I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 733

"My name is Rorschach,"

Rorschach took out the system phone and shook it in front of her, saying:

"I am the group leader selected by the system... Wait, you should have read the announcement? Have you understood the basics of the system?"

"System, group leader, announcement..." The girl stared at the phone in Rorschach's hand, her eyes widened. "It turned out to be true, not a trap...!?"

Co-author, you thought it was a trap, no wonder you kept silent... Rorschach confirmed aloud:

"You should be Leticia, right?"

The girl...that is, Leticia didn't reply, her expression looked dazed.

Obviously fell into a shocked state.

What was considered too ridiculous before, so it was not taken seriously, now it has been proved that it is very likely to be genuine...It made her completely unable to calm down.

Is she really a character in the work?

"Leticia?" Rorschach called again.

"Ah... sorry." Leticia returned to her senses and asked, "Do you know me?"

"Your reaction just now, you should have read the announcement?" Rorschach said: "If this is the case, you shouldn't have any more doubts about me knowing your name."

"I did see it, it's just..." Leticia took a deep breath, "It's just a little unbelievable."

"This is easy to handle. I'll take you to meet another member of the group later, so you can be completely sure."

Rorschach said, reaching out to Leticia.

The blonde girl hesitated, then raised her hand to put it on.

Rorschach took her hand and pulled her up from the ground, while using his divine power to heal her injuries burned by the sun.

Feeling a cooling sensation on her body, and then all the pain disappeared, Leticia was slightly surprised.

Is it a healing gift? It worked so fast... She bowed her head to thank Rorschach:

"Thank you for healing me, Mr. Rorschach."

"You're welcome," Rorschach turned her head to look at the few people who had been blown away by herself, and said in doubt: "By the way, who are these people? How could you be brought out of town to bask in the sun?"

"They are members of'Perseus'..."

"Wait,'Perseus'?" Rorschach asked a little surprised: "You have been bought by Luos?"

"Yes," Leticia was a little surprised, "how do you know...Uh, is this also the information in the'work'?"

"That's right." Rorschach nodded, "According to the original trajectory, you should be safe and sound, and then you will be rescued by someone with no name. What is the situation now?"

"The plot of the work... can it also go wrong?" Leticia asked in surprise.

"Leticia, the work only reveals your information, it does not determine your destiny." Rorschach explained: "Whether there are works first and then you, or you first and then works, but it is unknown, so no I care too much about the work."

"Is that so... I know."

Leticia sighed softly and said:

"I will be brought out by Perseus to be tortured mainly because of this thing."

She took the system phone from her butt and handed it to Rorschach.

Rorschach was taken aback, is it really the butterfly effect caused by the system?

"It's like this..."

Leticia began to explain the reason from the beginning.

It turned out that after she was bought by Perseus' leader Luos, she suddenly received an invitation letter from the system.

In the process of getting acquainted with the system phone, her strange movements were discovered by members of Perseus, and people began to ask questions.

In general, only group members can see the system phone.

When group members want others to see, others can see.

But Leticia didn't know this, thinking that everyone in Perseus could see it, and this recognition caused her to subconsciously display the system phone in front of others.

Soon the magical features of mobile phones were revealed.

The people of Perseus were shocked and notified the leader Luos, who thought it was a great treasure, so he wanted to take it.

But every time he got it, the phone would return to Leticia.

Luos couldn't see the contents, so he thought Leticia was playing with him indirectly and refused to give him things.

In particular, Leticia took the initiative to hand over the phone to them, but immediately transferred the phone back-after such a phenomenon happened several times, it completely wiped out Luos' patience.

So there was a scene where Leticia was brought out to bask in the sun by Luos's men.

Not really wanting to kill her, after all, she is a precious commodity.

I just wanted to let her be honest and give up things obediently through this death threat.

After listening, Rorschach fell into a deep state of speechlessness.

Sure enough, getting a system phone is not only a benefit, but also a risk.

Just like Kies Xiute at the beginning, because of the butterfly effect caused by the mobile phone, the time and direction of her escape after being injured changed. She didn't encounter the Araragi calendar and almost died alone on the river bank.


Rorschach's eyes drooped slightly, obviously in a bad mood.

He doesn't have a good feeling for this community that acted as a villain in the original book. Now that something like this has happened, his feelings are even greater.

Although Leticia is now a commodity and a slave, after Perseus spent money to buy her, no matter how she treats her, it conforms to the rules of the box court.

However, the so-called ass determines the head.

Rorschach doesn't care about the rules, he only sees Leticia's experience of being abused.

Even if he doesn't make sense, he will get back a spot for the group members.

At the same time vent their unhappiness.

"Leticia, let's go to town first." Rorschach suggested: "Let's find Bai Yasha first."

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