of the "Raw of the Ring", he will adopt a supportive attitude here.

As for the subsequent confrontation between gods and demons... I can only believe that my future self is capable of solving this matter.

After figuring it out, Rorschach stopped struggling and got busy with his own affairs.

Now that he has entered the middle power class, the direction for him to become stronger is clear.

Divided into three aspects.

The first is to raise the level of Godhead.He is now "11" level, and the limit of medium power is "15" level.

If the level is capped, the numerical panel will directly increase ten times.

The second is to increase the development of the "time priesthood" and strive to study some special tricks such as "clean world".

The third is to materialize the kingdom of God that has expanded the scale of the planet.

"The materialization of the kingdom of God is not in a hurry. The current'clean world' is worthy of a low-scale supernova explosion. If you increase the power, it will easily cause trouble... It is better to raise the god level first."

After thinking for a while, Rorschach made a decision.

Ever since, he went directly to Disbod and began the great cause of creating the planet with his own power.

Just harvested a wave of beliefs from other worlds, and the transformed divine power was all used in weak divine power to advance to medium divine power.

Currently, if he wants to advance again, he can only accumulate divine power by collecting source power, which is swallowed by the godhead.

Constantly creating matter, constantly interfering with time-so you can reap the source of energy.

Although the speed is not fast, the victory lies in the ease of manipulation.

After a day's time passed in this way, Rorschach stopped.

Xiao Meiyan sent him a message

468 Go and trouble, Hei Changzhi [2/4]

Xiao Meiyan: "Rorschach, can I listen to your opinion?"

Rorschach: "Which aspect? As for whether to follow the original plot?"

Xiao Meiyan: "Yes."

Rorschach: "It depends on your specific ideas, do you want order? Or do you want to follow your own desires? Two starting points will lead to completely different endings."

Rorschach: "I just thought of a few ideas for you, let's meet and talk."

Xiao Meiyan: "Well, I am waiting for you in the bedroom."


After Rorschach put away the system phone, he opened the crossing.

Using the real world as a transit point, he soon came to Xiao Meiyan's boudoir.

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