I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 761

All three are at the level of "Universal Truth", that is, the domain of full power, with a double-digit box court.

"Kalji has to gather ten sun sovereignty and complete the two-digit lingua to be considered a trump card." Rorschach said: "Before that, he only held the four-digit figure of the'simulated star creation'. The combat power is comparable to Nihui Sixteen Nights. It's not a threat, so I'll leave it to me and Yan to deal with it."

"Are you sure it's not a threat?" Bai Yasha reminded: "The'simulated star creation map' is a force that transcends the omnipotent realm, and it is not easy to deal with.

"No problem." Xiao Meiyan replied, and said lightly: "Based on the destructive power algorithm, Rorschach and I can handle it."

"...Huh?" Bai Yacha was taken aback, "Destructive power algorithm? You don't mean that this kid did it?"

"What's wrong with my set?" Rorschach dissatisfied: "It's intuitive and practical. What's the problem?"

"I'm serious, I didn't joking with you kid!" Bai Yasha glared at Rorschach.

Wow-just then, the sound of the fan opening sounded.

Everyone in the room was taken aback, looking at Xiao Meiyan.

I saw Homura holding Shirayasha's fan in his hand.

And gently fan the wind.

"You..." Shiroyasha who was sitting across from Homura was startled, "Why is our fan with you? Realm gate?"

"You lent it to me, have you forgotten?" Yan lightly smiled.

The smile seemed to be a signal, which reminded all the four people present of a scene-Yan borrowed a fan from Bai Yacha, and Bai Yacha threw it to her.

Bai Yacha showed a look of consternation: "Our memory...can you deal with our memory!?"

Rorschach touched his temple, and he was also the subject of manipulation of memory.

This surprised him a bit.

The magical shield didn't block it?

Yan shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the system does not allow us to attack each other. The impression just faded, it is already at the limit."

"That's it, it's really the power to manipulate memory..." Bai Yacha's eyes were amazed, "It actually works for us... It's incredible."

She couldn't help but become vigilant.

Although Homura has explained that he cannot interfere further.

"White Yasha, what I told you before, Homura's power may have surpassed your heyday, is it serious now?"

Rorschach looked at Xiao Meiyan who was wearing a black dress, a little admired in her heart.

It is indeed a devil who can take away the personality of Round God.

Its power is not just as simple as manipulating memory.

For example, Lumeyuan and others, after the memory is modified, even their own power is lost.

This "modification" seems to be omnipotent.

"We are a little convinced this time." Bai Yasha took a deep look at Yan and recognized her strength, "In that case, Galji will leave it to you."

"Now the flag can be taken back steadily."

Leticia heaved a sigh of relief, but soon fell back and murmured:

"It's the name of no name, and I don't know which member of Ouroboros is in the hands of..."


Rorschach briefly recalled the information of the second novel and said:

"The name of no name will appear in the hands of your niece in the future, and your niece was cheated into our Ouroboros by a man named James. I will try to start from this clue and wish to obtain information. ."

"It doesn't matter if you can't get it," Homura reminded: "Galji is from the Ouroboros, right? I will search for information from his memory."

"Kalji doesn't necessarily know," Rorschach was lost in thought, and soon thought of the idea, "I have it! The'musician' must know."

"'Musker'... the leader of the original fantasy magic book group, that demon king?"

Homura also remembered that there was such a person.

All five people present have read novels and are no strangers to "musicians".

It was the poet who tempted Leticia to become a demon king.

The poet now works for Ouroboros, and his status is not low.

The Ouroboros was sent out to supervise the existence of Galji.

The secret of our Ouroboros that he knew was not comparable to that of Carlji.

Prying his mouth open, there is a great possibility that he will directly obtain the information he wants.

"Yes, it's him." Rorschach nodded, "Let's go get the banner first. If the'Musker' is with Calgi, I can save the second round of wishing searching."

"What if the'musician' doesn't know the information of the name?" Ai Lei asked suddenly.

"..." Rorschach looked at her helplessly, "Don't curse, Ai Lei, what if you get poisoned?"

Ai Lei: "?"

"In short, if the'musician' doesn't know..." Rorschach sighed: "Then you can only buy a'pass through card' to lock the target.

The crossing card can choose the crossing location and time.

It should be done by silently reading "Crossing to the people who hold the name of the Arcadia community"?


The division of labor between plans and tasks is thus established.

The five quickly dispersed and began to work on their own.

After Rorxia and Yan took a large sum of money from Bai Yasha, they embarked on a journey to find Galji.

Money is naturally used to ride the realm gate.

It can be regarded as a characteristic project of the experience box garden.

What is the use of Bai Yacha's savings for so many years without spending any money for her?

After leaving the Thousand Eyes branch, Yan Chao Rorschach asked:

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