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Chapter 1103: Onlookers

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Chapter 1103: Onlookers

In the tumultuous battle, Su Chen was boiling with blood, and even the low temperature near the absolute zero in the void was unable to cool Su Chen's heart.

However, Su Chen, a layman, can only look at the excitement, but what Long Dingtian, an layman, sees, is not limited to the superficial spiritual collision, but is more a cause and effect between worshipping Tianzun and Ma Yuanhao pressing.

"I ca n’t think of it. I do n’t think it's strange that Ma Yuanhao stepped into the state of hearing Taoism. The inheritance of Tianyuan School was originally from Yuanzi, the ancestor of Dixian. He originally originated from Taoism. The ancestor of Sanqing, but worshipped the fire, and even half-footed into the realm of hearing the Tao, which is a bit amazing. "

Hearing Long Dingtian's words, Su Chen asked in wonder: "What is the state of smelling the Tao."

"The so-called avenue is the cause and effect of the world, and the power of cause and effect is the rule of the world, also known as the law, the natural opportunity, the good fortune ...

The so-called Wendao realm does not belong to the ordinary realm hierarchy. It is a unique field. Only those who can control the cause and effect avenue can be qualified to enter the threshold of the Tao. Threshold, if you can't even hear the voice of the road, then in this life, you will never want to step into the kingdom of God. "

Su Chen frowned slightly, the mystery of cause and effect, he had already realized, but regarding the power of cause and effect, Su Chen had not been involved at all, let alone control.

"Is this worship of the Fire God, half-foot into the realm of God?"

"It's a long way off, even if it's the horse chief, now it just touches the threshold of God's kingdom."

"What about you seniors?"


Long Ding laughed: "I am a dragon. The practice of the dragon is not as complicated as the human race. As long as the bloodline is strong and the strength reaches the standard, it will naturally break through."

Su Chen couldn't help rolling her eyes, this kind of tribe's superiority was just an ordinary behavior.

Long Dingtian suddenly gave Su Chen a suspicious look: "Brother, are you really a descendant of our Dragon clan? Don't you even know this?"

"Ahem ... I'm from Xiao Qian Shijie, and I'm very inexperienced."

"No wonder, although Xiaoqian World has also spread a lot of Dragon descendants, but the blood is mostly impure, and the blood lineage that can be received is relatively small. Dragon descendants like you who can come to Daqian World are now rare. "

Then, Long Dingtian suddenly touched his stomach: "I'm hungry, and I don't know when the battle will be finished, or I will let my brother do it, and finish the meal early."

It's a real food ...

"Isn't the predecessor saying that he doesn't like to bully more and less, that would undermine the majesty of the Dragons."

"You don't say I don't say, who knows."

"Ahem ... then please take a shot."

Su Chen also wanted to end the battle sooner, and he would not die if he worshipped Huo Tianzun.

"Look at me."

Long Dingtian swayed straight and went straight to the battlefield.

Three-to-one, worshiping Huo Tianzun is afraid that even an hour will not last, but a person often struggles before dying is the most violent, so Su Chen still implements the purpose of counseling a wave and did not venture to the battlefield. Instead, she hid secretly on a small meteorite to observe in the dark.

The fire was rippling, and once covered the light of the star, Su Chen widened her eyes and observed carefully, and found that the flame released by the worship of the Heavenly Fire is very unusual. Generally, any light has seven primary colors, which is the color of the rainbow. However, the flame of worshipping the heavenly fire has nine primary colors.

This is the first time Su Chen has encountered this phenomenon.

Su Chen estimated that the flames used in worshipping the Heavenly Fire should not be small. Based on Su Chen's understanding of the nature of the flames, the nine primary colors of flames should be very old, and certainly not belong to the flames of this era.

There are innumerable changes in the world, and it is not easy to understand clearly.

What Su Chen cares about is not this issue, but his daylight, if the engulfment and absorption of this nine-color fire, what effect will it bring.

Just when Su Chen was thinking seriously, she suddenly slaps a hand on Su Chen's shoulder, and scares Su Chen directly.

He looked back, and suddenly found a girl wearing a long white snow dress, noble and elegant, but holding a greasy pig's paw in her hand, looking at Su Chen with her smart eyes open.

"Who are you!"

Su Chen was really scared by this woman, but it was a void outside the region, and a person suddenly appeared. Su Chen hadn't even sensed it in advance, which was really a bit horrible.

It is shrouded in aura, but in a short distance, it is not really a vacuum environment.

The girl took a bite of greasy pig's claws, as if the onlookers who came to eat melon and watched the opera, said, "I saw someone fighting here, so come here to see the fun, brother, don't you come to see the fun too? You follow I said alas. "

This chick ... is really big.

How busy are you to go to the sky to see the excitement.

However, Su Chen didn't dare to despise this girl, she could appear behind her without even knowing it, and she was probably above her.

Although it may seem silly, maybe it is a hidden master?

Su Chen thought, and invited the girl in white to sit down and explain: "Look at the nine-color flame, which is the top ten worship worshiper in the 72nd house. It is known as the worship of the fire lord, and the blue aura is from the heavens. Ma Yuanhao is a long-time horseman. The fox is the three-headed fox fairy king of the Temple of Killing. The dragon is the dragon warrior Long Dingtian from the dragon cave. The last three are my newly-accepted younger brothers. I'm looking for them. Help me to fight against the worship of the Venerable Heaven, now you understand. "


The girl in white dragged the end of the tasting, and nodded, seemingly understandable, and said, "I see, you're bragging."

"Don't believe it, pull down, eat your pig's claws."

"It's delicious, do you want to eat it?" Said the young girl, and found a pig's claw out of her pocket and handed it to Su Chen.

Su Chen rolled her eyes and refused: "Thanks, I'm on a hunger strike."

"No luck."

The girl withdrew the pig's paw, and choked it with interest, eating a mouthful of red oil, as if coated with a layer of oily lip gloss.

"What's your name?" Su Chen asked.

The origin of this girl is definitely not simple. Su Chen wants to find out if she has any chance to make friends.

In the cultivation of immortals, connections are also a very important criterion for judging the strength. It is definitely beneficial to make more strong friends.

The girl wiped the oil on the lips and said, "My name is ... flower girl."

"Who gave you such a rustic name?"

"It's so soiled, no vision, but this is the name my maiden gave me."

The two chatted for a while, but Su Chen soon discovered that the words in the girl's mouth were true, false, and false, and eight sentences of ten words were unreliable, and she could not figure out where she came from.

Although it may seem silly to behave, it is shrewd in nature.

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